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MagentaField joined the game
Phasesaber joined the game
<Carnivous> HI PHASE
<Phasesaber> yo
<Phasesaber> are comparators broken?
<Carnivous> I don't think so. The thing I made with comparators works
<Phasesaber> it's not reading my hopper
<Phasesaber> oh dafuq it just wasn't in the hopper "long enough"
magnanimous_phi left the game.
<Phasesaber> I retextured diamonds to look like iron bars and they look cool :3
MagentaField left the game.
<Phasesaber> carn are you working on the nether hub?
<Carnivous> Not at the moment, I'm making a tree farm so I have access to wood
<Carnivous> But I'm going to finish this farm within a half hour
<Phasesaber> k
<Phasesaber> k
<Phasesaber> I'm working on a chicken cooker
epicTCK joined the game
<Phasesaber> yo
<Carnivous> hi
<epicTCK> 'sup
<epicTCK> my mob grinder still working??
<Phasesaber> is that a question I should know the answer to?
<epicTCK> lol
<epicTCK> not really
<Phasesaber> @El'endia Starman I'm taking all of your string
epicTCK fell from a high place
<Phasesaber> how
<Phasesaber> what
<Phasesaber> why
<epicTCK> idk
<Phasesaber> wear boots
<epicTCK> to even my death count mayb
<Phasesaber> it was 54, and now it's 55
<Phasesaber> that's an odd number
<epicTCK> so now its odd
<epicTCK> but its divisible by 5
<epicTCK> and 11 which are both primes
<epicTCK> which makes it even worse...
<Phasesaber> i has no wud but i ned da wud
<Phasesaber> oh wait we can get wings in this version
<epicTCK> yes
<epicTCK> in the end
<Phasesaber> aww
<epicTCK> in endcities
<Phasesaber> while everyone battles the enderdragon I'll be off getting wings
<epicTCK> lol
<epicTCK> same
<epicTCK> im bored
<Phasesaber> noice
<Phasesaber> go gather lava buckets in the nether
<epicTCK> i have died 55 times.
<epicTCK> Not again.
<Phasesaber> oh please like you're going to survive longer than 30 minutes
<epicTCK> lets have a duel
<Phasesaber> I have fire aspect 2 & sharpness so naw
<epicTCK> come to spawn
<Phasesaber> no I don't want a higher death count
<epicTCK> :((
<epicTCK> you imply you would los
<epicTCK> *lose
<Carnivous> bbs
<Carnivous> afk
<Phasesaber> I get a lot of lag on here so maybe
<epicTCK> excuses
<Phasesaber> well that's how I died the first time
<epicTCK> come to meeee
<Phasesaber> no i busy
<epicTCK> suurrre
<Phasesaber> building a chicken farm
<epicTCK> we already have one
<Phasesaber> mine will be better
<epicTCK> not public i presume
epicTCK left the game.
epicTCK joined the game
<epicTCK> come to meeeee
<epicTCK> i will kill you
<epicTCK> all I have is a bow and a chestplate of iron and a pants of iron
<epicTCK> and some arrows
<Phasesaber> gimme like 10 minutes
<epicTCK> your scarrrreeeed
<epicTCK> death doesnt feign me. Clearly. I haved faced it 55 times and still stand hear
<epicTCK> *here
<epicTCK> i can't spell here but I can spell feign.
epicTCK left the game.
epicTCK joined the game
<epicTCK> scareed
Carnivous left the game.
epicTCK left the game.
quartata joined the game
<quartata> Hi
<Phasesaber> yo
<quartata> I think today I'll try to make my house a little prettier
<Phasesaber> noice
<quartata> Oh I forgot I need to build the bot
<quartata> ...I don't have gradle installed? 0_0
<Phasesaber> wut bot?
<quartata> ur mom's bot
<quartata> The PhaseBot
<Phasesaber> oh...
<Phasesaber> oh cool
<Phasesaber> he might be broken on the latest release
<Phasesaber> he's not really fit for every server
<Phasesaber> brb
Phasesaber left the game.
Phasesaber joined the game
<Phasesaber> pint did you get it working?
<quartata> I'm starting the build
<Phasesaber> it takes like 20 minutes to build the whole thing because of all the dependencies
<quartata> I know
Carnivous joined the game
<Phasesaber> oh I'm so sorry I was unaware that you are such a master hacker
<quartata> I read the readme :P
<Phasesaber> better than half the people I know that try to build it
<quartata> ...and build failed
<Phasesaber> nice
<Phasesaber> error?
