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12:01 AM
@Adam look at or
12:55 AM
ok ty
1:44 AM
i do want to share with this room something interesting that's been going on since about 2016. With many under the misconception that the dark web is the resource for which illcit drugs are traded, from my experience, this is not the case, the trade of illegal drugs has taken place via facebook messenger group chats, and it is my understanding that those that set up this network were spoon fed instructions from counter parts in the U.S. not exactly riveting news, but i think
it should be known that there really isn't as much of grey scale polarity between domains of the internet as popular opinion would have you believe
Stackoverflow is a good place, except discrimination from privileged users and moderators. They never understand those who are not privilleged and who don't know or have accesses to resources. Is it true that no one can stand up against them?
This particular moderator (Yvette Colomb) has a history of quickly deleting my posts and suspending my account, and discriminating my posts and account: stackoverflow.com/users/3956566/yvette-colomb
and again for an image of a human nipple image for a further 2 months.
Well they haven't censored me, I prefer chatting here than social media anyway, you can select your community in a precise way, I mean I'm not clear on what you mean by privileged users Tim, I don't know which users are trust fund kids and which users are fellow um modest earners of a voluntarist nature
2:02 AM
On a related or unrelated note, it is very sad that discrimination of various kinds is not uncommon in Australia.
I have such experiences on SE sites, and have watched such videos on Youtube.
2:34 AM
Got any more vague rhetoric statements to make using generic placeholders for just about anything the reader can imagine Tim? Yeah no donation from me you won't be getting the operation this year Timmy
2 hours later…
4:09 AM
@FaheemMitha yeah I was reading about crypto on Bernstein's homepage
5 hours later…
8:45 AM
@Adam I see. He doesn't like UIC very much. I was actually there 2 years myself, many years ago, and I'd say he has a point.
It's sort of an overgrown community college.
oh right I'm sorry I'm not familiar with UIC at all, my ocd doesn't compel me that way, it starts with reading a Wikipedia definition, which opens up into about 20 more Wikipedia pages, and the last thing I read is usually the pages about the people that have developed whatever stuff it is ive been reading about, and that night it was Daniel. But it has actually proven to be quite rewarding, like the early history of the internet is just blown me away considering the scale of it present day
actually no it usually starts with an attempt to read an RFC, not being able to get through a paragraph without several wtf is a "...." moments THEN going to Wikipedia but yeah i seem to skip over the category that UIC falls into
@Adam I'm referring to that section you quoted earlier.
yesterday, by Adam
haha finished sounds like my type of person "These drones are remarkably trigger-happy, continuously operating even when Zawacki is asleep, and not subject to any human oversight; on several occasions critical portions of the cr.yp.to network infrastructure have been blasted away by those drones and rebuilt only with manual effort. Zawacki claims that this is somehow helping security. "
That quote refers to a UIC sysadmin.
2 hours later…
10:58 AM
@FaheemMitha right yes of course the mathematics department is where the network infrastructure was located my bad
11:43 AM
Gah. I should really take another week of holiday now.
I'm looking at questions here and I can clearly see what's wrong and what's happening, but I can't really gather the energy for writing up answers ATM.
See e.g. the tilde expansion question here: unix.stackexchange.com/questions/519647/…
Should be easy to answer for anyone that knows how tildes are expanded (and when they aren't).
That user could also do with using a command line argument rather than interactively querying the user for input.
... especially since it's a file path they ask for.
I'll look at old questions instead.
11:58 AM
@Kusalananda too late, I closed it :) Go back outside :)
@Kusalananda my trick there is to "Favorite" (star) them ... and then remember to go back to that tab in my profile occasionally
@JeffSchaller Thanks. I'm not sure I'm really tired or hyper. Too much coffee and a too late night last night (playing games).
sounds like you've entered a mental Twilight Zone; be careful :)
You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's the signpost up ahead—your next stop, the Twilight Zone!
