<PPCG> chat relay turned on
<quartata> uhhhhh I just got kicked
<Carnivous> Literally what the heck
<quartata> "flying is not enabled on this server" lmao
<quartata> and my dunkey almost died ;_;
<Carnivous> Mining a basic tunnel for my mine and there's diamonds THERE too
<quartata> By the way, I've almost got something worked out with Jython for the chat relay.
<PPCG> 04.03 20:49:18 [Server] WARN quartata was kicked for floating too long!
<quartata> roflcopter
<Lumien> o.O
<quartata> I was jumping with mr dunkey
<PPCG> Stop floating
<Lumien> brb
<Lumien disconnected>
<quartata> Guess he must have some crazy powers
<quartata> All I did was jump with dunkey,.....
<Carnivous disconnected>
<Lumien connected>
<Phasesaber> brb
<Phasesaber disconnected>
<Carnivous connected>
<magnanimous_phi connected>
<Carnivous> Does anyone have a full enchanting table setup?
<Phasesaber> yeah
<Phasesaber> limimi
<Phasesaber> Lumien does
<magnanimous_phi disconnected>
<magnanimous_phi connected>
<Carnivous> @Lumien, may I come over and enchant some stuff?
<epicTCK connected>
<epicTCK> wassup
<Phasesaber> epic do you have an anvil?
<epicTCK> yes
<Phasesaber> where u liv
<epicTCK> the cute cottage near spawn
<epicTCK> its in the basement
<Phasesaber> damn witch on the shapes
<epicTCK> "the shapes"
<Carnivous> @Lumien where is your base?
<Phasesaber> near spawn
<epicTCK> helka hasnt been on has he
<Phasesaber> carn right by the desert
<Phasesaber> nope
<Phasesaber> magnanimous_phi pls slep
<epicTCK disconnected>
<epicTCK connected>
<Phasesaber> prot 1 & feather falling 4 on booties
<magnanimous_phi> nice
<Lumien> nice!
<epicTCK> ccol
<epicTCK> anyone want to help on my mob grinder
<epicTCK> its HUGE
<epicTCK> and anyone can use it
<HelkaHomba connected>
<epicTCK> heyy
<epicTCK> ur finally on
<epicTCK> yay
<magnanimous_phi> 'Allo!
<HelkaHomba> hi
<epicTCK> wanna help on my mob grinder
<quartata connected>
<epicTCK> hey
<MagentaField connected>
<magnanimous_phi> Party!
<HelkaHomba> Need to terraforn something
<Carnivous> 9 people?
<epicTCK> yaay
<epicTCK> 9 people ues
<quartata> ALL RIGHTY
<quartata> IT'S TIME
<epicTCK> *yes lol
<TheNumeralOne> 9 people!!!!
<quartata> also @Phase my house has an anvil but you'll have to go to the nether :/
<epicTCK> but my mob grinder....
<Phasesaber> no worries :P
<quartata> everyone to spawn
<Phasesaber> omw
<quartata> bring your shovels and picks
<epicTCK> ok jas
<Sp3000 connected>
<epicTCK> shoud i bring my dirts
<Phasesaber> sp to spawn
<epicTCK> 10 PEOPLE
<quartata> It's Friday Night Terraforming
<quartata> Together we will make the spawn volcano and it's gonna be great
<Sp3000> How's iron farm?
<HelkaHomba> dunkey is loose
<quartata> oh shit thanks
<magnanimous_phi> run dunkey run
<quartata> ALL RIGHT
<HelkaHomba> @Sp just got on, will get to it after quartatas loud project
<quartata> hahaha
<quartata> anyways
<Sp3000> I meant yield, but ok :P
<quartata> This wood block here is the spawn point (-72, 256).
<Phasesaber> oh snap let's get on discord
<Sp3000> Was afking in it last night, and while slow I did manage a stack
<quartata> We need to cut off all the blocks on this hill so that this face here is flat
<HelkaHomba> thats -73
<Sp3000> Ran out of villagers for the other compartment though
<quartata> In particular
<epicTCK> i gtg watch a movie but can my brother finish up my mob grinder 4 me
<quartata> This wing over here
<quartata> And that wing over there
<quartata> Must be clipped.
