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@enderland Well, that answers the question i came here to ask, thanks!
4 hours later…
Good morning, evening or anywhere in between! :)
As you probably saw, I am one of those silly people who has nominated myself for the moderator election :)
4 hours later…
@JaneS hi and welcome! I've been seeing your name a lot lately, but hadn't noticed before that you've gained nearly 10k in three months. Wow.
3 hours later…
Lots of "X hours later.." auto generated messages here
@JaneS Heh - you're not silly. I'm silly :-)
that's an awesome amount of rep in such a short time
@RhysW hey, good to see you here! How've you been?
1 hour later…
guess who can't read ...
@MonicaCellio Thank you! I honestly didn't really think about it in those terms. People ask questions, I try to answer them :)
@JaneS I find it fun so I can relate to that, hah
@enderland I think that so many see it as a competition. It's not :) I'll vote up other answers on the questions I have given answers to if I think they are good. If the person asking the question is able to resolve their problem, it's nice to have helped a bit :)
I think one awesome thing about Workplace is that questions here have a lot more "life impact" than say Stack Overflow. Most people's lives aren't going to be changed by answering a programming question. But they CAN be by a question here. — enderland ♦ Feb 26 at 17:59
A: Time for the annual performance review!

enderland what have you found most gratifying, pleasantly surprising, or helpful on The Workplace in this past year? I think what I enjoy the most is when people post something along the lines of "this worked great!" or "totally got the job!" or "got the raise!" either on posts or in chat. Since joi...

@enderland And while we have some challenges over on Personal Productivity (mostly because it somehow attracts people who want quick solutions to not having studied until the day before an exam, or folks with psychological issues we cannot hope to deal with) I think Workplace generally attracts questions which are real, and grounded in a real environment
@enderland You just nailed my own belief system :)
@JaneS it's why I like being a moderator here and like answering questions, too
@RoryAlsop yeah, Workplace tends to get some of those too though, but... probably a larger portion are actionable/real (speculation, at least?)
@enderland I know that my short time being here is of concern to some for my nominating as moderator, and to be honest I fully understand that. But I didn't come here for that; I just like helping people. If my short tenure is a barrier, I will try again another time because I will still be here, still answering questions, still trying to help people in my own little way :)
@RoryAlsop Good morning! Well, morning for me. I'll admit silliness, I'm just this Aussie chick who seems to talk to much ;)
@RoryAlsop it's ok; you're allowed to answer too. :-)
Speaking of 10k rep, I seem to have just passed that boundary! I had better go look at the new tools and familiarise myself :)
@MonicaCellio thanks :-)
@JaneS congrats!
@MonicaCellio Thanks! :)
2 hours later…
So... One candidate has less than 1K rep, and the other one managed to get the site's name wrong in her nomination... o_O

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