<quartata> posted in chat
<quartata> WHOA
<quartata> I just jumped into the sheeps
<quartata> And it flung me back way farther
<quartata> Had to be like 20+ block.
<quartata> I wonder...
<quartata> If you had a *lot* of sheeps. Like a *lot*.
<quartata> Could this be a form of transportation
<Carnivous> Remember the slime block to jump off the top of the iron farm? Bounce off sheeps over lava
<quartata> I tried it from above and it didn't work
<quartata> only side
<Phasesaber> yeah that could work
<Phasesaber> if you start really high
<Carnivous> SHEEP PONG
<quartata> !!!!!!!!!!
<quartata> We have to do that
<Phasesaber> didn't someone do that with irongolems?
<quartata> I think it had command blocks
MagentaField joined the game
<MagentaField> do you like it?
<quartata> YUP
<quartata> It doesn't work from above though.
<quartata> A shame.
<MagentaField> i can fix that, but it takes a lot of space to do so
<quartata> WHOA
<Phasesaber> oh quartpint PB won't work on 1.9 yet
<MagentaField> thats how i breed them
<quartata> @Phase Why not?
<Phasesaber> it's designed to only deal with 1.8 packets
<quartata> Surely they didn't change the packet format
<Phasesaber> they changed a lot between 1.8 and 1.9
<Phasesaber> new packets, old packet were removed, a TON of packets were just changed a little
<MagentaField> @quartata that seemed to decrease the force
<quartata> I know.
<MagentaField> @quartata although it will return to normal soon
<quartata> Oh there we go
<quartata> Yeah just have to wait for the lambs to grow up
<MagentaField> ~109 sheep
<quartata> Ooh, a dark oak sapling.
<quartata> Feel free to take some sugar cane; I have far more than I know what to do with now.
<MagentaField> ditto
<quartata> :P
<MagentaField> but this farm is inefficient
<MagentaField> space-wise
<quartata> It's the most efficient actually
<quartata> 75%
<MagentaField> really?
<quartata> Yep.
<MagentaField> i did not expect that
<quartata> Rows is 66%.
<MagentaField> but why sand? theres dirt everywhere
<quartata> Grows faster on sand IIRC
<Phasesaber> no it doesn't
<Phasesaber> that myth was busted a while ago
<MagentaField> i agree with phase
<Phasesaber> sand, dirt, and grass all produce the same results
<MagentaField> @quartata what about this shape
<Phasesaber> unless Mojang trolled us in 1.9 it shouldn't have changed
magnanimous_phi joined the game
<MagentaField> that would be an awesome troll
Carnivous left the game.
<magnanimous_phi> stupid cats
Phasesaber left the game.
Phasesaber joined the game
<quartata> What did I miss
<magnanimous_phi> we built a beacon
<quartata> Seriously?
<quartata> I'm such a sucker.
<Phasesaber> I'm going to make a wither killer
<MagentaField> how does that work>
<quartata> I think we want our first wither fight to be legit.
<quartata> @MagentaField traps them
<Phasesaber> bedrock on the top of the nether
<MagentaField> i would love to see/help that build
<Phasesaber> it's really easy
<quartata> It's actually really straightforward
Carnivous joined the game
<quartata> @Magenta this shape is 50% efficiency
<Phasesaber> you just need to find a 3x3 bedrock on the top of the nether
<quartata> Or at least I think
<quartata> Wait
<quartata> Actually
<quartata> This is basically the shape I'm using.
<Phasesaber> holy crap lava flows fast af
<MagentaField> they're not the same
<magnanimous_phi> I think it flows at water speed in the nether
<quartata> It does.
<magnanimous_phi> which has 50%?
<quartata> Oh.
<quartata> I see what you mean.
<quartata> @phi neither
<MagentaField> so this is 6 sugarcane to 2 water
<MagentaField> and this is idk
<magnanimous_phi> this is 75% efficient
<magnanimous_phi> 1 water : 3 cane
<magnanimous_phi> this one is 80%
<quartata> Oh. Huh.
<magnanimous_phi> 1 water : 4 cane
<quartata> I'd change this one but eh lazy
<quartata> I'm getting more sugar cane then I'll ever need from this anyways
<MagentaField> is there a more efficient one?
<magnanimous_phi> no
<quartata> 80% would be the maximum.
<quartata> Can't plant on diagonals.
<MagentaField> did you see the sheep cannon?
