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<brikerw> how high does fire aspect go?
<TheNumeralOne> II i think.
<TheNumeralOne> To buy books, buy a bookcase and then break it.
<brikerw> crap need book
<brikerw> this dude has good trade, but keeps climbing all the way in
<TheNumeralOne> What is it?
<brikerw> fireaspect 2 for 11 emeralds
<brikerw> donate 1 emerald to buy bookshelf?
<TheNumeralOne> Sure :)
<TheNumeralOne> Stuck iron golem.
<brikerw> villager maze. woah
<brikerw> 1 want the books?
<TheNumeralOne> Sure :D
<TheNumeralOne> got them.
<brikerw> okai
<brikerw> is fire 2 for 11 good trade?
<TheNumeralOne> Yes, lowest possible cost is 10.
<brikerw> dang
<brikerw> there was another for 26. :P
<brikerw> same book, different trade
<TheNumeralOne> But I don't think any in my village offer that low.
<TheNumeralOne> There is mending for 14 btw.
<brikerw> dang out of emeralds. :(
<brikerw> do you have a farmer?
<TheNumeralOne> ?
<brikerw> farmer villager
<TheNumeralOne> In that village.
<TheNumeralOne> I never thought of that D:
<brikerw> roflmao
<TheNumeralOne> I always forget about bonemeal.
<TheNumeralOne> I'll go grab some from my skely farm.
<brikerw> okai
<brikerw> following
CallistoOB joined the game
<brikerw> :D
<brikerw> hai
<CallistoOB> hiya!!!!! IT'S BEEN SO LONG
<TheNumeralOne> hello!
<brikerw> WE CAN TALKS
<CallistoOB> YAY
<brikerw> oh
<CallistoOB> woops caps
<brikerw> lost you 1.
<TheNumeralOne> 170x 0z
<CallistoOB> was the button so hard?
HelkaHomba joined the game
<CallistoOB> HI
<CallistoOB> :D
<HelkaHomba> Hi
<TheNumeralOne> hi!
<CallistoOB> Thanks for your message :D
<brikerw> what he say?
<CallistoOB> look a few messages after ya pinged me
<brikerw> which ping?
<CallistoOB> the latest methinks
<brikerw> in TNB or minecraft server?
<CallistoOB> TNB
<HelkaHomba> Oh, right :)
<brikerw> okai
<CallistoOB> ^_^
brikerw left the game.
<HelkaHomba> I forgot Callisto=Conor for a sec :P
<CallistoOB> XD
<CallistoOB> sowee
brikerw joined the game
<brikerw> #nofind
<CallistoOB> o-o
<CallistoOB> hey helka could you link him? I don't have that ability :P
<brikerw> did you pull oration?
<CallistoOB> yes I did ^_^
<HelkaHomba> https://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/240?m=28631086#28631086
<brikerw> oh
<brikerw> nice message HelkaHomba
<brikerw> CallistoOB what exactly happened?
<CallistoOB> someone serial voted me
<brikerw> what?
<brikerw> how does that work?
<CallistoOB> I was accused of having a friend serial vote me on multiple occassions
<brikerw> oh
<brikerw> not me
<TheNumeralOne> Not me D:
<CallistoOB> I figured ^_^
<Phasesaber> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
<CallistoOB> I lost 1.2k rep tho
<brikerw> not forever
<brikerw> it reverts
Phasesaber left the game.
<CallistoOB> nope it's gone
<HelkaHomba> Really?
<brikerw> yeah it comes back when you get desuspended
<CallistoOB> no, it was reversing serial votes
<brikerw> oh
<CallistoOB> I'll have 1.2k less rep when I get back
<brikerw> that much? O_O
<CallistoOB> yeah o_o
<brikerw> i get why they thought that now
<brikerw> that is a *lot*
<CallistoOB> yup ^_^
<TheNumeralOne> Do you know who?
