@MichaelJohn when you got time: type dpkg -S /usr/lib/python2.7, it should output a big list of packages, download them all with apt-get download package1 package2 ... and install them with dpkg --install *.deb, that should restore your directory
afterwards, check again if python got correctly installed, post the output of sudo dpkg -C and try to fix whatever is still broken, once you manage to configure everything (when the output of dpkg -C is empty), download and install debsums, and run debsums -as
@Braiam yes. that's probably the cause of his problems. The packaging system understandably freaked out
@Braiam better is to do with just python-2.7 and python2.7-minimal. That should get rid of the errors, and he can fix up the other python stuff using debcheck -s or similar.
@Braiam thanks for the link. I was wondering why we were pointed to meta reviews, it is not as if there were hundreds of reviews on meta waiting for weeks without being handled. I haven't even got Custodian on all queues.