<quartata> Watch this.
<quartata> oops
<Phasesaber> t
<Carnivous> Woo I have a tree farm
<quartata> Do we even have any wither skeleton heads
<MagentaField> what does local difficulty do?
<magnanimous_phi> As you spend time in an area, the game becomes more difficult.
epicTCK joined the game
<epicTCK> hi.
<MagentaField> hi
<epicTCK> so many sheep.
<magnanimous_phi> By more difficult, it means that mobs spawn wearing more equipment, follow you for longer, etc.
<MagentaField> cool
<MagentaField> so better loot in mob farms
<epicTCK> wait how do you get better loot in mob farms?
<MagentaField> more armed mobs
<MagentaField> you get the armor
<epicTCK> so just toss wood swords in there
<MagentaField> how does that work?
<epicTCK> they become armed....
<Phasesaber> OMG
<epicTCK> i don't think I understood
<Phasesaber> I have a stack of 0 diamonds in my inventory!
<MagentaField> put it in a dispenser
<epicTCK> \0/
<Phasesaber> oh no i right clicked with it and now it's gone
<epicTCK> where
<MagentaField> how did you get it
<epicTCK> oh man
<Phasesaber> shift clicking into an anvil
<epicTCK> shoulda screenshotted
<Phasesaber> I did
<epicTCK> post it on the chat
<Phasesaber> put then I have to upload it to imgur and urg
MagentaField left the game.
<epicTCK> did you guys turn off rain
<epicTCK> its never rained while ive been on
<Phasesaber> I don't think so
<epicTCK> hmmm
<magnanimous_phi> no we haven't
<quartata> It's rained a few times.
<Carnivous> @phase I finished my tree farm. Going to the nether hub now
<Phasesaber> come help me dig cause this is boring
<epicTCK> where
<quartata> @Carnivous you know that the hub is too far away from spawn right
<Phasesaber> why is it "too far"?
<quartata> It won't link to the spawn portal
<Carnivous> A small tunnel/rail from spawn to the hub
<Phasesaber> ^
<quartata> well ok
<Carnivous> With really nice decorations and stuff along it
<Phasesaber> carn go by the spawn portal
<Carnivous> There's a cat
epicTCK was blown up by Creeper
<Carnivous> It's not attacking me lol
<Carnivous> rip
<quartata> NAILED IT
<epicTCK> creepers in the mob grinder
<epicTCK> not good
<epicTCK> they blew up
<quartata> Why doesn't your grinder kill the creepers?
<Phasesaber> everyone floow me
<epicTCK> i went in there
<quartata> Well don't go in there :PP
<epicTCK> well everyone knows that
<Phasesaber> qqq
<Phasesaber> aaa''t
<quartata> ???
<Phasesaber> cum to me child
<Carnivous> <LENNY>
<epicTCK> *FP*
<Carnivous> @phase at spawn portal
<Phasesaber> go up the stairs by the torch tower
<Carnivous> What's this?
Mego joined the game
<epicTCK> well the creeper blew up half way down the chute
<epicTCK> lol
<Phasesaber> trying to find a 3x3 bedrock place thing
epicTCK was blown up by Creeper
<Carnivous> rip
<Carnivous> Why?
<epicTCK> and creeper fell on ledge and fell on me and belw up
<quartata> ghast at hub
<Phasesaber> to make a wither killer
<magnanimous_phi> does it have to be the uppermost layer?
<epicTCK> i give up
<quartata> uh this is bad
epicTCK was blown up by Creeper
<quartata> quartz and lapis aren't ghast proof
Mego was slain by Zombie
<quartata> Mego?
<quartata> Hi!
<quartata> Didn't notice you joined
<Mego> incorrect: I was killed by lag
<Phasesaber> i mean hey whats up
Mego was slain by Zombie
<Mego> lag keeps killing me :(
<Carnivous> Scheisse
<quartata> >Mego s'est fait tuer par la latence
<epicTCK> any food carnivor
<Carnivous> 56 potatoes
<Mego> woohoo starting over because I spawned in during night and was killed by invisible stuff
<quartata> epictCK stop aggroing it and let it despawn
<quartata> Just leave it alone and let it despawn
<epicTCK> they despawn
<epicTCK> ??
<quartata> Yes.