I tried to pause a new article I was reading on the web when getting up to do something else.
oh! I just remembered. @Jesse_b: remember that discussion a couple days ago where I was joking about mowing my mud pit of a lawn? The one where I joked about getting stuck in the mud? Well, I went too far ... (pic follows)
that's where I got to get out and push :)
1:09 PM
@JeffSchaller Damn that sucks...You definitely don't live anywhere near me then :p
It's pretty much a desert here. You have pretty good looking grass otherwise though
1:37 PM
There are a lot of questions about storing exit codes lately. I wonder if these are all students of some class
1 hour later…
2:38 PM
@Jesse_b In May?
I thought things like that tended to crop up in September.
@Kusalananda ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I don't have much experience with college but the trade schools I went to don't seem to follow any sort of normal schedule. They are often 2-6 month programs that could start any month
@Jesse_b Do trade schools teach programming?
I guess there is no reason why they shouldn't.
@FaheemMitha I've got to admire the guys bravery here en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernstein_v._United_States but thank god for our public servants willing to band together and make a threat involving concrete, most likely in a literal sense of the word I would say, which is the only way to deal with these savages that are driven by curiosity and the supernatural beauty of the natural numbers, we need to think of the children here
3:17 PM
@FaheemMitha Yeah some of them do
3:28 PM
what's a trade school?
> A trade school is a postsecondary educational institution designed to train students for a specific job in a skilled trade career. Most importantly, a trade school offers hands-on training to prepare students for actual work in their chosen field.
I'm seriously asking it's in the interests of international security
I went to a trade school for A+, Net+, CCNA, and MCSE
also a redhat course
yeah I mean there certainly would need to be some kind of middle ground between hardware and software otherwise microcontrollers wouldnt be a thing I suppose
dew hwat
3:51 PM
The rumours of Australia's dangerous wildlife in the States are under stated if anything, I estimate 2/3 koala bears turn out to androids upon closer inspection, in the fleeting seconds of observation you have as the powerful sleeping gas is released from it's adorable little paws
what about drop bears
i don't know i just thought of that simpsons episode when i was sitting on the loo
im pretty sure its the same one, they go to Australia and end up on "the island" after the koala bear emits sleeping gas with that cheesy laugh
chloroform is actually pretty easy to make as far as hardware store availability of ingredients is concerned, wiki says that it's actually the dispenser you need real precision to avoid lethal dosages. Oh well I'm sure ill see an inhaler hit the market at some point in the future or as i will refer to it "power nap upgrades"
@Adam That Berstein case kind of fizzled out. Bernstein's own account isn't exactly illuminating.
I assume it had some impact, but I don't really know.
No doubt Bernstein is a very smart guy, but he doesn't seem particularly interested in communicating with mere mortals.
I remember meeting him around 1995/1996 when he was an assistant professor at UIC. I didn't realise at the time that he was a celebrity in the making.
I recall he seems quite amiable. Exceptionally so, in fact.
Perhaps the years have soured him...
This is clearer, but doesn't agree particularly well with other summaries of the case I've seen - eff.org/cases/bernstein-v-us-dept-justice
And here the EFF characterizes it as a victory - eff.org/deeplinks/2015/04/…
4:27 PM
Anyone have suggestions for making this command timeout after n seconds?
if (exec 2>/dev/null 4>/dev/tcp/"$ip"/22); then
2 hours later…
6:23 PM
@Jesse_b I hear rumors there is this site where one can ask questions...
@FaheemMitha =) If I wanted to spend that much time on it, I'm pretty sure I know of one way to do it but wanted to see if there was something simple I didn't know of
@FaheemMitha well let's look at the impracticality in having cryptologic systems on the munitions list. What are they in the most general sense we can imagine? Why, it's simply inventing a new language, the alphabet (symbolically speaking, I call it a character set) for which is revealed at the designers discretion, the schema of protocol for translation of the dictionary/meaning in pre-existing languages are embedded within layers of obfuscation, of an manner of methods, which are all,
timeout didn't work but I think I could send it to a background process, store the PID, sleep for a desired time, and then kill it if it hasn't yet finished
That would be less than desirable though because I would sleep for that time even if it passes right away
again, selected at the developers discretion, and as the internet becomes more and more common place in our societies, and our population increases, so too will the number of individuals capable of devising such things. Therefore, it is a losing battle to attempt to control it in a systematic manner that government insist upon doing so for everything under that big wide umbrella of "national security"
They can keep trying and failing miserably, or they can accept that the internet as a medium has forever changed the way nations interact, it is force in the social engineering of the entire race, so I don't think this guy would be any less amicable it's probably more that he no longer sees national security as the priority, he probably sees the need for a sense of international security becoming increasingly more relevant and well, yes probably hates the mind set of the various agencies that
are banding together to do their regular old thing they do
but I certainly wouldn't be quick to judge his demeanour with dealing with these sorts, all sorts of mind tricks can be played if you're are an authoritarian nimrod with no value for the liberty of the individual, which I'm sure fits the bill for a lot in those ranks
6:39 PM
@Jesse_b Can I change your global TCP/IP timeout value? IPV4 or IPV6 or both???