<brikerw> ^
<CallistoOB> PNME DFcsd
<brikerw> what?
<CallistoOB> FUCK
<brikerw> is that a name?
<CallistoOB> u'ISJZiar tjSNfga
<CallistoOB> SORRY
<CallistoOB> ONE SEOFnv
<brikerw> oh
<brikerw> little brother?
<CallistoOB> FUCKMNEISgsni
<brikerw> oh
<brikerw> run
<CallistoOB> Riyugn
<CallistoOB> TRIN
<CallistoOB> tRIYNG
<brikerw> stahp chatting
<CallistoOB> kWww
<CallistoOB> they're gone now I think'
<CallistoOB> so sorry
<HelkaHomba> got last m,usic disc :D
<CallistoOB> gj!
<brikerw> ^
<CallistoOB> okay
<CallistoOB> I do not know who
<TheNumeralOne> The damage around nether spawn from ghasts is incredable.
<brikerw> ^
<CallistoOB> I haven't been in the nether yet :P
<HelkaHomba> Do you guys live thru long tunnel?
<CallistoOB> I do sort of
<HelkaHomba> or is that vtc?
<brikerw> vtc
<CallistoOB> me vtc and riker do
<CallistoOB> iirc
<brikerw> yeah
<TheNumeralOne> The one that goes to village and ugly mob farm?
<CallistoOB> riker where'd you put my button? :/
<brikerw> can't get in with it.....
<CallistoOB> nvm
<CallistoOB> you can't?
<brikerw> oh dude find the hidden passge in that house... :P
<brikerw> CallistoOB nope
<CallistoOB> I can.
<CallistoOB> :P
<brikerw> ._.
<CallistoOB> I'll show you
<brikerw> i can but really hard
<CallistoOB> For security m8
<TheNumeralOne> Horse threw music disk at me.
<CallistoOB> and because you made the walls too thin >_>
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> Thanks Helka!
<HelkaHomba> np
<brikerw> rofl
<brikerw> cow came through nether portal
<TheNumeralOne> I know :D
<brikerw> i didn't kill him. :P
<CallistoOB> ʜᴀɪ!
<brikerw> hai
<brikerw> ?
<CallistoOB> \o/
<HelkaHomba> Hi
<brikerw> oh, small caps render right. :P
<brikerw> but :D
<TheNumeralOne> Phase's zombie farm needs improved.
<HelkaHomba> Now to find briker + Magenta
<brikerw> ^
<brikerw> HelkaHomba what?
MagentaField left the game.
<brikerw> at spawn portal
MagentaField joined the game
<brikerw> oorrrrnot
<TheNumeralOne> Yay, mending is working!!!!
<CallistoOB> is it possible to add the sleep log to chat?
<CallistoOB> *chat relay
<HelkaHomba> Was someone making a village somewhere?
<brikerw> 1 has one, and i have one
<CallistoOB> 1 has 1 :3
<TheNumeralOne> Mine should have > 100 villagers.
<brikerw> mine is small, 1's is a maxed out villager farm
<brikerw> HelkaHomba at spawn?
<HelkaHomba> @Call yes, quartata and I decided against it
<HelkaHomba> heading to spawn
<brikerw> going towards 170x 0z
<TheNumeralOne> Bow almost healed.
<TheNumeralOne> I'll pay a diamond for Fortune III book.
<HelkaHomba> I'd pay 3
<CallistoOB> I'd pay 0
<brikerw> ^
<TheNumeralOne> My village doesn't have fortune, and I'm too lazy to gather up experiance needed.
<brikerw> Pietu has billboards
<brikerw> and hai
<brikerw> :D
<brikerw> thx
<HelkaHomba> Where is your village 1?
<brikerw> now to get jukebox
<brikerw> HelkaHomba follow me
<CallistoOB> ^^
<brikerw> got to spawn portalw
<brikerw> CallistoOB ^
<CallistoOB> ?
<TheNumeralOne> Helmet & bow healed ... yay!
