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Today is the day
4 hours later…
3.5 hours :o
I'm excited!
@JNat Oh? You gonna run? xD
no :'(
@JNat I'd vote for you <3
I won't even be able to vote, I think
That's kind of disappointing.
I mean, I get that you're "staff", but IIRC the government gets to vote (in most countries).
yeah our government votes for itself in elections
cuz uh, they want to win :P
I won't be able to vote either
I guess though there are a significant enough amount of staff that they could effectively swag an election extremely
if they collabd
but aren't staffs supposed to be the most truthful and vote liably?
@Unihedron Why not?
@Killua Rep.
Oh, you only have 103 D:
You don't even have enough questions for me to bump you up :P
Well, I really hasn't done anything. xD
Or any questions at all!
ur still a mod in our hearts
@Unihedron suggest 24 edits and get them approved
our mods should be Student Presidents and co. instead of mods
student council presidents are supposed to be the smartest / strongest / sth though
(and not by voting)
@Unihedron hits @Unihedron with a nen yo-yo
Are you implying that we are not the smartest and strongest?
mods are the senpais
@Killua but among all of you there has to be only one strongest person :P
we can't find out by voting
we should have 4 mods
all those 4 guardian animes
and then behind them
a super-mod
yesu, bossu
1 hour later…
very soon
i knew it said 21:00 yesterday :P
I thought so
At least the chat event is correct now
not just yet
My trump card has been revealed, how do you like this?
@Matt here is mine, can you beat that
Yeah I think free cookies win.
@Killua Don't be so sure
@Matt for president
I didn't want to have to use this but
I resign
Nope, @Matt still has my vote
A shocking turnaround
Free loli's + cookies?
@Matt NullPointerException. You have nothing to resign from
With a pinch of beach partys
@nhahtdh My plan has been foiled
I should have edited screenshots from HxH to put Killua in the Chairman Election.
Is the Eric running?
Nah, just Killua.
Taking it to a global scale
@Dimitrimx This is just an anti- @Frosteeze campaign poster
snap I have been busted
The time is almost upon us
5 minutes :O
This is turning into Thrills and Spills.
updated my profile picture for this, but it does nto change in the chat ;(
Takes time :P
it takes a while
@Dimitrimx haha, nice
@Dimitrimx Takes a while to propagate
I'd do the same, but it's change day in like 4 days anyway
I hope it is in time ;)
1 minute
45 seconds
here goes the blood bath!
Welcome all! This room is being usurped to become the official election chat room for this election, not that anyone was even using it for anything else anyway but starting at this moment it's mine now it's official. For general discussion related to Anime & Manga, go here: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/6697/maid-cafe-
If you have questions about the election process itself, please ask your question on the Anime Meta Site. Remember, folks stepping up to lead this community are committing a significant amount of their time, please keep all discourse civil and constructive.
Is this going to end up a vote for who posts the best pic/gif?
I didn't forsee this
@GraceNote /unrelated interjection: what about CR graduation?
Pretty sure that was already arranged and "done" in as far a capacity as we currently can, last month.
Anything else coming or to happen will happen once we can do it for anyone at all.
@ToshinouKyouko Also 2579 chars?
ok everyone
nominations have closed
@GraceNote not by that much
Since everyone else is too busy trying to pare down their clearly humble nominations
I'll say it:
@ToshinouKyouko Your went through, in the meantime
Good luck to all prospective candidates!
@JNat i stripped some sentences out
i thought it was short enough anyway but i guess not :P
@GraceNote there's still that darn blue label on the site... and all the cool stuff didn't happen yet... and people wonder..
now that this is done it's time for bed :P
@ToshinouKyouko Night :P
I look forward to seeing all your nominations in the morning :)
Yet suddenly, when Toshinou Kyouko wakes up, it's once again the start of August 10th, and nominations have yet to open.
Groundhog Day II: Anime & Manga Moderator Elections.
I'd watch it
I'm down to 1557 over the limit, we're getting there
What the hell did you write?
An essay on the merits of preserving our community spirit?
It was quite something
It was a great length of prose on my love for our community
Can you put your text into a length-checker and find out the actual maxlen?
Yeah, on clicking 'Nominate', there's a box like there is for questions
I just Ctrl+A'd it in from Google Docs and was met with my downfall
1,200 maximum.
@MadaraUchiha Hai
I didn't think I'd be so excited about this day :P
@Killua You gonna nominate?
@JNat You don't have to nominate :D
@MadaraUchiha Yup.
Do we have an idea of who else intends on running?
Me, once my characters are down
Or has anyone else who hasn't run yet expressed their intention to do so?
I'm hoping @ʞɹɐzǝɹ will run, but no confirmation there.
@Killua I'd be surprised if not
@Matt Still unable to cut the char count down to the limit?
Just under now, but I'm trying to add things to make it up
@Matt try gzipping
I'll be done in 5
I hope you're all ready
Although it's sub-par compared to the original
@Matt your 5 are up, where is your nomination? :P
Ok, just proofreading
"Can't post images"
This will take more time
... lol
idk why. They say it's to prevent spam, but you need 300 rep to post a nomination.
@Matt How's it going? xD
Just done
It's a lot less impressive without the gifs though :(
For reference, here are the ones that were included, in order:
@Matt "leniency has its benefits"
@JNat I feel ashamed
No one saw ;)
Ninja edits save the day
I had to cut out so much
All my introduction on why I *personally* wanted to run, and all these points:
- I’ve kept myself high up in the user rankings, and I’ve placed in the top 25 weekly users 87% of the time.
- I’m pretty laid back and friendly, so I can be a welcoming beacon of hope to new and old users alike.
- If elected, I’ll create a chatroom titled “The Mattroom”, where I can be reached 24/7 (mostly) to answer any of your burning questions.
- My username only has 3 unique characters. Who doesn’t evaluate a candidate by ease of typing their name?
> too long by 4 characters
This is my life.
I had to leave out my campaign song
I couldn't wish everyone else good luck
No campaign slogan
And there's mine.
That makes 6 nominees so far.
@Killua I like the dwarf leaving the flask metaphor
@Matt Thanks xD Figured it was oddly fitting.
@Killua Nice. Well-written!
@JNat Thanks! :D

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