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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

<Carnivous> Gonna design a roof for this farm, bbs
Carnivous left the game.
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<brikerw> daavko you still exploring?
<daavko> Nah, making a 1500 blocks long dirt path
<brikerw> end or overworld?
<daavko> End
HelkaHomba joined the game
<daavko> Yo
<HelkaHomba> Hello
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
brikerw was slain by Enderman
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<HelkaHomba> Anyone want to help farm ghasts to get tears to get end crystals to respawn dragon?
<brikerw> there's one near the stronghold nether portal
<HelkaHomba> Ghast?
<brikerw> yeah, and sure
<daavko> Sure, I'll help
brikerw left the game.
<HelkaHomba> cool, I've found none :(
brikerw joined the game
<brikerw> sorry what did you say?
<HelkaHomba> cool, I've found none
<daavko> Oh well, 1500 blocks long dirt path built
<HelkaHomba> Where?
<daavko> End
<HelkaHomba> ah
<daavko> I was a bit lost, so I left my items in a chest and jumped
<HelkaHomba> That might actually be faster than refighting dragon :P
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<brikerw> helka ghast at stronghold potral
<brikerw> HelkaHomba halp pls
<brikerw> nvm good now
<HelkaHomba> sorry, omw back
<brikerw> trying to find hte ghast.
<brikerw> he left maybe? :(
<daavko> I believe I can flyyyy!
<brikerw> elytra?
<daavko> Yep
<brikerw> niiiiice
<daavko> I love this thing
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<HelkaHomba> found elytra? cool
<daavko> Yeah, around 3500 -300
<HelkaHomba> There's a dragon head at the prow of end ships also btw
<daavko> Yeah, I know
<brikerw> helka ghast
<daavko> Now I realize I didn't take the head.
<brikerw> rofl
<daavko> Mistakes happen :D
HelkaHomba left the game.
<brikerw> baiiii
HelkaHomba joined the game
HelkaHomba left the game.
HelkaHomba joined the game
<brikerw> y u leave?
<HelkaHomba> mc crashed
<brikerw> hai
<brikerw> trying to find ghast again
<daavko> Dafuq...
<daavko> I went for ghasts, found a nether fortress
<brikerw> where?
<daavko> Wait a minute...
<daavko> Looks like I'm not the first one who found it
<brikerw> near the stronghold portal?
<daavko> -50 59 -112
<brikerw> at 63 83?
<brikerw> oh we is there
<brikerw> HelkaHomba blaze
<daavko earned GET_BLAZE_ROD>
<HelkaHomba> sry
brikerw was slain by Skeleton
HelkaHomba withered away
<HelkaHomba> D:
<brikerw> lets go back
<HelkaHomba> I'm back, need me to chest your stuff?
<brikerw> yes pls
<brikerw> almost there
<brikerw> pls do tho, bc i might have to leave or die
<HelkaHomba> got it
<brikerw> thx
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<brikerw> okai
<brikerw> i gtg now :(
<HelkaHomba> k
<daavko> Bye
<brikerw> might come back on in 10 min
<brikerw> maybe not
brikerw left the game.
TheNumeralOne joined the game
<HelkaHomba> Hi
<TheNumeralOne> hi
<daavko> Hello
<HelkaHomba earned GHAST_RETURN>
<daavko> Oh hey, I heard that ghast
<HelkaHomba> woo, tear finally!
<TheNumeralOne> 58 emeralds for sharpness IV anyone?
<HelkaHomba> ask a villager
<TheNumeralOne> That was the villager.
<TheNumeralOne> brb
TheNumeralOne left the game.
TheNumeralOne joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> skeleton horses are everywhere.
Carnivous joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> hi
<TheNumeralOne> Horse wondered into my house :/
<TheNumeralOne> wandered, not wondered.
<TheNumeralOne> And it has a saddle/
<TheNumeralOne> Whose brown horse with white spots is this?
<HelkaHomba> Anyone want to fight enderdragon right now? (more like 10 min or so I guess)
<TheNumeralOne> not really
<daavko> Hmmmm...why not?
<daavko> I'd come
<Carnivous> Oh shoot I'll come. Is this happening?
<HelkaHomba> Yes!
<daavko> Okay, lemme get my gear
<Carnivous> Are there potions at the place? I need some :P
<HelkaHomba> I'm heading to end asap
<HelkaHomba> there are some
<Carnivous> Will there be towers again?
<TheNumeralOne> yes
<daavko> I think yeah
<HelkaHomba> yes, they reset
<daavko> How many stacks of arrows should I take? 5? 8?