<brikerw> for village, go to spawn nether portal
<brikerw> dude your horse is too fast
<TheNumeralOne> My horse can't jump very good/
<brikerw> ^
<MagentaField> theres a ghast
<TheNumeralOne> Bows vs ghast = profit
<MagentaField> thats what i thought
<MagentaField> then i forgot arrows
<brikerw> dangit wrong way
<CallistoOB> bows - arrows + ghast = ded
<MagentaField> bows + arrows + ghast = ghast ded
<brikerw> no kill cow
<TheNumeralOne> ^
<HelkaHomba> wow
<HelkaHomba> party
<brikerw> much maxed outness
<CallistoOB> I g2g soon
<CallistoOB> need to to a project
<TheNumeralOne> Flame for 9 emeralds
<brikerw> what project?
<brikerw> hm
<CallistoOB> some poster 'bout the book of jeremiah
<brikerw> flame vs mending
<HelkaHomba> mending
<brikerw> hate that book, too depressing
<HelkaHomba> The mending book?
<brikerw> yeah
brikerw left the game.
MagentaField left the game.
MagentaField joined the game
brikerw joined the game
<MagentaField> so this village gets laggy at night?
<brikerw> yeah
<TheNumeralOne> For me.
<MagentaField> do you know why
<TheNumeralOne> Probably doors.
<TheNumeralOne> gtg
TheNumeralOne left the game.
<brikerw> well bai
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<CallistoOB> bai
<brikerw> bai
<CallistoOB> but hai
<CallistoOB> ??
<brikerw> what?
<brikerw> my lag removeal?
<CallistoOB> you left but you came back
<CallistoOB> ooo
<brikerw> yah lag
<HelkaHomba> o gee
<CallistoOB> My hobby: making intracite tunnels in a base
<MagentaField> helka, what do you think?
<HelkaHomba> surreal
<HelkaHomba> well, the lower part
<MagentaField> the top part is someone else's
<HelkaHomba> daavko's?
<MagentaField> yup
<HelkaHomba> ahh
<MagentaField> the hgard part was combining your ceiling with his floor
<MagentaField> *hard
<brikerw> your copy house?
<MagentaField> yup
<HelkaHomba> nice map
<MagentaField> thanks
<CallistoOB> hey riker can I show you someting?
<brikerw> where?
<CallistoOB> @ base
<brikerw> hm
<CallistoOB> go to the nether potal if you are going to
<brikerw> nether portal is one way
<CallistoOB> >
<CallistoOB> ?
<CallistoOB> I mean the location of
<brikerw> links to quartata's overworld house not our base
<brikerw> 2 portals merged
<CallistoOB> o
<HelkaHomba> This map not updating :/
<CallistoOB> well get to the base and don't go through the portal
<MagentaField> ah, updated
<brikerw> conor omw
<CallistoOB> ?
<brikerw> on my way
<CallistoOB> o right
<CallistoOB> I thought omw meant "oh my word"
<HelkaHomba> afk for a while
<CallistoOB> kk
MagentaField left the game.
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<brikerw> conor @base
<CallistoOB> kk goto the portal downstairs
<brikerw> there
<brikerw> nice
<CallistoOB> you're invis
<CallistoOB> nvm
<brikerw> conor come
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<brikerw> torch?
<brikerw> wait a mo
<CallistoOB> kk
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<brikerw> sorry bad bad lag
<CallistoOB> ok
<CallistoOB> ;o
<CallistoOB> follow :D
<brikerw> wait must fill back up
<CallistoOB> >
<CallistoOB> ?
<CallistoOB> o
<CallistoOB> the tunnel?
<brikerw> yah
<CallistoOB> y
<CallistoOB> ?
<brikerw> so is sekrit
<CallistoOB> ok
<brikerw> thx
<brikerw> wait has more?
<CallistoOB> me?
