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1:17 AM
@Kiwy do you find that database systems, distributed systems, distributed database systems are (very) relevant to your work?
I am reading about distributed systems (e.g. consensus, consistency, replication, and distributed transactions). How helpful can these be?
1:44 AM
@Tim Databases are always useful.
Like some other things, they should be used much more widely than they are. But they are not, for the usual reasons.
People don't know how to use them. And/or find the idea of using them too much trouble.
More the first than the second, though.
Personally, I find the OS and language agnostic aspects among the most appealing.
4 hours later…
8 hours later…
1:25 PM
good good morning
happy happy holliday
1 hour later…
2:36 PM
@Tim The same to you Tim.
2:50 PM
how to flash the screen manually? any useful command?
from xorg?
7 hours later…
10:00 PM
Happy Christmas to all ! May all be in peace and in good health.

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