<HelkaHomba> 5 is plenty I think
<Carnivous> Ok I just need flame resistance
<Carnivous> And speed if it's there
<HelkaHomba> bring empty bottles if you want dragons breath
<daavko> What's that?
<HelkaHomba> used to make lingering potions
<daavko> Oh...those
<HelkaHomba> you scoop up the purple stuff he spews
<daavko> Any use for them?
TheNumeralOne left the game.
<daavko> Got my gear, heading to the end
<HelkaHomba> try to set spawn at stronghold
<HelkaHomba> but also dont sleep full night
<daavko> How does one do that?
<HelkaHomba> get out of bed right away
<Carnivous> leave the bed as soon as you get in
<HelkaHomba> Like I just did, I'm at stronghold
<Carnivous> Oh shoot I have to go for like 20 minutes. Good luck guys!
Carnivous left the game.
<HelkaHomba> Still wanna do this?
<daavko> If you think we can kill him, sure
<HelkaHomba> We had way more people last time XD
<HelkaHomba> but lets try
<daavko> Okay
<HelkaHomba> have some spare arrows?
<daavko> 6 stacks
<HelkaHomba> Can I have some?
<daavko> Sure,
<HelkaHomba> you need anything?
<HelkaHomba> thx
<daavko> One or two strength potions?
<HelkaHomba> bring pumpkin, blocks and water probly
<HelkaHomba> in here
<HelkaHomba> ready?
<daavko> Yup
<daavko earned END_PORTAL>
<HelkaHomba> Here goes
<daavko> Poofie poof
<HelkaHomba> 2 left i think
<HelkaHomba> got beacons
<HelkaHomba> right?
<daavko> Yeah
<daavko> i thinka
<daavko> Aww yiss
<HelkaHomba> 2ND DRAGON DEAD!
<daavko> WOOOOO
<daavko> Over there's the portal
<daavko> or gate
<HelkaHomba> have some for breath for w/e
<daavko> or whatever is it named
<HelkaHomba> gateway
<daavko> Got me 19 breath...
<HelkaHomba> have ladders?
<daavko> Nah
<daavko> Should I go get some?
<daavko> Oh wait, got wood
<HelkaHomba> I may have snough blocks for stairs
<daavko> 21 ladders enough?
<HelkaHomba> probly
<daavko> Yep
<daavko> We gonna search through the gateway?
<HelkaHomba> sure
<HelkaHomba> just need pearls
<daavko> Got one
<daavko> Oh wait, is somewhere here an ender chest?
<HelkaHomba> I'm not sure
<HelkaHomba> But I think if you jump into the portal you'll go to your spawn at stringhold
<daavko> Yeah, but that's too far :D
magnanimous_phi joined the game
<HelkaHomba> It's right over there
<magnanimous_phi> lol, I was in the ground
<HelkaHomba> hey phi
<HelkaHomba> We just 2-manned dragon
<magnanimous_phi> okay
<HelkaHomba> went pretty well
<daavko> What's with the lack of response? :D
<magnanimous_phi> What lack of response?
<daavko> "We 2-manned a dragon" "okay" <- this one
<magnanimous_phi> Lack of response would be me not saying anything.
<magnanimous_phi> That's pretty responsive by my standards
<magnanimous_phi> Did you find any end ships?
<daavko> We didn't go through the gateway yet
<magnanimous_phi> I'm making gcc right now.
<HelkaHomba> goi ahead
<daavko> Oh damn
<daavko> Island
<magnanimous_phi> nothing there?
<daavko> Didn't say that
<daavko> we at -659 56 -898
<daavko> Found a city
<daavko> But hey, it's already looted
<daavko> I think the gateway spawned a bit too close
<HelkaHomba> :/
<HelkaHomba> I'm building bridge other way
<daavko> There's a ship
<daavko> Looted
<HelkaHomba> yep
<daavko> And I know this ship
<daavko> I've passed every time on my way to 3500 -250
<magnanimous_phi> which gateway is the new one?
<daavko> The one without stairs
<HelkaHomba> made of netherrack
<magnanimous_phi> okay
<daavko> I should get two stack of cooked steaks and go to 3500 -250 again
<HelkaHomba> what's there?
<daavko> Unexplored area
<daavko> And further towards positive x
<magnanimous_phi> should I take the netherrack or cobble bridge?