<brikerw> slabs
<CallistoOB> \o/
<brikerw> conor stand here
<CallistoOB> follow
<CallistoOB> wait were
<brikerw> worked. :D
<CallistoOB> wat did?
<brikerw> just testing the sword
<CallistoOB> XD
<CallistoOB> follow
<brikerw> now following
<brikerw> roflmao
<CallistoOB> XD
<brikerw> we needs jukebox
<CallistoOB> \o/
<CallistoOB> yah
<CallistoOB> diamond tho
<brikerw> danigt kenny hid the diamons
<CallistoOB> who?
<brikerw> you missed him
<CallistoOB> who is kenny?
<brikerw> my rl friend and new to this server
<CallistoOB> o
<brikerw> as KennyTheCool
<CallistoOB> does he code golf?
<brikerw> ish
<CallistoOB> any posts?
<brikerw> suckily
<brikerw> and not yet
<CallistoOB> XD
<CallistoOB> tell him to use FOG
<brikerw> has SO account tho
<brikerw> already did. :P
<CallistoOB> XD
<brikerw> oh found
<CallistoOB> found what?
<brikerw> wait is yours?
<CallistoOB> dimaodn?
<brikerw> whose are this
<CallistoOB> *diamond
<CallistoOB> are what?
<brikerw> chests
<CallistoOB> idk
<brikerw> brb pinging sherlock
<CallistoOB> I thought it was ours
<CallistoOB> I put stuff in there >_>
<brikerw> he moved in also, and this isn't mine
<CallistoOB> o
<CallistoOB> say I told him "HI SHERL"
<CallistoOB> brb
<CallistoOB> mining
<brikerw> oh for diamond?
<brikerw> thx
<CallistoOB> yup
<CallistoOB> what level do they occur @?
<brikerw> like4-12
<CallistoOB> ok
<brikerw> kenny started a mine
<CallistoOB> another one?
<brikerw> down there
<CallistoOB> where/
<brikerw> gimme amo
<CallistoOB> k
<brikerw> dude?
<CallistoOB> halp
<brikerw> where is
<brikerw> lmg, lost
<CallistoOB> in my place
<CallistoOB> nvm
<CallistoOB> I'm good
<brikerw> what happened
<CallistoOB> skele
<brikerw> roflmao
<CallistoOB> found a cave
<brikerw> my house upstairs used to be a death trap
<CallistoOB> XD
HelkaHomba left the game.
<CallistoOB> HOLY
<brikerw> omw
<brikerw> where r u
<CallistoOB> in my section in a hole
<CallistoOB> past the furnace in the wall
<CallistoOB> XD you almost killed me
<CallistoOB> more
<CallistoOB> thx
TheNumeralOne joined the game
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<brikerw> lag
<CallistoOB> o
<TheNumeralOne> Hello!
<brikerw> hai
<CallistoOB> hi!
<CallistoOB> incoming
HelkaHomba joined the game
HelkaHomba left the game.
<CallistoOB> dude it's a wormhole
HelkaHomba joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> Sleep someone.
CallistoOB left the game.
HelkaHomba left the game.
CallistoOB joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> Already day.
HelkaHomba joined the game
<CallistoOB> o
<HelkaHomba> Day yet?>
<TheNumeralOne> yes
<CallistoOB> eyyy enderman
<CallistoOB> no drops
<TheNumeralOne> Who put sand in village?
<TheNumeralOne> Nevermind, I see why.
<HelkaHomba> Is SE chat down for anyone else?
<CallistoOB> Yes, but for me a different reason :P
<TheNumeralOne> not ppcg chat.
<brikerw> TheNumeralOne o me.
<brikerw> don't let him out
<TheNumeralOne> I put it back.
<brikerw> thx
<CallistoOB> #lost
<brikerw> #coming
<CallistoOB> #thanks
<TheNumeralOne> Be careful with placing blocks in the village though. In wrong places, doors are no longer houses.