<Phasesaber> quart wait alomst there
<quartata> OK
<quartata> Also Lumien you'll need to take down the maps for now.
<quartata> Is everything clear?
<Phasesaber> no
<Phasesaber> wat
<quartata> OK.
<quartata> Basically just sheer every block on this hill west of this acacia block here.
<HelkaHomba> like so?
<quartata> yeppers
<HelkaHomba> to valley?
<quartata> And if you come across any abadoned tunnels or bases
<quartata> just nuke them
<quartata> @Helka yep
<HelkaHomba> so you mean EVERY block west of that acacia plank?
<HelkaHomba> the whole wings>
<HelkaHomba> ?
<quartata> Yes.
<HelkaHomba> well, ok :P
<HelkaHomba> Alot
<quartata> Yep that's why we need to work as a team
<Phasesaber> let's all mine for diamonds next
<HelkaHomba> include the row with the block?
<quartata> Nope. Leave that row alone.
<quartata> We're gonna fill it in a bit later so that it's a sheer cliff face
<Carnivous> SLEEP
<quartata disconnected>
<epicTCK disconnected>
<Carnivous disconnected>
<Carnivous connected>
<magnanimous_phi> I missed the instructions, everything west of a certain block?
<Carnivous> Thank you
<epicTCK connected>
<Sp3000> No need to yell SLEEP in all caps :P Some people just take a while walking up the hill to their beds
<Sp3000> :P
<Carnivous> I was in an imminent dire situation
<quartata> OK. so only now did I realize how much junk this was
<magnanimous_phi> brb
<magnanimous_phi disconnected>
<Lumien> So, everything west of the acacia block, both wings, gone?
<magnanimous_phi connected>
<quartata> Yep.
<HelkaHomba> yes
<Lumien> got it
<quartata> If you have it TNT will help
<Phasesaber> oh ill grab mine
<quartata> Controlled explosions
<quartata> one tnt at a time if you use it
<Phasesaber> yeah
<quartata> And bury it.
<magnanimous_phi> we should start at the top and work down in layers
<quartata> That's what I'm doing.
<Lumien> same
<Sp3000> btw were we going with grass paths everywhere or what?
<Phasesaber> path blocks?
<quartata> lmao Helka just knocked the ground out under me xD
<quartata> we were tunneling on top of each other
<HelkaHomba> I like grass paths, too bad they can't slope :/
<quartata> ^
<Sp3000> I wouldn't mind wood or something, but I just remembered someone mentioning grass path
<Phasesaber> tell me where to plant these
<quartata> ?
<quartata> oh tnt?
<Phasesaber> yeah
<quartata> Start on the wings.
<TheNumeralOne disconnected>
<quartata> I'll show you.
<Lumien> Oh, I need a chest to put the excess dirt in.
<magnanimous_phi> we need to collect everything we can
<quartata> 2 here
<quartata> wtf
<quartata> I suppose you can pretty much do whatever you want lmao
<HelkaHomba> chests for crap by the beds
<Carnivous> What are you guys doing?
<quartata> terraforming
<quartata> come to spawn
<Phasesaber> griefing spawn
<quartata> phase come here
<Phasesaber> don't tell helka
<Carnivous> Let me enchant stuff and I'll head over
<Phasesaber> only 1 tnt left
<quartata> OK.
<Carnivous> Also I have 8 spare tnt
<quartata> Bring it.
<Carnivous> From a temple
<Phasesaber> oh sweet
<MagentaField> if someone has gunpowder i just got a stack of sand
<quartata> Phase bury one in the hillside here
<Lumien> BOOM :D
<TheNumeralOne connected>
<HelkaHomba> what y level should ground be at?
<HelkaHomba> when we stop I mean
<Phasesaber> 64?
<quartata> Oh good question.
<quartata> One second.
<brikerw connected>
<brikerw> woah 10/12 nice
<Carnivous> 11 people
<brikerw disconnected>
<Phasesaber> 68?
