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Which is the best minimalist Linux distro these days?
5 hours later…
@DIYser I don't think there is any one such thing. And "minimalist" is not a precise requirement anyway.
Do you know why vi would be frozen other than Ctrl+S?
Ctrl+S actually makes the cursor blink normally otherwise it is flickering/glitching
@user193661 Did you do anything specific to make that happen?
Not that I'm aware of. The last thing I did was a search with /
Alt+SysRq+i Kill Send SIGKILL to all processes, forcing them to terminate immediately.
What is sysrq?
alt+f1 got me to a new login
@user193661 You could ask a question, but if you don't know what you did, it's not clear if anyone can offer any useful responses.
I did ask a question
@user193661 If you want to kill a process, try first just kill processnumber, and then kill -9 processnumber.
I already killed the process though
@user193661 Ok.
Q: vi is frozen after search on arch linux

user193661I'm on Arch Linux live USB. I used vi to open what I believe was a small text file. I did a search with / and now the program/terminal is frozen and the cursor is glitching. I tried :q, esc, Ctrl+Q, Ctrl+C When I press Ctrl+S, the cursor begins blinking normally but Ctrl+Q makes it start glitch...

One thing I noticed is the file had an incomplete last line error
And vi only scrolls partway through it
SysRq is a key on your keyboard (commonly shared with print screen). Magic SysRq has to be enabled in the kernel, though, and I don't know if it is there or not.
@user193661 If you can't reproduce the issue, then it's probably better to close the question. Since you would have no way of knowing if a suggested fix would work.
I'll see if I can reproduce
Yea I did
It happens when I search, hit the scroll limit, then press n
@user193661 Ah, well, add that to the question.
I've updated it
@user193661 If your 18kb file isn't private, include it.
You might be better off asking in a vim forum, though. Maybe a mailing list.
Ok thanks
Also, consider an actual user name/nick. userxxxx is the default, and a pretty crappy default.
vim or vim-dev, I'd say. It says vim-dev is for bugs, and that sounds like a bug. If it is a bug, people here wouldn't be able to do anything but confirm it.
2 hours later…
@jlliagre ok. let's clear comment
2 hours later…
Trying to turn this into a one liner:
find -name "*.$2" -exec ctags {} +
mv tags "$2tags"
I should be able to pass a desired tags file name, but using find this way is very confusing...
Guess I will post a real question
@still_dreaming_1 Where is $2 coming from? Can you be sure there will always be only one tags file created? How does ctags work with multiple files?
@still_dreaming_1 rm -f "$2tags"; find … -exec ctags --append=yes -f "$2tags" {} +
keep in mind that if there are many files, ctags will be called more than once, you need to arrange for it not to overwrite the previous file
that's with exuberant ctags, I don't know about other implementations
@Gilles Thanks! For now I am using it without the --append=yes, but that is a good option to consider. It works for me using universal ctags
@still_dreaming_1 without --append, it will break if there are many files
@Gilles By many files do you mean more than one or lots of files?
@still_dreaming_1 “lots”, for some value of lots
more precisely, if the total length of the file names exceeds the system's command line length limit
@Gilles I see... I will try it with --append=yes
it's hard to estimate when you'll run over, given that it depends on the number of files AND the length of the file names AND the length of the directory path through which you invoke your script AND on the Unix variant
so better be safe
1 hour later…
I wonder if there is a way to make it simple via an LC_TIME setting
1 hour later…
I've been looking at the crap in my home directory with ncdu. There is much crap. I see that .kde/share/apps/nepomuk occupies 422MB approx. Can I safely remove this? What's the point of it?
do you use kde?
@casey Yes, I do.
But I don't really use it for anything. It just runs and looks pretty. I drag windows around. Sometimes I yank them and they go full screen. Stuff like that.
@FaheemMitha userbase.kde.org/Nepomuk decide if you want it, then disable it, then delete. if you just delete it will make things unhappy that expect it to be there
@casey Ok, I'll take a look. Thank you.
I don't really understand the point of this, though.

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