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Well, now this thing works.
And, @Izzy, thanks for the suggestion about /data/system/packages.xml.
@DeathMaskSalesman You're welcome! If you again want to know what to get where, I suggest to take a look at the source code of my Adebar :)
@Izzy I guess I will! Heh, parsing the packages.xml with shell tools saves me more than two mins of ETA, instead of querying pm.
@DeathMaskSalesman LOL Feel free to use the code, it's open (as long as you mention the origin when publishing derivates ;)
@Izzy Same applies to you, as long as my NEMRIS is licensed under GPL3+. I'm considering licensing it under WTFPL.
Adebar uses GPLv2 :)
hi all!¬
anybody online?

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