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Chat Relay
<epicTCK> hi
<epicTCK> they arent lakes yet
<epicTCK> but they will be
<HelkaHomba> cool
<epicTCK> they will be at different levels, stepping down
<epicTCK> then a river out the dam
<epicTCK> then out here around the river a large farmland
<epicTCK> with windmills
<quartata> Holy shit this village has child labor
<quartata> I'm watching this infant plant seeds
<epicTCK> lಠl
<quartata> I'm calling child protective services on riker
<HelkaHomba> ain't no wind in minecraft
<quartata> this is too far
<HelkaHomba> bye for now
HelkaHomba left the game.
<epicTCK> kk
LegionMammal978 joined the game
<epicTCK> hi
<LegionMammal978> Hey
quartata left the game.
<epicTCK> bai
<LegionMammal978> Where are you?
<epicTCK> me?
<LegionMammal978> Yeah
<epicTCK> 82 79 541
<LegionMammal978> I see, you're a rebel and went the other direction
<epicTCK> :DD
<epicTCK> no im by one's base
<LegionMammal978> How is it day 1741 already?
<LegionMammal978> hi
<epicTCK> hi
<epicTCK> hese are the great lakes
<epicTCK> *these
<epicTCK> i am making them
<epicTCK> they will be my base
<LegionMammal978> Maybe I'lll set up my base near here
<epicTCK> i pretty much own the mountain, so..
<epicTCK> follow me ill show u
<LegionMammal978> Coarse dirt now generates naturally?
<epicTCK> thats my waterfal
<epicTCK> there is a HUGE waterfall over here
<LegionMammal978> I happen to be pretending to be pretending to be mildly hydrophobic
<epicTCK> woops
<epicTCK> hey
<epicTCK> i gtg
<LegionMammal978> Ch$%^&s fruits?
<epicTCK> bbl
<epicTCK> yep
<epicTCK> chours fruits
<epicTCK> *courus?
<epicTCK> chorus
<epicTCK> bye
epicTCK left the game.
LegionMammal978 left the game.
Chat Relay
CallistoOB joined the game
<CallistoOB> allo
CallistoOB left the game.
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HelkaHomba joined the game
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MagentaField joined the game
<HelkaHomba> Hi
<MagentaField> hi
MagentaField left the game.
MagentaField joined the game
MagentaField left the game.
Chat Relay
MagentaField joined the game
Carnivous joined the game
<MagentaField> hi
<Carnivous> Hi
<HelkaHomba> lost underground without food :(
<MagentaField> where?
<HelkaHomba> In a cave my mine led to
<MagentaField> do you want me to get you or are you ok?
<HelkaHomba> its ok
MagentaField left the game.
HelkaHomba left the game.
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Carnivous left the game.
1 hour later…
Chat Relay
Pietu1998 left the game.
4 hours later…
Chat Relay
Phasesaber joined the game
<Phasesaber> magenta
<Phasesaber> you
<Phasesaber> urg
<Phasesaber> why
<Phasesaber> at least it's not as big this time
<Phasesaber> if it was bigger I couldn't handle it
Phasesaber left the game.
VTCAKAVSMoACE joined the game
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VTCAKAVSMoACE left the game.
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Pietu1998 joined the game
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Pietu1998 left the game.
Pietu1998 joined the game
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Pietu1998 left the game.
Pietu1998 joined the game
Pietu1998 left the game.
Pietu1998 joined the game
Pietu1998 fell from a high place
1 hour later…
Chat Relay
<Pietu1998> 116 64 80
<Pietu1998 earned GHAST_RETURN>
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Pietu1998 left the game.
Pietu1998 joined the game
Pietu1998 left the game.
Pietu1998 joined the game
Pietu1998 left the game.
Pietu1998 joined the game
Chat Relay
Scrappy_Wheels_8 joined the game
<Scrappy_Wheels_8> hi
<Pietu1998> Hello
Pietu1998 left the game.
Scrappy_Wheels_8 left the game.
Chat Relay
Scrappy_Wheels_8 joined the game
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Scrappy_Wheels_8 left the game.
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Scrappy_Wheels_8 joined the game
Scrappy_Wheels_8 left the game.
Pietu1998 joined the game
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Carnivous joined the game
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Carnivous left the game.
Carnivous joined the game
Scrappy_Wheels_8 joined the game
Chat Relay
epicTCK joined the game
<Scrappy_Wheels_8> hi
<epicTCK> hi
<Scrappy_Wheels_8> do you know how many blocks I need to be away from my mob farm for mobs to spawn?
<epicTCK> 28 - 32 i think
<epicTCK> srappy wheels it is 32 blocks minimum radius for the grinder
<epicTCK> says brikerw
<Scrappy_Wheels_8> ok thank you
<Pietu1998> 32 is the radius at which mobs can spawn
<epicTCK> um scroll up
<Pietu1998> Yep
<Pietu1998> Just confirming
<epicTCK> oh
<Pietu1998> Also mobs have a random chance of despawning every tick when between 32 and 128 blocks
<Pietu1998> After 128 blocks they despawn instantly
<Scrappy_Wheels_8> ok
<epicTCK> except in spawn chunks
<Pietu1998> So no mob farms larger than 96 blocks
<Pietu1998> Well true
<Pietu1998> I thought we could light up all caves in spawn and make a mob grinder in the middle of it
<Pietu1998> We'd get huge amounts of free stuff
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epicTCK left the game.
<Scrappy_Wheels_8> do you mind having a look at my mob farm and telling me why it isn't working?
<Scrappy_Wheels_8 earned BREED_COW>
<Scrappy_Wheels_8 earned NETHER_PORTAL>
Chat Relay
<Scrappy_Wheels_8> do you know the cords for the zombie spawner?
Scrappy_Wheels_8 left the game.
1 hour later…
Chat Relay
Carnivous left the game.
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ElectroRedstoner joined the game
Chat Relay
ElectroRedstoner left the game.
ElectroRedstoner joined the game
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ElectroRedstoner left the game.
ElectroRedstoner joined the game
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ElectroRedstoner left the game.
ElectroRedstoner joined the game
ElectroRedstoner left the game.
ElectroRedstoner joined the game
Chat Relay
MagentaField joined the game
<ElectroRedstoner> hello!
<MagentaField> hi
<ElectroRedstoner> Sleep?
<ElectroRedstoner> I'll disconnect of a sec if you want
MagentaField left the game.
ElectroRedstoner left the game.
ElectroRedstoner joined the game
ElectroRedstoner suffocated in a wall
ElectroRedstoner left the game.
Scrappy_Wheels_8 joined the game
ElectroRedstoner joined the game
<Scrappy_Wheels_8> hi
<ElectroRedstoner> hello
<Scrappy_Wheels_8> do you know where the zombie spawner is?
<ElectroRedstoner> nope
<ElectroRedstoner> I mean, I'm kinda new, and I'm also kinda lost...
<Scrappy_Wheels_8> ok do you need spawn cords?
<ElectroRedstoner> I'm fine, I think I can get back
<ElectroRedstoner> I was just slightly lost in the nether, but I found the torches again.
<Scrappy_Wheels_8> ok
Chat Relay
<ElectroRedstoner> I'm gonna leave now, bbl
ElectroRedstoner left the game.
Scrappy_Wheels_8 left the game.
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epicTCK joined the game
<epicTCK> hi
Chat Relay
epicTCK left the game.
TheNumeralOne joined the game
TheNumeralOne left the game.
Chat Relay
Carnivous joined the game
Chat Relay
Carnivous left the game.
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Mar '16
Chat Relay - PPCG Minecraft Server
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