<quartata> Let it get 32 blocks away and leave it alone
Mego was slain by Zombie
<Carnivous> Dead
<epicTCK> got any wood
<Mego> ffs I should play a fair game, like Nethack, or Dwarf Fortress
<epicTCK> i need 7
<epicTCK> or 3
<quartata> @Mego I'll help you one second
<Carnivous> So what IS ghast-proof
<Mego> I just want to find a tundra :(
<Mego> cobblestone
<Phasesaber> stonesess
<epicTCK> john skeet is ghast proof
<Mego> jon skeet
<Carnivous> It's JON Skeet you pleb
Nerxit joined the game
<quartata> @Mego the nearest tundra is very very far away
<epicTCK> i keep spelling that wron
<Nerxit> hi
<Mego> worth it
<quartata> @Carnivous anything with 30 hardness
<Mego> which direction?
<Nerxit> Yes it is
<Nerxit> We need the spruce
<magnanimous_phi> johann skeey
Mego fell from a high place
<quartata> rofl
<magnanimous_phi> ROP my typing skills
<Mego> note to self: server spawn sucks
<Phasesaber> mego up to 4 deaths in 5 minutes
<quartata> That's because we're in the middle of building it...
<epicTCK> who lives in the nether
<quartata> @epicTCK me
<epicTCK> can i borrow 3 wood from you
<Nerxit> i found a spruce sapling
<quartata> yes
<quartata> very penguin
<Mego> waddle
<quartata> You know about the combat differences in 1.9 right
<Mego> yeah spam clicking is bad
<Nerxit> Pretty much
<magnanimous_phi> turn on the indicator
<Phasesaber> "combat changes" = _stop spamming u nubs_
<magnanimous_phi> option -> video settings -> attack indicator
epicTCK left the game.
<Phasesaber> oh screw mining I'll just use tnt
<Nerxit> should i come back to spawn with spruce saplings?
<Phasesaber> yes
<Nerxit> ok :)
<Mego> ffs I can't even kill a chicken because lag
<Phasesaber> all of them
<Nerxit> got 5
<Nerxit> that's enough
<Nerxit> Wait 4 because i stole one from the chest at the swamp
<quartata> @Mego chickens have about 30 hp now and they have a disintegrate attack
<Nerxit> kek
<quartata> I wouldn't even bother trying to fight them honestly they're too hard
<Mego> I thought that was kobolds
<Nerxit> Spruce wood finally
epicTCK joined the game
<Nerxit> wb
<epicTCK> the ghast is gone
<quartata> Wait inside or outside
<quartata> well yeah it despawned
<epicTCK> and your house didnt blow up
<epicTCK> but it was in here
<quartata> Not possible
<Carnivous> The house is completely intact
<quartata> Did you leave the door open?
<epicTCK> well idk
<epicTCK> now i left and disconnected
<quartata> I mean was the door open when you saw the ghast
<Nerxit> :D
<Phasesaber> 57 tnt!
<epicTCK> idont think so
<quartata> I don't think they can fit in through there but
<quartata> mm whatever
<quartata> there's no dark spots in there so it probably went through the portal maybe
<epicTCK> from what grinder @phase
<Phasesaber> desert temples
<quartata> Whatcha makin here
<quartata> Oh carving it
<Nerxit> yeah
<Mego> we need another tree of power
<epicTCK> oh btw @aqua tart do you want me to bring the nether warts and make a nwart meadow near ur house
<quartata> @epicTCK sure
<epicTCK> cause im bored
<quartata> @Mego you know there's an iron farm right
<Nerxit> it's broken
<Mego> nope, haven't been on since reset
<quartata> OK I'll give you the full tour of our shitty spawn
<quartata> Follow me please
<Nerxit> oh
<quartata> This will be the volcano, our main spawn base and it'll be great one day
<Nerxit> theres still one log up there
<Carnivous> There was once a mountain here. Now there is no mountain.
<quartata> But until then it looks like shit
<quartata> This is our new charity: Get Helka to the End
<quartata> 5/11 ender eyes
<epicTCK> hear hear
<quartata> Over here we have some giant ass farm
<quartata> Over here we have animal cruelty
<Carnivous> <Lenny>
<magnanimous_phi> This isn't even the largest farm!
<Phasesaber> brb
Phasesaber left the game.
<quartata> and over here we have a menger sponge and a bunch of platonic solids
<Mego> +1 for non-penguin animal cruelty
<Nerxit> did anyone pick up the spruce saplings?