<CallistoOB> o found exit
<CallistoOB> XD
<CallistoOB> btw I made like seven esolangs already :P
<brikerw> roflmao
<CallistoOB> well g2t
<CallistoOB> *g2g
<brikerw> don't stay here
<CallistoOB> I'm back at home
<brikerw> go back to house and leave
<brikerw> #rekt
<CallistoOB> #minecrekt
<CallistoOB> that's going to be my next language: hashtags
<brikerw> gonna star that in chat relay
<brikerw> and rofl
<CallistoOB> bai
CallistoOB left the game.
TheNumeralOne left the game.
<brikerw> i feel so alone with a dead chat
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
brikerw left the game.
quartata joined the game
<quartata> boo
<quartata> anyone have a eff 4 book?
<quartata> or know a villager who sells one
<quartata> @phase I just timed your mule and it has a speed of almost .17 so I'm pretty sure that means they're
<quartata> fixed like donkeys
<quartata> also @el'endiaStarman skeleton horses also have fixed speeds (.20)
quartata left the game.
Carnivous joined the game
TheNumeralOne joined the game
<Carnivous> Hi 1
<TheNumeralOne> Hi!
<TheNumeralOne> How have you died only 4 times?
<Carnivous> By being good at Minecraft ಠ_ಠ
<TheNumeralOne> Where is the quartz being used at?
<Carnivous> Nether hub
<TheNumeralOne> where is that?
<Carnivous> There's a long cobble path from the nether spawn
<TheNumeralOne> There is nether fortresses everywhere.
<TheNumeralOne> Over here?
<Carnivous> Yes
<Carnivous> So yeah, you kind of get an idea as to how much quartz is needed
Carnivous left the game.
<TheNumeralOne> There are about 4 stacks iron at iron farm
<HelkaHomba> Does firtune go up to 3?
<TheNumeralOne> yes
<HelkaHomba> fortune*
TheNumeralOne left the game.
HelkaHomba left the game.
MagentaField joined the game
MagentaField left the game.
10 hours later…
epicTCK joined the game
epicTCK left the game.
quartata joined the game
<quartata> @phase can I borrow a saddle?
<quartata> dafuq I don't have any nametags
<quartata> Thanks for dirt?
epicTCK joined the game
<quartata> no saddles no name tags :/ gotta go fishing
<quartata> hello
<epicTCK> hello
<quartata> oi where did my pumpkin farm go
<quartata> it's been replaced by this highly suboptimal one
quartata left the game.
<epicTCK> bai
epicTCK left the game.
epicTCK joined the game
TheNumeralOne joined the game
<epicTCK> yo
<TheNumeralOne> hola
<epicTCK> como estas?
<epicTCK> Yo estoy muy bein, gracias.
<epicTCK> e tu?
<epicTCK> muy bein, gracias.
<TheNumeralOne> Yo no hablo espanol.
<epicTCK> how is the mob grinder coming along?
<epicTCK> parles vu france?
<TheNumeralOne> I don't know any french at all .
<epicTCK> i took 1 semester forgotten nearly all of it
<TheNumeralOne> I've taken a tiny bit of spanish, self study.
<TheNumeralOne> Are you still in High School?
<epicTCK> middle school.... 8th grade
<epicTCK> i gtg bbl
epicTCK left the game.
<TheNumeralOne> bye!
TheNumeralOne left the game.
TheNumeralOne joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> Horses can't climb ladders :(
TheNumeralOne left the game.
TheNumeralOne joined the game
epicTCK joined the game
<epicTCK> hey
<TheNumeralOne> Hey!
epicTCK left the game.
epicTCK joined the game
TheNumeralOne left the game.
epicTCK was slain by Zombie
TheNumeralOne joined the game
epicTCK left the game.
epicTCK joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> You need to start using armor.
<epicTCK> OK LAG..
<epicTCK> it was a chunk glitch
<epicTCK> baby zombie stopped moving, not taking hits, then i died.