<brikerw connected>
<quartata> I'm checking.
<TheNumeralOne disconnected>
<TheNumeralOne connected>
<MagentaField disconnected>
<HelkaHomba> that's the level of the ground blocks?
<quartata> Yep.
<HelkaHomba> k
<brikerw> woah max on server
<HelkaHomba> this is a first
<quartata> Riker come to spawn and bring your pick + shovel
<quartata> also tnt if you have it
<HelkaHomba> it's terraforming day
<brikerw> no tnt but okai
<quartata> gud work
<Phasesaber> only one with 0 deaths :3
<quartata> need to make some food
<quartata> one second
<HelkaHomba> I'm not entirely sure what q's plan is but we'll see...
<magnanimous_phi> oh no, I'm almost losing
<brikerw> ^
<brikerw> *^^^
<Lumien> I scattered double chests around the right wing to toss dirt/rocks/stuff in.
<epicTCK> wat are the coordinates for spawn
<brikerw> brb
<quartata> If this drops any saplings pick them up.
<Lumien> quartata, make sure- yeah, that
<quartata> lmao 29 logs
<Lumien> That's why I brought 8 saplings. :P
<quartata> This would be easier with a wither or two.
<Lumien> hahaha
<brikerw> oh god no
<quartata> I'm serious.
<brikerw> but true
<Lumien> and a lot more dangerous :P
<brikerw> idw to die!!!
<quartata> I mean not "let a wither loose"
<quartata> I mean spawn a wither in a wither cage
<quartata> I don't think withers can ride in minecarts anymore so we can't do that :/
<quartata> That used to be an awesome trick for auto-mining
<brikerw> quartata where to?
<quartata> spawn
<Phasesaber> I forgot I wrote a bot to do tasks like this, but by hand is also fun
<quartata> I asked you about your bot and you said it didn't work in survival :/
<magnanimous_phi> by hand is fun with like 10 other people
<quartata> I was planning on doing this part by hand but the mirroring part with a bot
<Phasesaber> it's just a little glitchy on survival, since gravity isn't implemented
<brikerw> okai just chop off the dirt?
<quartata> chop of all dirt higher than y=65 and west of -72 x
<quartata> 256 z
<quartata> It's marked with an acacia block
<Phasesaber> perfect briker
<brikerw> how deep?
<quartata> higher than y=65
<TheNumeralOne disconnected>
<quartata> Oh rats.
<quartata> The bridge.
<quartata> We're gonna have to nuke that later.
<Lumien> Hey Magenta, did you pick up any dark oak saplings?
<MagentaField> no
<magnanimous_phi> Im in ur base diggin ur dirt
<quartata> hahahahaa
<Lumien> haha, yeah, I know :P
<HelkaHomba> back wall clear
<quartata> thankfully I have feather falling otherwise I probably would have just died
<quartata> be careful around tunnel
<Phasesaber> WOOOT first slit done!
<Lumien> slit?
<quartata> Tunnel.
<Phasesaber> one block line thing
<Lumien> ah
<quartata> Cleared from end to end? Awesome.
<Lumien> right
<brikerw> note: carry portable bed
<Lumien> that's what I do
<brikerw> Lumien same
<brikerw> really phase?
<Phasesaber> ?
<quartata> wow we've filled an entire double chest of junk
<quartata> awsum job
<Lumien> good thing there are more double chests! :P
<brikerw> don't dig up pls
<MagentaField> why not
<epicTCK> u all need more dirt?
<brikerw> becuase phase did and almost killed me
<Phasesaber> sorry!