<quartata> Over here we have the sheep cannon
<epicTCK> for future reference, carnivore: ( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)
<quartata> Check this shit out mego
<quartata> phi move
<Carnivous> Splegg
<quartata> BOOM
<Mego> wtf
<quartata> It's because of the new 1.9 mob physics
<Nerxit> can i see
<quartata> Over here we have a bed
<Nerxit> i never got a tour
<Mego> might be related to my inability to murder livestock
<quartata> And uh over here we have more animal cruelty
<quartata> Oh and some sugar cane
<Mego> 1 sec gotta argue with peeps
<quartata> ok
Phasesaber joined the game
<epicTCK> where is phases house
<Phasesaber> esplosions comin
<epicTCK> lol
<quartata> @epicTCK desert
<quartata> OK
<Mego> back
<epicTCK> nah my prank doesnt have to be at his house....
<quartata> ready to continue
<epicTCK> thats all ill say
<Mego> op did an edit that disqualified answers
<Mego> i had to be mean
<epicTCK> it is not destructive or vulgur, btw phase
<quartata> OK so over here we have slaves
<quartata> you can here them sigh
<quartata> *hear
<Phasesaber> wow tnt makes some big explosions in the nether
<quartata> oh and iron
<quartata> and uh over here we have the chicken toliet
<quartata> literally what it's called
<quartata> it works just as well as one too
<quartata> And uh over here we have el'endia's very humane sheep farm
<Phasesaber> kill em all
<Mego> -1 for segregation
<quartata> and finally we have a bunch of ugly cobblestone lines
<quartata> that's about it thanks for watching
<Carnivous> You forgot the diorite grid
<Mego> cool, which way to the tundra?
<quartata> oh yeah the graveyard
<quartata> @Mego no idea
<quartata> how did I do as a tour guide
<magnanimous_phi> yeah, about that tundra...
<quartata> fill out this survey or I'll get fired
<Mego> ---useless--- great
<Carnivous> Tour guide was knowledgeable and provided a good target for eggs
<quartata> thanks
<quartata> allow me to repay you
Nerxit left the game.
<magnanimous_phi> what's with the grid?
<quartata> Oh I forgot
<Carnivous> When we finish the nether hub I'm going to build a rail system in the overworld.
<magnanimous_phi> Gonna go eat
magnanimous_phi left the game.
<Carnivous> The graveyard is where the main hub will be
<quartata> Over here we have videogamedunkey the best dunkey
<quartata> and the only dunkey
<quartata> really good
<Carnivous> So also the worst dunkey
<Phasesaber> are you looking for taiga?
<quartata> no that would be phase's mule
<Phasesaber> @shmego
<Phasesaber> yeah my mule is pretty fast
<Phasesaber> cus i breed gudly
<quartata> It would be cool if that actually pinged in game
<Phasesaber> there's a plugin for that
<Phasesaber> the duck are you doing
<Carnivous> You'll see
<Phasesaber> this worked before
<quartata> WHAT
<quartata> That just flung me
<Phasesaber> well, I got kicked for flying
<quartata> here lemme try
<Mego> move your ass
<Phasesaber> ima grab my horse
<quartata> dunkey is best dunkey
<quartata> @Mego if you have any questions let me know
<Mego> new record
<quartata> For instance I can show you where Alex's house is and provide you with tnt for a small fee
<Phasesaber> or we can just go blow it up
<Phasesaber> i mean wut
<quartata> I'm just kidding
<Phasesaber> oh yeah me to
<quartata> Don't blow it up he hasn't eaten my cake yet
Nerxit joined the game
<Mego> I've made the necessary tools for survival
<Mego> In the morning, I shall hunt my homeland
<Phasesaber> my horse should be fast enoughh
<quartata> how da heck did you get a shield
<quartata> I still don't have one
<Phasesaber> iron with wood
<Nerxit> you craft them.
<quartata> I thought you needed leather
<Nerxit> no
<quartata> and like a ton of it
<quartata> well shit
<Phasesaber> hope I don't get kicked
<Nerxit> why?
<quartata> because he's about to go flying
<Phasesaber> urg this worked before
<quartata> witch dropped sugar :/
<Nerxit> rip
<Mego> wooden planks on 1 3 4 5 6 8, iron ingot on 2
<quartata> seriously
<quartata> wow ok
<Mego> yeah that's my language
<quartata> WHOA
<quartata> look I went past the wool
<Carnivous> Me too
<Mego> I made it to the far black wool a minute ago
<Carnivous> Needs better standardization
<Phasesaber> oh nap me too
<Nerxit> found the best patch of extreme hills ever.