@Fabby I hope not. If you could then I have some serious vulnerabilities on my laptop/firewall
:D :D :D
@Jesse_b I mean: Is you changing your laptop's IP protocol stack's timeout value an option?
just opinion please don't send me to prison for being a cyber troll guy
@Fabby Seems less than desirable
@Jesse_b Then you'll need C code AFAIK.
6:43 PM
Well that was expected. any minute a drop bear will appear and gas me
So: question time!
@Adam You mean fart in your face?
bear farts
maybe I mean koala bears are actually enormous assholes you do not want to mess with tbh the actual bears
koala bears smell like cannabis
@Adam Have you ever had a close look at their teeth and claws?
6:45 PM
it's so deceptive too because they look so cuddly but those things are viciouis
@Fabby They have two thumbs on each hand as well
@Adam All wild animals are...
Yeah trash pandas look cute but they will mess you up
lol im serious no on the contrary Tasmanian devils have such bad nympho mania they don't stop humping for long enough to be a threat
6:46 PM
which basically sums up Tasmania full stop
@Jesse_b Never heard "Trash Panda" before.
But then, I've only seen raccoons once.
My uncle had a pet raken
(in the wild, not in a trash can0
@Jesse_b You mean Kraken? What is a "raken"?
oh damn the trash dove how I will treasure the memory of the infinite array gif
@Fabby This guy Ricky on the show "Trailer Park Boys" is a goof and calls them rakens because he doesn't know how to spell or pronounce words
7:03 PM
@Jesse_b Can I run you through my American Intelligence test?
Here goes anyway:
1. Name me 10 American superheroes.
2. Name me 10 American presidents.
Can you do both?
I don't know the origin of any superheroes
@Jesse_b They're all American.
I've never known anyone who could do both...
washington, lincoln, ford, roosevelt, roosevelt, clinton, bush, bush, obama, and most importantly TRUMP
7:06 PM
They can do one or the other, never both.
I dunno I thought a lot of the superheroes (the character) were born in other countries
@Jesse_b Cool!
Thor is from space isn't he?
You're the smartest American I know, except that I only know 1 Roosevelt.4
@Jesse_b He's still from Marvel comics so born in the US...
There was Franklin and Teddy
7:07 PM
@Jesse_b googling that.
@Fabby You need to get out more.
Thor's place of birth was Asgard
oh wow, reading the Wikipedia article.
@FaheemMitha You know many Americans that can do both?
It's hard not to know the name of some American presidents, considering they're regularly attacking other countries, and doing other fun things. Ditto for superheros, probably.
@Fabby Know many what?
@Fabby Dunno. I don't see why not. I bet the Americans here can.
@FaheemMitha Many Americans that can sum up 10 superheroes and 10 presidents...
OK, must be my milieu....
7:10 PM
@Fabby Yes, I got that. Not the hardest test.
I would argue that knowing superheroes is a negative trait
@Jesse_b It's hard not to know some of them. It keeps being shoved in peoples faces these days.
@FaheemMitha Yeah I'm sure I could name 10 of them although again I think many of the characters were actually born outside the US
I bet I could name 50 without stopping.
@Jesse_b Is that a requirement?
He said "American superheroes"
7:12 PM
@Jesse_b Yes, I read that.
That's not really well defined.
@FaheemMitha Maybe that's why: people overthink the question...
It seems a bit weird that the Lua command line interpreter doesn't have an option to save history on exit. Or at least, I'm not finding a way.