<quartata> Thank goodness I got dig dug and picky eater enchanted today
<brikerw> wtf are those
<quartata> dig dug = shovel
<quartata> picky eater = pick
<brikerw> oh
<Phasesaber> I enchanted and only got unbreaking :]
<quartata> me too but it helps
<brikerw> i though you said though were enchantments
<quartata> hahahaa
<quartata> those would be... interesting enchantments
<brikerw> ^
<magnanimous_phi> picky eater: only breaks certain types of blocks, randomized
<quartata> yeah
<quartata> maybe make it faster on certain random blocks
<brikerw> dig dug has a random chance to dig all the way down to bedrock
<MagentaField> that could be deadly
<magnanimous_phi> don't dig down
<Lumien> NEVER dig straight down, then. :P
<Phasesaber> but if you dig sideways then it would just dig forever
<brikerw> yep
<quartata> not forever
<Carnivous> Finally heading over
<quartata> 30 million blocks
<brikerw> true
<Phasesaber> that's like pretty much forever
<quartata> no
<Phasesaber> and really into loaded chunks
<Phasesaber> only into*
<quartata> before 1.7 it would have run out of memory
<magnanimous_phi> That reminds me, in some minecraft mod....
<magnanimous_phi> someone hooked up a tunnel bore machine to a chunk loader
<brikerw> rofl
<quartata> the tunnel bore from thaumacraft?
<magnanimous_phi> maybe
<quartata> I heard a pick break
<magnanimous_phi disconnected>
<quartata> someone need something
<Phasesaber> I brought 2 stacks of iron
<Phasesaber> n sticks
<quartata> ah good
<HelkaHomba> the farm may have iron also
<brikerw> yes much diamond pls
<brikerw> HelkaHomba nope, checked.
<quartata> @brikerw look in the dropper in the maintence closet
<brikerw> hi i trade diamond for cobblestone
<HelkaHomba> yeah, the thingy is broken
<brikerw> brb
<quartata> This slit is at y=66. Sorry phase :P
<brikerw> you know golems make dirt?
<quartata> Golems?
<quartata> They do?
<Phasesaber> wait wut
<brikerw> the farm has dirt inside the hoppers
<HelkaHomba> I put those there
<Lumien> Oh, I get "slit" now. :P
<Phasesaber> :Pp
<quartata> That's probably for sorting
<HelkaHomba> yes
<quartata> don't mess with it
<magnanimous_phi connected>
<magnanimous_phi> rip my ram
<quartata> Be wary when disconnecting.
<quartata> You might reconnect to find yourself in mid-air.
<brikerw> pls halp i trap
<quartata> ?
<brikerw> i has no button on inside
<brikerw> wait making one
<quartata> In the iron farm?
<quartata> there should be one
<brikerw> yep
<brikerw> is now
<HelkaHomba> there are pressure plates
<brikerw> and one iron
<brikerw> Phasesaber i made one
<Phasesaber> kk
<quartata> oops can't sprint
<brikerw> [mod-request] sprinting doesn't take extra food
<quartata> one second
<MagentaField disconnected>
<MagentaField connected>
<quartata> This is burning through my already small pumpkin pie supplies.
<Sp3000> -1 for feature request (ditto Phase) :P
<MagentaField> well theres a wheat farm right there
<HelkaHomba> I can bring food if anyone needs
<Phasesaber> 2 SLITS!
<quartata> I took some melons.
<quartata> @Phase are they at y=65?
<quartata> The one I saw was y=66.
<magnanimous_phi disconnected>
<HelkaHomba> the floor is y=65
<magnanimous_phi connected>
<Phasesaber> oh crap
<brikerw> y=66 on top, y=65 block level
<quartata> y isn't based on eye level.
<Carnivous> Hello
<magnanimous_phi> ;-; when I relog to see that some of my progress was just lag
<Carnivous> So what's going on here?
<quartata> Terraforming.
<brikerw> ^
<magnanimous_phi> griefing
<Carnivous> Just digging?
<quartata> We're destroying all blocks west of (-72,256) that are higher than y=65.
<quartata> at least here at this hill
<MagentaField> but how far west
<HelkaHomba> thats too low phase
<Phasesaber> no he said 65
<HelkaHomba> I think
<HelkaHomba> these blocks are at 65
<Phasesaber> quart telslslss usses
<Carnivous> I brought 8 tnt
<brikerw> quartata is wrong
<quartata> This is 65.
<brikerw> [tag:quartata is wrong]
<quartata> This is 66.
<Phasesaber> it's quarta's plan I don't think he is wrong
<quartata> This is right.