<TheNumeralOne> Still, with Thorns it would haave died anyways.
<epicTCK> i dont exactly have a base....
<epicTCK> i spend all my time making it but its a HUGE project, so I never mine.
<TheNumeralOne> I have the opposite problem. I like to gather resources so much that I end up never using them.
<epicTCK> this one chunk never loads...
<TheNumeralOne> F3 + A
<epicTCK> I used to know that....
<epicTCK> thnks
<TheNumeralOne> No problem.
<epicTCK> i have tons of resources though, because my big projects involve lots of digging
<TheNumeralOne> gtg
TheNumeralOne left the game.
<epicTCK> bai
epicTCK left the game.
epicTCK joined the game
epicTCK left the game.
HelkaHomba joined the game
HelkaHomba left the game.
1 hour later…
daavko joined the game
daavko left the game.
TheNumeralOne joined the game
daavko joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> hallo!
ElectroRedstoner joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> Hello!
<ElectroRedstoner> hey!
daavko left the game.
daavko joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> A chicken with an invisible baby zombie on it attacked me just now.
<ElectroRedstoner> lol
<daavko> Yo
<TheNumeralOne> Hey!
<ElectroRedstoner> I just hit myself with an egg...?
TheNumeralOne left the game.
daavko left the game.
daavko joined the game
daavko left the game.
ElectroRedstoner left the game.
TheNumeralOne joined the game
daavko joined the game
<daavko> Finally there's some normal latency on this wifi
<TheNumeralOne> Is it a centurylink?
<daavko> Oh wait there's not
daavko left the game.
TheNumeralOne left the game.
daavko joined the game
TheNumeralOne joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> Are poisonous potatoes useful for anything?
<daavko> Dunno. I just eat them anyway
TheNumeralOne left the game.
daavko left the game.
daavko joined the game
TheNumeralOne joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> xorg just crashed for me .
epicTCK joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> Hey epic
<epicTCK> hey
<TheNumeralOne> I found a zombie pigman with a diamond sword.
<epicTCK> killed someone I guess
<epicTCK> or picked it up after someone died
<TheNumeralOne> Should I kill it and risk the revenge of its friends?
<epicTCK> no.
<epicTCK> unless you are far from netherbase
<TheNumeralOne> I'm right there.
<epicTCK> it just causes a hassle
<epicTCK> i mean, if you want, but
<TheNumeralOne> Will they attack other players?
<epicTCK> yes
daavko left the game.
ElectroRedstoner joined the game
epicTCK left the game.
<TheNumeralOne> Got the sword.
<ElectroRedstoner> ummm, epic kinda left... are you talking to him?
<TheNumeralOne> I guess :P
<TheNumeralOne> I took a diamond sword from a zombie pigman.
<ElectroRedstoner> oh, okay
daavko joined the game
<ElectroRedstoner> hello!
<TheNumeralOne> Hi!
<daavko> Hi
<daavko> Maybe I won't time out this time...
ElectroRedstoner hit the ground too hard
<ElectroRedstoner earned FLY_PIG>
<ElectroRedstoner> misjudged the height...
<daavko> But you have the achievement, which is nice
<ElectroRedstoner> I think it's a fair trade :)
<TheNumeralOne> My mending villager offers Fortune III for an awesome price too.
TheNumeralOne left the game.
TheNumeralOne joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> Is there any way to name a villager?
<daavko> Dunno
<daavko> Maybe nametags will work
<ElectroRedstoner> I think, but I don't know how
<ElectroRedstoner> maybe shift right click with a name tag?
<daavko> That might work
<TheNumeralOne> Doesn't that open the villager menu though?
<ElectroRedstoner> I don't know
<ElectroRedstoner> I've never tried
<daavko> I'll go test in creative, I'm interested too. Bye for now
daavko left the game.
<TheNumeralOne> My perfect pick is complete :D
<ElectroRedstoner> nice!