<HelkaHomba> nether to meet us
<HelkaHomba> but all this area has been explored
<HelkaHomba> couple cities, but looted
<daavko> Oh yeah, we dodn't build any stairs back
<magnanimous_phi> So, I assume we need to kill the dragon again and hope we get a portal on the opposite side
<daavko> I guess so
<magnanimous_phi> We should probably wait and do that another day
<daavko> Hey, I'll put signs to the gates so others know which is which, okay?
magnanimous_phi left the game.
<HelkaHomba> Sure
<HelkaHomba> Want to put exit coords?
magnanimous_phi joined the game
<daavko> Oh yeah, good idea
<HelkaHomba> -657 66 -901 for this new one
<magnanimous_phi> that was weird
<magnanimous_phi> what's going on?
<HelkaHomba> Daav just making signs at gateways
<daavko> Okay, gates signed
<magnanimous_phi> we can make like 8 tipped arrows for each dragon's breath
<daavko> That's at least 19x8 arrows...
<HelkaHomba> hey the torches are back
<daavko> Torch farm... :D
<magnanimous_phi> magic
<daavko> What's the limit on number of gates? 16?
<HelkaHomba> egg substitute
<HelkaHomba> 20
<daavko> Oh wow, not a power of two?
<HelkaHomba> it tpd me into portal!
<daavko earned THE_END>
<daavko> Oh hey, me too
magnanimous_phi suffocated in a wall
<HelkaHomba> ..phi?
<magnanimous_phi> suffocated inside of the spawn mountain
<daavko> Wut
<HelkaHomba> lol
<daavko> Kids, don't eat chaurus flowers in strongholds
<daavko> *chaurus fruit
<HelkaHomba> we need a clock in here
<daavko> Clock?
<HelkaHomba> clock
<daavko> What kind of clock?
<HelkaHomba> the Minecraft clock item so we can tell if its day
<magnanimous_phi> good thing I remembered my death coords
<daavko> Oh, this clock
<magnanimous_phi> half my items were in a little hole in the wall someone covered up but didn't fill int
<magnanimous_phi> *fill in
<daavko> Okay, I'm going to put my items in a chest at home or something
<daavko> Ender chest is too full
<magnanimous_phi> bye for now
<daavko> Bye
magnanimous_phi left the game.
<HelkaHomba> same
HelkaHomba left the game.
daavko left the game.
Carnivous joined the game
Carnivous left the game.
brikerw joined the game
brikerw left the game.
8 hours later…
Pietu1998 joined the game
<Pietu1998 earned GET_DIAMONDS>
Pietu1998 left the game.
Pietu1998 joined the game
Carnivous joined the game
Carnivous left the game.
1 hour later…
LegionMammal978 joined the game
<LegionMammal978> hey
<LegionMammal978 earned OPEN_INVENTORY>
<LegionMammal978> How do I get down from this giant wall?
<LegionMammal978 earned MINE_WOOD>
LegionMammal978 left the game.
LegionMammal978 joined the game
LegionMammal978 left the game.
2 hours later…
HelkaHomba joined the game
<HelkaHomba> Hi
<Pietu1998> Hello
<Pietu1998> Somehow you managed to join in the exact moment I was checking my AFK status
<Pietu1998> Want some cacti?
<Pietu1998> :D
<HelkaHomba> nah :P
HelkaHomba left the game.
HelkaHomba joined the game
HelkaHomba left the game.
HelkaHomba joined the game
epicTCK joined the game
<HelkaHomba> Hi
<epicTCK> hi
epicTCK left the game.
<Pietu1998> So, what are you up to?
<HelkaHomba> Making paths to towers in end
<Pietu1998> Cool
<Pietu1998> I'm literally watching grass grow
<Pietu1998> It's grown 11 blocks now
<Pietu1998> The only bad thing about building in a desert is that creeperholes are like a stack of blocks each
<Pietu1998 earned BUILD_HOE>
<Pietu1998 earned MAKE_BREAD>
<Pietu1998 earned BAKE_CAKE>
Pietu1998 fell from a high place
<Pietu1998> rip levels
Pietu1998 left the game.
Pietu1998 joined the game
<Pietu1998> Has anyone found a skeleton spawner in the server?
<HelkaHomba> not sure
epicTCK joined the game
<Pietu1998> Hi
epicTCK left the game.
<HelkaHomba> Have any ghast tears you'd trade?
<Pietu1998> I think I have one
Carnivous joined the game
<Pietu1998> Hello
<Carnivous> Hi
<HelkaHomba> Want to use it to help fight dragon again :D
<Pietu1998> Sure
<Pietu1998> Where should I drop it off?
<Carnivous> Another dragon fight? lol
<HelkaHomba> Why not :P
<HelkaHomba> You can bring it to the stronghold if you want to help in the fight
<Carnivous> When?