<quartata> This is wrong.
<HelkaHomba> Which?
<brikerw> [tag: quartata-is-right]
<quartata> When you hit F3 it should say y=65.
<HelkaHomba> So the floor blocks are at level 64?
<quartata> Yes.
<HelkaHomba> k
<Phasesaber> the looking at block value should be -64
<quartata> Sorry, I got eye level y confused
<quartata> Anyways the blocks should be 64
<brikerw> Phasesaber better be + 64
<Phasesaber> there's a big mineshaft on the south side, so be careful
<quartata> I'm 99.99% sure that block coords are stored as a block which is unsigned in Java
<quartata> *byte
<quartata> lmao
<brikerw> Carnivous no
<brikerw> west of there
<Phasesaber> bytes are signed in java
<quartata> They are?
<Phasesaber> pretty sure
<HelkaHomba> I have tnt but no flint
<quartata> Well that's news to me.
<quartata> I have flint.
<Lumien> me too
<Lumien> no iron though
<quartata> I mean I have a flint steel
<quartata> Uh-oh.
<Phasesaber> yeah they're signed
<Lumien> oh
<HelkaHomba> I gave it to you
<quartata> Water.
<Lumien> I have water if you need it.
<quartata> Nope.
<Phasesaber> NOW 2 SLITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!!!!!!!!
<quartata> There's a large puddle here.
<Lumien> ahh
<quartata> We'll have to drain it.
<Lumien> Why not just fill it with dirt?
<Phasesaber> or sand
<Phasesaber> i've got lots of sand
<Phasesaber> cause i live in the diesset
<magnanimous_phi> Dies Set?
<Phasesaber> sometimes I wonder why I bother tpying
<Phasesaber> ;-;
<brikerw> because typos are fun
<quartata> rats
<quartata> I gotta go.
<brikerw> bai
<Lumien> bye!
<Phasesaber> l8r g8r
<brikerw> give us your pick
<magnanimous_phi> bye
<Carnivous> Bye!
<quartata> Will you peeps be able to keep going without my inspiring leadership
<brikerw> definitely.
<Phasesaber> ofc
<magnanimous_phi> no
<HelkaHomba> We'll try
<brikerw> s/inspiring//
<Phasesaber> s/leadership/nagging/
<Sp3000> s/inspiring leader/dictator/
<Phasesaber> jk <3
<quartata> I'll leave my flint and steel here in a chest if you need to ignite some tnts
<Phasesaber> i got one
<quartata> Oh OK.
<quartata> I'd give my pick but I don't want it to be broken.
<Phasesaber> what does it have?
<quartata> just unbreaking 1 and a cool name
<quartata> but I'd like to keep it and repair it on an anvil
<Phasesaber> oh we don't need that
<quartata> I suspected as much :)
<quartata> Bye.
<quartata disconnected>
<brikerw> lol at floating beds
<brikerw> bai guys
<Phasesaber> o/
<brikerw> well, 2 more min
<Lumien> bye!
<HelkaHomba> b
<Lumien> *in two minutes!
<Phasesaber> at least spotify is giving me programmer ads
<brikerw> i in floating bed
<Sp3000> I steal Helka Home-bed
<epicTCK> anyone have extra coblestone
<Phasesaber> -_-
<MagentaField> nobody does
<magnanimous_phi> everyone?
<Lumien> We're gathering a lot over here...
<Carnivous> <exasperation>
<MagentaField> there is not a stone anywhere in sight
<epicTCK> lol
<Sp3000> @phi If that were the case I'd gladly take all of it :P
<Lumien> Is there a way to directly see the durability of a tool?
<MagentaField> f3-h
<brikerw> so these chest are goin?
<HelkaHomba> going?
<brikerw> and I sorted them.
<magnanimous_phi> just leave them floating?
<brikerw> bai for real now
<Lumien> They're for tossing junk in.
<Phasesaber> yeah leave them floating
<HelkaHomba> We could move them to the ground, but keep the stuff
<brikerw disconnected>
<Carnivous> @Phase You made Refract, right?
