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Anyone knows where is the darn upload button on Github?
@IsmaelMiguel upload what?
In binary mode
(a.k.a. Can't open on notepad and paste on github)
seriously use a real git client, please
put it in your repository and commit.
I already have too much garbage on my computer
I don't need yet another thing
Then you can't do it.
Well actually
Then why do I have github?
you can do it command line
Where's the command line on github?
@IsmaelMiguel If you have github, having git installed is not garbage.
How can you call yourself a programmer at all if you call the most important tool "garbage"?
No. It's not...
I only use github to dump code
Nothing else
@IsmaelMiguel You poor, poor, thing
I don't need github for anything else
21 messages moved from The 2nd Monitor
2 messages moved from The 2nd Monitor
I have no idea where the bloody console is
What OS?
No, on the website
I WON'T install anything else
Then don't use github
the web interface is only to add value to the command-line client.
I even moved the Internet Explorer cache because I need every single free GB
git is, fundamentally, a distributed protocol
if you don't have a full clone on your end, you're not using it
@o11c Why have a website when the website can't do the most basic stuff?
What OS are you on? Most *nix have git preinstalled
Windows 8.1
@nhgrif eh, not so IMO
@IsmaelMiguel That's like asking "why does exist when it's an App"?
@o11c Instagram was a mistake
It shouldn't exist
Why does exist when you can install Windows?
Same for that porn chat thing
That's different
Not really.
Yes, it is
One is to expose an entire operating system
The other is to host files
Github is NOT a service to host files.
A file hosting service that can't upload files!
If you want that, use dropbox or something
Fine, let me fix it:
Github is a service to implement the git protocol
which stores history of code
A source control service that doesn't let me upload source code!
binary files are necessarily an inferior system
and you're not supposed to upload, since you're supposed to have your own clone and push to the remote
I can't clone my own repository
The git CLI program is central, everything else is primary.
You are wasting everyone's time.
That's copying a file to the same folder, with the same name
Welcome to my ignore list.
I'm glad to join it.
Sad sad they when they disabled uploads...
5th December 2013 :/
Since I have no choice, how can I do all that stuff to get github working?
And google
Who made github for windows deserves a shot in the foot. Why do I need to give my full name to install a program?
Because it uses that name on commit messages.
And now it is looking for local gits
So we can know who committed what
But I provided it on account creation
Account creation for what?
Of github is different from any app you use to manage your repositories.
Github is not a source control service. Github is a repository hosting service.
This program is garbage
Is there anything better?
The bloody thing died because I pasted files in a folder
What program are you using?
Are you using SourceTree?
Please, loose the attitude.
I'm using the github program
Dude, I'm incredibly ticked off
You've got a horrendous attitude for someone who is completely 100% clueless about how source control and getting free help from professional developers.
Do you want help?
Yes, otherwise I wouldn't ask
If you want help, lose the attitude, or try again later when you have a better attitude.
I'm not going to help someone who is acting like this.
Dude, I'm just pissed off
You're clueless and doing nothing but complaining about everything.
I don't care if you're pissed off.
I'm not interested in helping you if you're going to behave like this. No one is.
You're getting free help from professional developers.
Do you want it or not? The price of getting it is to at least be polite to those who are freely helping you.
I shouldn't feel like I'm pulling teeth just to help you.
I'm sorry dude, I'm just completelly off the top
First, the broken chrome API that made me waste over 2 hours
I don't care.
Now, this whole github thing
If you want help, you pretty much need to just follow step-by-step directions and not complain about everything. I'm about to have to run some errands. But I'd start by downloading SourceTree, rather than whatever else it is that you downloaded.
I've downloaded github desktop
After you asked me and I said SourceTree.
Then you complained about Github desktop.... when I told you SourceTree.
I've said SourceTree several times now.
I'm downloading it
I've never used SourceTree for Windows and I'm sure it's slightly different.
And bugged
I am trying to clone a repository to an empty folder
And it keeps complaining that the folder isn't empty
Don't make the folder. Just let it make the folder.
It will create it on C:\
Dear lord
Look in preferences. You can probably specify that somewhere
Cue the music!
I did something right!
And it crashed and died :/
Alright, managed it
Alright, what now?
Move your file into the folder in Windows Explorer
The SourceTree should update the show uncommitted changes
Commit and push to remote.
Commit options?
This is so confusing
git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false commit -q --amend -F "C:\Users\Ismael Miguel\AppData\Local\Temp\qyybdw45.ste"

git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false push -v --tags --set-upstream origin master:master
Pushing to [email protected]/ismael-miguel/memer.git
To [email protected]/ismael-miguel/memer.git
 ! [rejected]        master -> master (non-fast-forward)
error: failed to push some refs to 'https://[email protected]/ismael-miguel/memer.git'
Pull from server to update local repository
It's updated
But I'll try
Now I have a file on some undeterminate state that I can't commit or anything
probably a merge conflict
With myself?
I got the files from the server, changed 1 with notepad++, tried to commit and it gave me that
I can't guess. When I get home, you'll have to link me to the repository or upload screenshots or both
Well, I had to reject the changes and re-change the file and re-do the commit
Thanks a lot for the help dude
If you want to try what I've been developing with Malachi and Quill
And I'm really sorry for my attitude
I get like this when I endlessly search for what I want and can't find it.
Dang, never though that github would be this problematic

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