<ElectroRedstoner> I'm still working with iron :(
<ElectroRedstoner> whatever, good enough
<TheNumeralOne> I've been putting mending on all my stuff over the past few days.
daavko joined the game
<ElectroRedstoner> find anything?
MagentaField joined the game
daavko left the game.
<TheNumeralOne> Hello!
<MagentaField> hi
<TheNumeralOne> @Electro Were you asking me or daavko?
<ElectroRedstoner> daavko
daavko joined the game
<daavko> Looks like it's not possible to name a villager without commands...
MagentaField left the game.
<daavko> Even clicking with shift opens the trade menu. Now we can't have a villager named Bob
<TheNumeralOne> I think you can do it from within a portal maybe?
<ElectroRedstoner> that's an interesting idea
<ElectroRedstoner> I'll test it
ElectroRedstoner left the game.
ElectroRedstoner joined the game
<ElectroRedstoner> confirmed: possible to name villager from inside a portal
<daavko> Nice
<TheNumeralOne> Who is the signmaster?
MagentaField joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> hello!
<MagentaField> hi
<daavko> Yo magenta. Where's cyan?
<MagentaField> ...
<daavko> That's a bad pun, isn't it?
<MagentaField> yes
<daavko> Sorry
<TheNumeralOne> btw, I have pick for sale.
<TheNumeralOne> It has Fortune III, Unbreaking III, and Mending. Also, it is an iron pickaxe.
MagentaField left the game.
daavko left the game.
daavko joined the game
epicTCK joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> hey epic!
<epicTCK> eno hey
<epicTCK> *eno yeh
MagentaField joined the game
<epicTCK> hey
<MagentaField> hi
<TheNumeralOne> This person's place is very nice.
<epicTCK> whose?
<TheNumeralOne> I'm not sure.
<epicTCK> or where?
<TheNumeralOne> -1700x 1600z
<epicTCK> oh the desert temple?
<TheNumeralOne> no.
<TheNumeralOne> I think it is Carnivous's
<epicTCK> nvm
epicTCK left the game.
epicTCK joined the game
<epicTCK> what were they again?
<epicTCK> got kicked for "flying"
<TheNumeralOne> what?
<epicTCK> the coords
<TheNumeralOne> -1700x 1600z
<TheNumeralOne> Hello!
<MagentaField> hi
<TheNumeralOne> Is this your place?
<MagentaField> no
<epicTCK> i think u gave me the wrong coords///
<epicTCK> *...
<MagentaField> no, they're right
<TheNumeralOne> It is below ground.
<epicTCK> its really far..
<MagentaField> y is ~40
<MagentaField> i went by nether portal
<TheNumeralOne> same
<TheNumeralOne> Did zombie pigman steal sword from anyone?
TheNumeralOne left the game.
<epicTCK> found it
<epicTCK> nice place
MagentaField left the game.
<epicTCK> REALLLY nice place
<epicTCK> who took the egg the first time
daavko left the game.
daavko joined the game
epicTCK left the game.
daavko left the game.
TheNumeralOne joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> Hello!
<ElectroRedstoner> hey!
<ElectroRedstoner> Can I strip mine?
<TheNumeralOne> I thinks so.
<TheNumeralOne> Just don't do it right at spawn.
<ElectroRedstoner> yeah, okay
<ElectroRedstoner> I'm gonna do some redstone testing for a bit, bbl
ElectroRedstoner left the game.
TheNumeralOne left the game.
epicTCK joined the game
TheNumeralOne joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> Hey epic!
<epicTCK> hey
<TheNumeralOne> What is your favorite programming language?
<epicTCK> javascript?
<TheNumeralOne> Cool.
<TheNumeralOne> For browser or for Node?
<epicTCK> browser
epicTCK left the game.
TheNumeralOne left the game.
HelkaHomba joined the game
2 hours later…
TheNumeralOne joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> Hello!

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