<quartata> oo gotta go
<Phasesaber> carn y u do dis
<quartata> enjoy our terrible spawn mego
quartata left the game.
<Phasesaber> GOTTA GO FAST
<Mego> boom
<epicTCK> sh it
<epicTCK> lol
<Carnivous> lol
<Mego> self.best = true;
<Nerxit> "The sacred falls of Nthiuh"
<epicTCK> only carnivous gets it
<Carnivous> Get out
<epicTCK> what carn
<Nerxit> "It is said that passing through these waters will give a man a mysterious strength"
<Phasesaber> lol that poor flower
<Mego earned KILL_ENEMY>
<Nerxit> dang, apparently this spot is taken
<epicTCK> oh i wrote that sign
<epicTCK> lol
<epicTCK> thats my soon to be base Nerx
<Nerxit> rip :/
<Nerxit> Time to find another base location
<epicTCK> phase i gtg come to spawn see my unfinished prank
<Phasesaber> ok
<Phasesaber> nooo
<Nerxit> this entire extreme hills patch is your base?
<epicTCK> sorta
<epicTCK> under it is
<Nerxit> exactly my idea lol
<Nerxit> wellgood luck
<Phasesaber> @Mego there's Taiga at 1800, 5800
<Mego> should only take a few weeks to walk that far
<epicTCK> have u seen the prank yet phase
<epicTCK> i gtg soon
<Phasesaber> no
<Nerxit> @mego what are you going to the taiga for
<Carnivous> Creeper on top of the egg farm
<Mego> Because I'm a penguin
ararslan joined the game
<Mego> I live in the ice
<Nerxit> ah.
<Mego> birdfriend!
<ararslan> Sum1 poot a cak in ma haus
<Mego> is it a fun haus?
<ararslan> Thank 4 cak
<ararslan> Yas
<Phasesaber> ahahah
<ararslan> If you want to see my house it's near Calvin's
<Carnivous> Just saw an enderman
<Mego> I don't know where anything is
<ararslan> Okay
<Phasesaber> on no i los me hors
<Mego> this is literally the first time I've signed on since like 3 hours after the reset
<epicTCK> cay phase
<Nerxit> I will forever envy your amazing base location.
<Mego> and now I'm off
Mego left the game.
<Phasesaber> by
<Phasesaber> oh no i mised
<Phasesaber> alex where u live
<ararslan> I know who Phase is, but who are the other folks here?
<ararslan> phase i liv by calvin
<epicTCK> ok phase just look at my house
epicTCK left the game.
<Nerxit> i'm anOKsquirrel, don't really go on ppcg anymore.
<ararslan> Why don't you go on PPCG anymore?!
<Phasesaber> omg where does calvin live
<ararslan> By Phi and Sp3000
<Carnivous> Who's Calvin?
<ararslan> Helka Homba
<Carnivous> :P
<ararslan> Who are you, Carnivous?
<Carnivous> Eridan
<ararslan> @phase, west of spawn
<ararslan> Oh hello
<Phasesaber> gimme coords allelc
<ararslan> haha
<ararslan> (x, y, z) = (-222, 78, 492)
<Phasesaber> you don't have to make it a variables declaration, the numbers is fine
<Carnivous> 4 chickens came out of 1 egg :D
<Nerxit> go buy a lottery ticket
<Phasesaber> wtd
<Phasesaber> wtf
<Nerxit> actually don't
<Nerxit> It's not that rare
<Phasesaber> someone is making a giant wool picture of my avatar
<Carnivous> 1/200 isn't it?
<Nerxit> ye
<Nerxit> hey look at the tab screen, deaths go 3 2 1 0
<Carnivous> o_O
<Nerxit> gtg
<ararslan> Are you a horse?
<Nerxit> see ya later.
Nerxit left the game.
<Phasesaber> uh no
<Phasesaber> this is my horse tho
<ararslan> You were invisible on the horse O_O
<Phasesaber> yeah, 1.9 for you
<ararslan> Like my tree house?
<Phasesaber> I love it
<Phasesaber> dont look in your chest
<Carnivous> Where are you ararslan?
<ararslan> Did you take all my shat?
<Phasesaber> -222, 490
<Phasesaber> no
<Phasesaber> maybe'
<Phasesaber> kinda
<Phasesaber> yeah
<ararslan> See ma cooooooordinatoes, @Eridaniel
<ararslan> Dammit
<Carnivous> um
<Carnivous> ok
<ararslan> You ate half my cake, gave me 800 blocks of netherrack, and filled my house with TNT.