<HelkaHomba> (Though I still need one more tear)
<Pietu1998> Where's the stronghold?
<HelkaHomba> say 10 min?
<HelkaHomba> come to nether spawn then I can show you
<Pietu1998> kk
<HelkaHomba> @Carn you want to fight dragon?
daavko joined the game
<Carnivous> Yes
<daavko> Yo
<Carnivous> Just need a fire resistance and speed potion
<daavko> You going to fight the dragon?
<HelkaHomba> I made stairs to all the obsidian pillars so crystals should be easier
<HelkaHomba> Yep (if we can get one more ghast tear)
<daavko> I'll tag along again, okay?
<HelkaHomba> Sure, you helped lots
<HelkaHomba> stronghold has potions but few arrows/armor
<daavko> I have some arrows
<daavko> I'll bring them
<Pietu1998> coming now
<Pietu1998 earned NETHER_PORTAL>
<Pietu1998> @ nether base now
<Pietu1998> Do you have any blaze rods?
<HelkaHomba> oh shoot, forgot blaze powder
<HelkaHomba> no
<Pietu1998> I desperately want the achievement lol :D
<HelkaHomba> lets go get some, need anyway for dragon
<daavko> I have 2
<Pietu1998> aww
<Pietu1998> could've gotten return to sender too
<HelkaHomba> oh, achievement :P
<HelkaHomba> sorry
<HelkaHomba> got last tear tho
<HelkaHomba> lets go to blaze spawner real quick then to stronghold
<daavko> I have 2 blaze rods
<daavko> Is that enough?
<HelkaHomba> yes actually
<HelkaHomba> I'll just head to stronghold then
<Pietu1998> I think I'll get the achievement if I just pick one up
<Carnivous> Would you mind picking up a magma cream please?
<HelkaHomba> I have 1
<Pietu1998> nice base
<Carnivous> Thanks
<daavko> Who wanted the rods?
<HelkaHomba> me
<Pietu1998> so can I pick up one of the rods, pleasE?
<Pietu1998 earned GET_BLAZE_ROD>
<Pietu1998> yay
<Pietu1998> here's the tear too
<Pietu1998> What's fire resistance for?
<HelkaHomba> Can you remine crystals?
<Pietu1998> Are we going to use beds?
<Carnivous> I'm doing something in the Nether later
<Pietu1998> I don't think you can mine crystals. Last I checked they explode kinda big
<daavko> Oh shoot, I forgot empty bottles
<HelkaHomba> heres some glass
<daavko> Thanks!
<Carnivous> I gotchu
<HelkaHomba> take some potions
<HelkaHomba> All ready?
<Pietu1998> Sure
<Carnivous> yes
<daavko> All green here
<Pietu1998 earned END_PORTAL>
<HelkaHomba> everyone can place on crystal on one side
<HelkaHomba> one crytal*
<Pietu1998> one crystal** ?
<HelkaHomba> yes :P
daavko left the game.
daavko joined the game
<daavko> It fell...
<HelkaHomba> You here daavko?
<daavko> Yep
<daavko> Connection crashed a bit
<HelkaHomba> last crystal in chest is for you
<daavko> Oh...okay
<Pietu1998> gonna be interesting
<Pietu1998> haven't fought drake in 1.9 yet
<daavko> He's hard
<daavko> Oh damn...
<daavko> The paths
<HelkaHomba> shoot the platforms D:
daavko fell from a high place
Pietu1998 fell from a high place
<HelkaHomba> can you guys make it back?
<Pietu1998> yep
daavko left the game.
<Pietu1998> slept in the base
daavko joined the game
Carnivous left the game.
<daavko> Conn died on me again
Pietu1998 was slain by Enderman
Carnivous joined the game
Carnivous fell from a high place
<HelkaHomba> :(
<HelkaHomba> I can chest stuff if necessary
daavko left the game.
daavko joined the game
<Carnivous> Where the hell did my stuff go
daavko left the game.
daavko joined the game
<HelkaHomba> it may have dissapeared if he flew thru it
daavko left the game.
daavko joined the game
<Carnivous> asshole
daavko left the game.
<HelkaHomba> think I got last crystal
<Pietu1998> seems like it
daavko joined the game
<daavko> Why does it keep crashing...
<HelkaHomba> :/
<Pietu1998> you hit me lol
<Pietu1998> burning arrows are not good for you
<HelkaHomba> woo
<daavko> Yay
<HelkaHomba> dragon 3 down!