<Phasesaber> yeah
<Phasesaber> github/phase/refract
<HelkaHomba> wah this chest special?
<Carnivous disconnected>
<MagentaField> it just stayed the same height
<HelkaHomba> I'm putting them at ground level
<HelkaHomba> destroy that one lumien
<Sp3000> Anyone got spruce?
<Sp3000> (or know where to get some)
<Lumien> I've got a couple saplings at my swamp base.
<HelkaHomba> towards swap is probly best bet
<HelkaHomba> southeast, right?
<Sp3000> Are there spruce around the swamp?
<Phasesaber> anyone know how to download a build from a jenkins site?
<Lumien> yeah, I passed by spruce trees on the way to the swamp
<HelkaHomba> you guys need iron?
<Lumien> Okay, who's got an anvil?
<MagentaField> yes
<Phasesaber> I brought 2 stacks
<magnanimous_phi> yeah
<Lumien> Nevermind, I have enough iron to make my own anvil.
<Lumien> 4 iron blocks, 3 ignots for anvil, right?
<HelkaHomba> 3, 4
<Phasesaber> something like that
<MagentaField> other way
<Lumien> got it
<Lumien> satisfying to hear it placed. :P
<MagentaField> is the iron farm working yet?
<HelkaHomba> more or less
<HelkaHomba> I need to fix a few things
<Phasesaber> aww...
<Carnivous> New leader in the death games
<Carnivous> rip
<magnanimous_phi> ;-;
<Lumien> hahahaha :P
<Phasesaber> wouldn't the leader be the one with the least deaths *wink*
<Carnivous> No
<Phasesaber> ;-;
<Lumien> You have an unfair advantage Phase: you joined later.
<Carnivous> You're the death golfer
<HelkaHomba> like a day later?
<Phasesaber> yeah
<MagentaField> what about deaths/hour
<HelkaHomba> quartata better come back to fix this thing..
<magnanimous_phi> we've actually made some really good progress
<Lumien> definitely
<HelkaHomba> it's bee about 40 min since we properly started on this north side
<Phasesaber disconnected>
<HelkaHomba> Poor Lumien's base
<Lumien> haha
<Phasesaber connected>
<Lumien> Phase, can you put that door at that side of the tunnel?
<Phasesaber> where's that?
<Lumien> Actually, never mind.
<Lumien> Don't need it anymore.
<Phasesaber> zoombie pigman
<magnanimous_phi> sp00k
<Lumien> "Zombie pigman angers" :P
<HelkaHomba> phi stole the ingot!
<Carnivous> Have a dirt :P
<Carnivous> Dirt can be used to buy oods and services
<epicTCK> wow
<epicTCK> that is some serious progress
<Sp3000> I'll come to spawn a little later to see what's changed :)
<HelkaHomba> we just mined a few blocks
<Phasesaber> WOOT
<Lumien> wooooo!
<epicTCK> wooo
<epicTCK> yay
<Phasesaber> north side doneeeeeeeeeeeeee!
<magnanimous_phi> #yolo
<epicTCK> bring dunkey to go see it
<epicTCK> #dunkey
<Phasesaber> north side done _again_!
<magnanimous_phi> That was rediculous
<epicTCK disconnected>
<epicTCK connected>
<MagentaField> my house is still somewhat intact
<HelkaHomba> this side has less stone I reckon
<Lumien> Less material, period.
<HelkaHomba> I'ma fix golem farm now
<Lumien> I've gotta Skype with my fiancee now. I'll be back soon.
<Carnivous> This'll be easier to do for the Nether hub
<Carnivous> Anyone want to head to the nether and map out the hub?
<magnanimous_phi> are we gonna start on south?
<Phasesaber> not right now
<Phasesaber> ye sphi
<HelkaHomba> You can if you want
<magnanimous_phi> are we gonna use our cellected material to build the other half of the volcano?
<Sp3000> Wow, flat mountain
<Sp3000> Is the plan to clear this whole place?
<Phasesaber> mostly
<HelkaHomba> need iton sp?
<Sp3000> Not right now, I afked here and took some yesterday :)
<Phasesaber> iton?