<Phasesaber> you are welcome
<ararslan> I had to look up whether it would explode if I punched it
<Phasesaber> lol
<Phasesaber> I need that back for nether stuff
<ararslan> Over here
<Phasesaber> fenk you
<ararslan> Do you like my treehouse, Eridanny?
Carnivous left the game.
Carnivous joined the game
<Phasesaber> how much netherrack do we need for the nether hub?
<Carnivous> Very
<ararslan> If you need netherrack, take it out of my chest. ._.
<Phasesaber> alex did a good job mining and got us some
<Phasesaber> well he stole my horse so I guess I'm staying here for a while
<ararslan> He took your horse? :/
<Phasesaber> yeah he's totally evil
<Carnivous> :P
<Carnivous> You can have your horse back.
<Phasesaber> but i donts knows wheres u is
<Carnivous> There's a thing on a hill near arar's house
<ararslan> You can just call me Alexx
<ararslan> oops
<ararslan> Alex
<Carnivous> There's a thing by Wrong's house
<Phasesaber> oh no i stuck
<ararslan> Why are you doing this
<Phasesaber> I can't move
<Phasesaber> where is my horse
<Carnivous> In the house on the hill by where your wool face is
<Phasesaber> i can no sprint
<Phasesaber> where he beeeee
<Carnivous> spawn in a minute
<Carnivous> wool farm
<Phasesaber> sheepepseps
<Phasesaber> k cya l8r alig8rs
<ararslan> bai
Phasesaber left the game.
<Carnivous> bbs
Carnivous left the game.
ararslan left the game.
MagentaField joined the game
HelkaHomba joined the game
<MagentaField> i
<MagentaField> *hi
<HelkaHomba> Hey
magnanimous_phi joined the game
<HelkaHomba> Found a pearl in a stronghold chest!
<magnanimous_phi> lol @ entire spawn mountain
<HelkaHomba> And got another pearl from enderman! 3 to go
<MagentaField> thanks
MagentaField left the game.
<magnanimous_phi> I always forget how rare pearls are.
<HelkaHomba> whats this?
<magnanimous_phi> looks like somebody's television is glitching out
<HelkaHomba> gtg2bread
HelkaHomba left the game.
magnanimous_phi left the game.
MagentaField joined the game
MagentaField left the game.
MagentaField joined the game
MagentaField left the game.
MagentaField joined the game
MagentaField left the game.
ararslan joined the game
Phasesaber joined the game
<Phasesaber> yo
<ararslan> Hello
<Phasesaber> you haven
<Phasesaber> you haven'd died yet
<Phasesaber> let me fix that
<ararslan> um no thanks
<Phasesaber> and now I have no food
<ararslan> Are there community farms yet?
<Phasesaber> tons
<ararslan> Nice.
<Phasesaber> VTC has a GIANT one that mostly everyone uses
<ararslan> I don't think I've seen his house
<Phasesaber> he took over a village and lives in the mountain beside it
<Phasesaber> east of spawn
<ararslan> Where do I live? West of spawn?
<Phasesaber> south
<ararslan> Oh
<Phasesaber> I was traveling west and you gave me the coords and I was like "wut dis dood doin"
<ararslan> haha
<Phasesaber> 30 more years and the grass will grow over to the desert
<Phasesaber> I'm trying to get my horse pen not looking like a sand prison
<ararslan> hahaha
<Phasesaber> I love the sound subtitkes
<ararslan> Oh I've never used them
<ararslan> Didn't realize they were available
<Phasesaber> Options -> Music
<Phasesaber> I got frost walker :3
<Phasesaber> oh no I missed day 600
<ararslan> What's the significance of day 600?
<Phasesaber> nothing, it's just cool to see that 600 days have passed
<ararslan> OIC
<ararslan> Is this for me??
<Phasesaber> yep :D
<ararslan> THANK YOU <#<3
<Phasesaber> I thought you would need a nether portal, and it's the only obsidian I have. The armor is just my
<Phasesaber> leftover
<Phasesaber> brb, cake
<ararslan> I think I'm too close to Calvin's nether portal; I'd just end up coming out of his.
<ararslan> So I'll mooch. :P
<Phasesaber> that happened to me and the spawn portal, I just made a new one in the nether
<Phasesaber> have you seen the new spawn? (since we terraformed)
<ararslan> I signed onto this revamped server for the first time yesterday.
