Hi! I friend of mine just gave me his phone, after making a factory reset without logging out - so now he has to log into his phone after booting up before I am able to use it. But the phone is stuck in a login-loop, after loggin in the first screen of the login process appears again. Does someone have an idea how to fix this problem?
I tried hard reset and removing my phone from her google account on googles device manager - the former doesn't change anything, the latter is impossible because my phone isn't actually logged in (so there is no remove button).
I think I'll have to root it, but I first want to check if there is no other option avaliable.
I won a Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge, signed into it with my Google account, played around with it, wiped it, and sold it.
Now the person can't get past setup because it's saying he must login with an account previously synced to the phone.
Is there anything I can do from my side to remove this lock...
I tried login in. First email, then password, then SMS code. The problem is that my phone then jumps to the beginning of the login process (so I have to enter my friends email again) instead of unlocking the phone.
Can you get your friend to try generating an App password (security.google.com/settings/security/apppasswords) and use that instead when logging in? It might be an issue with the two factor authentication? They can revoke the password later.
@DanHulme Am i right in thinking that we shouldn't just approve edits like this? I seem to remember being told not to as we can't see the details to be sure that the user is the same as the OP?
@DanHulme: I approved the edit request and later realised that it waas the OP himself. So while the edit is awaiting second approval, wanted to add that bit of device info to the question but I can't. when I try to edit, it shows me the edit approval waiting ...
I approve these edits more often than not, because in most cases it's clearly not an attempt at vandalism. Just be careful not to assume it's the OP proposing the edit.
Ah, yes, it won't let you in that case, to avoid conflicting edits. To do that, you need to click "Improve edit" in the edit review. I don't think you can fix it afterwards.