<daavko> There's the gateway
<HelkaHomba> I'm sad those stairs got destroyed :(
<Carnivous> I got the experience I lost back
<Pietu1998> How much?
<Carnivous> 13
<daavko> I got some wood again
<daavko> So I got ladders
<daavko> Tell me the coordinates when you teleport
<Pietu1998> 27 -1130
<daavko> The Y too
<HelkaHomba> 17 69 =1107
<HelkaHomba> -1107*
<daavko> Okay, sign made
<HelkaHomba> unexplored city
<HelkaHomba> I think
<Pietu1998> I'm up here
<Pietu1998> Found eff4 diamond pick, prot4 diamond pants, fire2 diamond sword, prot4 ds2 iron boots
<daavko> Nice
<Pietu1998> fp3 unb3 iron pants
<Pietu1998> What do you want?
<Carnivous> all of it :P
<daavko> Oh hey, I found a man-made bridge
<Pietu1998> Can I have the pants? :D
<Pietu1998> The diamond ones
<Pietu1998> I think I have to go now
<daavko> Bye
<HelkaHomba> k
<daavko> This is definitely player-made
<Pietu1998 earned THE_END>
<HelkaHomba> where?
<daavko> 18 57 -1597
<Carnivous> I found one at 474 57 -1400
<Pietu1998> I'm leaving all loot I got except for the pants in the stronghold bed room
<Pietu1998> Next to the beds
<HelkaHomba> ok
<daavko> I should take my elytra to next dragon fight
<daavko> Might come in handy when he throws me high in the air
<HelkaHomba> I'd be scared of sailing into the void :P
<daavko> Flying license :D
<HelkaHomba> found both bridges I think
<HelkaHomba> So this can't be *that(( far away
<daavko> It looks like the gateways go in a ring fashion
<HelkaHomba> maybe sw of new gateway is best bet for new stuff
<daavko> That's void...
<daavko> You gonna make a bridge?
<HelkaHomba> oh ._.
<daavko> Oh wait, it's not
<daavko> Oh wait it is
<daavko> There's an island on NW, but I think that's the one with bridge
<HelkaHomba> hmm
<daavko> Maybe just make a bridge south?
Carnivous left the game.
<HelkaHomba> cant see anything
<daavko> Well, that makes sense
<daavko> Optifine isn't for 1.9 yet, so you can't put your render distance on 25 chunks
<Pietu1998> There's an OptiFine prerelease for 1.9 now
<daavko> Oh is there? Good to know
<Pietu1998> Still my 1.9 is vanilla, allows me to put render distance to 32 and also gets ~1000fps at 16 chunks
<daavko> Well you don't have a potato pc...
<HelkaHomba> I'ma head to this east island
<daavko> I'm having a 40 fps party on my Pentium 987
<Pietu1998> I'm pretty sure 1.9 is a great performance upgrade. I don't remember seeing over 250fps in 1.8
<daavko> I wasn't really playing between 1.7.5 and 1.9
<Pietu1998> All right, I'm gonna go now
<Pietu1998> Bye!
<daavko> Bye
Pietu1998 left the game.
<daavko> Oh hey, I think I found the ship we found yesterday
<daavko> Or was it the day before...
<HelkaHomba> findinf new islands to east but no cities
<daavko> If you search long enough...
<HelkaHomba> Welp. found city "Explored by Daavko"
<daavko> Hahaha
<daavko> That's my mark.. :D
<daavko> What X are you on?
<HelkaHomba> 715
<daavko> Welp, anything up to X 3500 with Z between 0 and -250 should be "Explored by Daavko"
<daavko> Or I think that's the way I went
<HelkaHomba> another city neat 924 -815, but probly explored
<HelkaHomba> near*
<daavko> Aaaaand I found the second? gate
<daavko> Yep, found second gate
<HelkaHomba> "Explored by Daavko" again...
<daavko> Oh well
Pietu1998 joined the game
<Pietu1998> Decided I'll AFK here .
<Pietu1998> Might even chat through TeamViewer at some point (like currently). :D
<HelkaHomba> hmm, the entire obsidian pillars got reset
<HelkaHomba> so building stairs within them wouldn't work
<daavko> One could make a high enough pillar and shoot the crystals from above
<HelkaHomba> yeah
<HelkaHomba> or make the paths near the pillars obsidian?
<HelkaHomba> It should survive I'd think
<daavko> I don't think the ender stone dropped, so that maybe wasn't just an explosion
<HelkaHomba> ah, true
<daavko> Maybe a complete "set to air" with explosion effects
<HelkaHomba> Maybe I'll go test in creative
HelkaHomba left the game.
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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