<ararslan> Didn't explore as much as I should have but I've looked around
<Phasesaber> I've explored tons
<Phasesaber> I went far north and found like 4 desert temples
<ararslan> I was preoccupied trying to find somewhere to build my weird treehouse
<Phasesaber> I just went in the desert and found a cool cave
<ararslan> I'mma head out. BAI
<Phasesaber> o/
ararslan left the game.
Phasesaber left the game.
7 hours later…
epicTCK joined the game
epicTCK burned to death
epicTCK left the game.
3 hours later…
VTCAKAVSMoACE joined the game
VTCAKAVSMoACE left the game.
1 hour later…
epicTCK joined the game
epicTCK fell from a high place
epicTCK left the game.
2 hours later…
magnanimous_phi joined the game
ZekNikZ joined the game
<magnanimous_phi> hello
<ZekNikZ> hi
magnanimous_phi left the game.
ZekNikZ left the game.
VTCAKAVSMoACE joined the game
VTCAKAVSMoACE left the game.
Carnivous joined the game
Carnivous left the game.
epicTCK joined the game
epicTCK left the game.
TheNumeralOne joined the game
Carnivous joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> I am not ready to light up a mineshaft :)
<Carnivous> Come try my cave spider spawner :P
<TheNumeralOne> Not now.
<TheNumeralOne> Spiders normally don't scare me. But when I am by a mineshaft, they do.
<Carnivous> Every mob scares me because I have a bad mouse and I play without sound
<TheNumeralOne> There is definately a spider spawner around here.
<TheNumeralOne> It sounds like there are 50 of them on the other side of the wall.
<Carnivous> Poke a hole in the wall :P
<TheNumeralOne> Can't see them in both holes.
<TheNumeralOne> Lava came through a third.
<Carnivous> Lol
<TheNumeralOne> * Spider tripped
<TheNumeralOne> Saw one.
<Carnivous> Cave?
<TheNumeralOne> yep.
<TheNumeralOne> Eek, dropped on my face.
<Carnivous> Don't die
<TheNumeralOne> Didn't see me though.
<TheNumeralOne> Ugh, let them in my mine. Now they can ambush me.
<TheNumeralOne> One already did.
<Carnivous> Do you have any spare quartz or lapis?
<TheNumeralOne> Lapis
<Carnivous> Would you like to donate some to the Nether Hub Build Project Foundation?
<TheNumeralOne> Ugh one through me into some cobwebs on the cieling.
<TheNumeralOne> Cool, got a torch on the spawner.
<TheNumeralOne> Yes, I would like to donate after done mining.
<Carnivous> Much appreciated
<TheNumeralOne> Shields don't block poison.
TheNumeralOne left the game.
epicTCK joined the game
<Carnivous> hi
epicTCK was shot by Skeleton
<Carnivous> rip
<epicTCK> oh ur on
<epicTCK> hi
<Carnivous> Hi
<epicTCK> i thought i was alone (:
<epicTCK> watcha working on
<Carnivous> Collecting quartz and glowstone
TheNumeralOne joined the game
<epicTCK> got any extra nrack carn?
<Carnivous> Yes
<TheNumeralOne> gtg, already :\
TheNumeralOne left the game.
Carnivous left the game.
Carnivous joined the game
HelkaHomba joined the game
<epicTCK> hi
<Carnivous> Hi
epicTCK left the game.
epicTCK joined the game
<HelkaHomba> Hi
<HelkaHomba> **TIME TO ENTER THE END**
<epicTCK> really?
<Carnivous> Really? 3 people?
<epicTCK> but you cant come back until you defeat the ender dragon...
<HelkaHomba> Well, time to get 3 more pearls, then enter the end.
TheNumeralOne joined the game
<Carnivous> <PPCG face>
<epicTCK> i mean, ill suit up soon
<epicTCK> but
<TheNumeralOne> Anything special about cave spiders vs regular spiders?
<Carnivous> Anyone have extra arrows, or a place where I can acquire flint?
<epicTCK> use my mob grinder mayb
<epicTCK> arrow all day
<Carnivous> Oh shoot I fell in a ravine
<Carnivous> Can a 3-wide stair set of steps 1 block high occur naturally in an abandoned mineshaft?
<Carnivous> Or is it just a stronghold thing?
<TheNumeralOne> Not stairs.
<Carnivous> It's not stairs but it's stairs made of stone blocks
epicTCK left the game.

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