<HelkaHomba> r
<magnanimous_phi> riton
<Phasesaber> o.o?
<MagentaField> itonr
<Sp3000> iyon's next door neighbour
<magnanimous_phi> get rekt mountain
<epicTCK> we should call the mountain "Get Rekt MTN"
<magnanimous_phi> should I leave all of the cobblestone here?
<epicTCK> jk
<magnanimous_phi> What should we do now?
<Phasesaber> dig dig dig
<Carnivous> Help me dig in the Nether :)
<epicTCK> ok
<epicTCK> where r u
<Phasesaber> wait who is El'endia Starman?
<magnanimous_phi> lumien
<Phasesaber> oooo
<epicTCK disconnected>
<magnanimous_phi> I think I'm gonna sign off for now.
<Phasesaber> o/
<magnanimous_phi disconnected>
<HelkaHomba> @Lum can I bum 3 redstone?
<HelkaHomba> oh, you left ...
<Phasesaber> I have a ton
<Carnivous> @Helk Nether hub is centered at ~120 20
<HelkaHomba> k. Need help with it?
<Carnivous> Planned size: main room is 31x63
<Carnivous> Just digging atm
<Phasesaber> gtg study for programming competition, cya g8rs l8rs
<Phasesaber disconnected>
<Carnivous> Just the way it turns out, I'm almost certain there will be a path between spawn portal and hub
<Sp3000> wb, you missed the ender dragon
<Lumien> Helka, you got the redstone you needed?
<Lumien> AW BUMMER
<HelkaHomba> yes
<magnanimous_phi connected>
<magnanimous_phi> jk I'm back
<Lumien> Just like Conor. :P
<Lumien> Y'know, it's mildly terrifying to be working next to a potentially-fatal drop... :P
<magnanimous_phi> I left because I thought I was bored, I came back because I realize Minecraft wasn't the cause.
<Sp3000> So low on cobble I guess it's time for another mining session
<Lumien> Dude, come to spawn. :P
<HelkaHomba> ^
<Lumien> There's so much cobble in the chests.
<Sp3000> The other motive is revenge against my mine which has *still* yet to cough up a diamond :/
<Lumien> @AquaTart - I'm still working too. I expect diamonds as payment. :P
<Lumien> Well, @AquaTart, I'm expecting diamonds just because I'll need to repair my shovel. :P
<Lumien> No other reason.
<Sp3000> Finally D:
<Carnivous> grats
<Lumien> @AquaTart - does your name show up highlighted?
<Lumien> Congrats! :D
<HelkaHomba> Ok. Golem farm fixed. It'll hold 4 double chests of iron, and not break if it overflows
<Lumien> yay!
<Carnivous> Is nether brick resistant to ghasts?
<Sp3000> ... we don't have an exp farm yet, do we? (how are you guys getting the levels for enchants?)
<HelkaHomba> @carn yes, even cobble is
<Carnivous> ^ The hard way
<Lumien> Killing mobs, mining, smelting, etc...
<Carnivous> Ok, just checking bc I think a hub made of nether brick would be cool
<Sp3000> Hmm
<HelkaHomba> iron in there phi
<magnanimous_phi> mouse glitch
<Lumien> Can't rest now, monsters nearby. :(
<magnanimous_phi> seriously?
<HelkaHomba> minkolangly?
<Lumien> hahaha
<Sp3000> Well that's ><>y
<Lumien> Just scared myself by almost walking off the cliff.
<Sp3000> Just checkin', has anyone here played The Witness?
<Lumien> No, but I want to.
<Lumien> Wanna buy it for me? :P
<Sp3000> I would if you hosted the server and it wasn't that much :P
<Lumien> Good to know: a pig who falls to their death still drops meat. :P
<Sp3000> So what did you guys want me to do? Terraform spawn for cobble?
<Lumien> Just look in the double chests.
<Sp3000> I'd feel bad taking so many though, wanna work for it :P
<Lumien> alright, that's fine
<Lumien> Plenty of work to do. :)
<HelkaHomba> thx magenta
<MagentaField> welcome