just out of curiosity, how many of us are really into the free software movement? (and by really I mean: you are extremely active in doing your best to avoid proprietary software; "just using" free software doesn't count for this particular poll)
obviously we all like it a lot but I'm just curious who is really, really into it for ethical reasons more than functional reasons
@setevoy no. it's incredibly annoying when people just paste questions in the chatroom. there are regulars who check the site and will get to it when they can.
pasting a link in a chatroom makes me want to look at your question less, not more
@strugee @setevoy - Yes posting random Q's is frowned upon and generally makes ppl not want to look at them. There are exceptions (as always) so if you know one of us personally just from chat and you've written up an A that you want to share w/ us b/c you think that'll be useful to us, those are OK to post in here (to a point), and also with Q's if it's been a couple of days and no one has been able to A and/or help, you can ask in here for help/guidance in making the Q better.
On occasion I receive forms to fill in as PDFs intended for printing (these are not true PDF forms, they do not contain fields). I would like to type onto them, and perhaps add a scanned copy of my signature. This way I could just email them back. Is this possible?
I have a scanned PDF file which is an application form, and a picture which is the scanned version of my signature (for example, this one) and can be in any image format such as EPS or PNG. I would like to put the signature picture on the blank space right to "APPLICANT:" on the second page of th...
@FaheemMitha hah, I think a better lesson to learn is the value of hardware vendors that support fully open drivers for their hardware.
Like, say, Intel.
e.g., I just purchased a new machine for a media PC, to connect to a TV. I went with one with Intel's built-in graphics, despite how nice VDPAU is... because, well, it'll #@!(# WORK.
@derobert Even free drivers + open hardware can have bugs. I've used nvidia cards + proprietary drivers for a long time on debian stable and never had any issues. I'd prefer comparable free software + open cards, but that doesn't seem to be an option right now.
I think the noveau drivers have lots of problems, don't they?
Can they do the two screens behaving as 1 trick? I think Nvidia calls it twinview
I've always run the nvidia drivers on nvidia cards because, yeah, they're normally much better—heck, it was the only option when I first built this machine, as nouveau couldn't handle the card at all.
They don't use TwinView, as that's a weird nVidia thing. They use the normal xrandr/xinerama stuff in X
So with an Intel card, you can plug in a monitor, and use xrandr to extend your desktop (or mirror it, etc.) to the monitor you just plugged in (if your DE doesn't do it automatically)
(nVidia has recently started releasing documentation, so they've helped out nouveau a little. That's new as of late-September. Intel, OTOH, pays people to work on the Intel open source drivers)