Your terminal application can probably do it
Something I've been meaning to setup
@Jesse_b Inside the Lua interpeter, to be clear.
On actually on the command line. That's probably abuse of terminology.
@FaheemMitha I'm not very familiar with lua, do you not access it through a terminal?
7:18 PM
@Jesse_b Type lua5.2
dew hwat
@Jesse_b English, please.
do what
@Jesse_b Again, type lua5.2. That's the interpreter.
$ lua5.2
-bash: lua5.2: command not found
7:22 PM
@Jesse_b Ok, Well, install it, then. Or 5.3, even.
I'm going with 5.2 because that is what LuaTeX is using.
I think I would rather get my foot stuck in a badger den
hah working alone on saturdays is strange
I almost just made a comment on a ticket for a down server:
"IT'S ALIVE!!!!"
because that's what I yelled when I saw the server booting
@Jesse_b That's an odd thing to wish for.
@FaheemMitha I didn't wish for it but given a choice between badger den and luatex I would probably select badger den
@Jesse_b I'm not sure why you have such strong feelings about LuaTeX.
7:38 PM
@FaheemMitha Seems about on par with being mauled by a badger, except I think I would have a chance escaping the badger
@Jesse_b Do you even know what LuaTeX is?
@FaheemMitha no
@Jesse_b In that case, your reaction seems a bit excessive.
seems fitting, I live a life of excess
> LuaTeX is a TeX-based computer typesetting system
> TeX-based
Yep...feed me to the badger
8:12 PM
what's this purpose of this question mark inside a diamond character that keeps perturbing me every so often in various places
I'm just not going to care enough to ever be a code breaker of sorts one non alpha numeric character and im you win the game of riddles golem the gold ring is yours!
oh well I guess ive done enough pathological attention seeking in this room for one night good night ppl
9:03 PM
@Jesse_b Sigh.
9:52 PM
@Jesse_b This seems like something you might know about. What are the best brands for something like a power drill?
@FaheemMitha I would say the "best" brand would be hilti but they are like $500+
Best bang for your buck would be rigid or dewalt
followed by milwaukee
Ryobi is not bad at all if you want a budget one
@Jesse_b I was just looking at Makita.
Bear in mind most brands available in the US are not available here.
10:08 PM
oh yeah sorry I forgot about makita
makita is actually one of my favorite brands that I barely own anything of
What do you need an impact drill for
What is the significance of an impact drill / hammer drill? And are they the same things?
@Jesse_b I don't really know what it is.
Is that different from a regular drill?
They are mostly for drilling into concrete
Just looking for something sturdy that can take punishment.
@Jesse_b And for other drilling uses?
Yeah you can turn the impact mode off and use it for other things
They are significantly bigger and more unwieldy than a regular drill though
So will be harder to use
Is hammer and impact the same thing?
@Jesse_b Ok.
10:10 PM
Not really but most people would call that a hammer drill
Is it worth considering cordless?
a true hammer drill would be significantly more expensive and are really a specialty tool for drilling concrete and hard metals
I would go cordless, it's very convenient although if it's not really needed you can get a good quality corded drill for like 1/4 the price
@Jesse_b So that's not a true hammer drill?
no it isn't
10:12 PM
It isn't necessarily wrong to call it that though because it intends to serve the same purpose
That one kind of just vibrates though compared to a true hammer drill which actually has some serious hammering motion
So thing one is more like a regular drill? amazon.in/Makita-M0600B-10mm-drill/dp/B01GFYOX3Y
But I used to drill through a lot of reinforced concrete and an impact drill was always good enough for the girls I go out with
@Jesse_b Huh?
What are you planning to use it for
@Jesse_b Dunno. Just general purpose.
Probably not me. Probably other people, actually.
10:15 PM
@Jesse_b Weird idiom.
It's good enough for the girls I go out with
Both Bosch and Makita have an Indian presence.
How is Bosch?
Also I'm seeing the term rotary hammer.
I have no experience with bosch tools but I've heard the quality has gone downhill now they are made in china
they are still one of the best names in drill bits and various blades, etc
10:36 PM
@Jesse_b Is Makita a better bet, then?
Yeah makita is solid
@Jesse_b Ok. Thanks for the feedback.
No problem

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