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Hey everyone, I'm hoping to drive more views on my SO question I've actually put a bounty on but got nothing. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/78320262/cannot-format-fuse-partition-permission-denied
Basically, I'm getting EPERMs when attempting to access a block device on a FUSE filesystem. I'm hoping for some insights. Thanksss
1 hour later…
@J-Cake I would just delete the SO one and post here instead. I'm surprised it hasn't been closed on SO, actually, is it even on topic without any code? It might be, I am not an expert on SO's scope. In any case, I would think the natural home for that question is here.
If you don't get any useful answers by the time your bounty expires, I would delete and post here instead.
@terdon hey thanks. I may not have included any code but I see it as a programming question, however theoretical it may be. But in any case, the bounty expires in 18 hours, so I guess that's exactly what I'll do. Once confirmation though is whether you mean into the chat or on Unix&Linux StackExachange?
@J-Cake I mean into Unix & Linux, not chat. Good point, that wasn't clear before.
And you're right that it's a programming question, but at its core, it's more of a Linux question and the programming only comes into it when discussing how to wrangle the Linux side. Anyway, I won't press this point, I am just a low-rep user on SO and don't know the details of their scope. It may very well be on topic there too.
@terdon Thanks anyway for the advice. I'll post it here when the bounty runs out
Good luck! It seems interesting, although sadly way past the limits of my knowledge, so I can't help.
I would be happy to put a bounty on it though, so feel free to ping me after you bring it here and ask me to.
And mine :P but a bounty sounds amazing!
Do you think a simply Copy+Paste is enough or should I reword the question? Even after deleting the original?
@J-Cake Nah, if you mean in order to avoid being accused of cross-posting, if the original is deleted you're absolutely fine.
Okay perfect then that's what I'll do. Thanks a million again for your help
np :)

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