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@MC68020 I re-read the question just now and I think that the comma in 586,853 might not be a decimal comma. I think 586,853 KB is about half a gigabyte. — Kusalananda ♦ 1 hour ago
@Kusalananda you mean megabyte, right?
No, you mean exactly what you wrote, and I should learn to finish my coffee before attempting anything to do with numbers.
@terdon :-)
1 hour later…
@terdon BTW, I got myself a coffee grinder the other day, and a couple of bags of whole (roasted) coffee beans. My coffee at home has never tasted so good! :-)
Ah, yes! Well done!
You'll never go back to the stale stuff now!
@terdon The beans are a bit more expensive (not much though), depending on what brand I get, and the price of coffee has gone up recently.
But yes, I think I will prefer to grind my own coffee from now on.
2 hours later…
@Kusalananda This is an issue that I really want to get to the bottom of
Ground coffee should cost more because theoretically it's the same product but with additional machinery, electricity, and likely shipping costs. And yet whole bean costs more
@jesse_b The price is higher on "narrow" (low demand) products.
could be it, I think the ground coffee might also have some filler in it that makes it cheaper
10 hours later…
Does anyone have an LWN subscriber link for lwn.net/Articles/898040?

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