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@IsmaelMiguel what other languages do you code in besides Javascript?
I'm guessing PHP because it's the only tag I could find at a quick glance at his SO profile ;P
@Malachi Just Javascript and PHP.
I had a few classes of C#and C, but I forgot almost everything
And Pascal and Visual Basic (.net, VB6) and some VBA
Visual Basic.... the good ol days...lol
I am trying to get rid of VB in all my projects....lol forcing everyone else to Learn C# or GET OUTTA HERE...JK
I haven't touched in VB6 for 4 years
Or 5
A long time
I made a few things in C#
Then I did a few in VB.net
Then I did a very crude keylogger in VB
I used to program in TI-Basic when I was on 10th-12th grade
(I made a paint program that used every single label you could create)
(If I'm not mistakened)
lol, fun
It was
Either that or sleeping in Math
lol right!?
The worst part was when I was caught.
He would come by me and, with his super-funny jokes, blurt out something like:
"So, are you playing flea-catcher?"
"Stop playing Pokemon and pay attention"
6 hours later…
I am trying to set a max date for a jquery date picker, and I found some fun code, but part of it won't work.
I tried to do something similar once
maxDate = AddToNowDate('y', -18);
            function AddToNowDate(type, amount) {
                var y = Date.Now.getFullYear(),
                    m = Date.Now.getMonth(),
                    d = Date.Now.getDate();
                if (type === 'y') {
                    y += amount;
                if (type === 'm') {
                    m += amount;
                if (type === 'd') {
                    d += amount;
                return new Date(y, m, d);
ugh. hold on
I got it.
it must be old code. it didn't like getFullYear() I had to get rid of the parenthesis and change some other things. but now I got it to work
Date.Now <-- never saw this before
I don't think it works. if I post something like this on SO I bet it will get downvoted. here is what the code looks like now
//Try to set the minimum Age for the DOB to 18
            $(function () {
                var maxDate = Date.now();
                //maxDate.setFullYear(maxDate.getFullYear - 18);
                maxDate = AddToNowDate('y', -18);
                function AddToNowDate(type, amount) {
                    var date = Date.now()
                    var y = date.getFullYear,
                        m = date.getMonth,
                        d = date.getDate;
                    if (type === 'y') {
                        y += amount;
I hate the formatting in chat....lol
Date.now() returns a timestamp. Use new Date().
okay, so now I get the undefined date --> return new Date(y, m, d);
let me see if I can rewrite this
I think I can do it better
Try running it in the console
@Malachi Your problem is that you removed the () after the method names
getFullYear() doesn't work
says it isn't a function
I told you to use new Date() instead of Date.now()
var date = New Date();console.log(date.getFullYear())
doesn't work▲▲▲
not New
new Date(); works, New Date(); doesn't
IE is a garbage and doesn't let me copy what I wrote
            function AddToNowDate(type, amount) {
                var date = new Date();
                var y = date.getFullYear(),
                    m = date.getMonth(),
                    d = date.getDate();
                if (type === 'y') {
                    y += amount;
                if (type === 'm') {
                    m += amount;
                if (type === 'd') {
                    d += amount;
                return new Date(y, m, d);
var maxDate = new Date();
maxDate.setFullYear(maxDate.getFullYear - 18);
doesn't work either▲▲▲
maxDate.setFullYear(maxDate.getFullYear() - 18); <-- that does
@IsmaelMiguel trying this right now
@IsmaelMiguel good gravy
It ran on IE, so, must run on anything
I hate JavaScript
there is some javascript that only runs on IE <-- Believe it or not
But that is broken Javascript
And don't hate on Javascript
You were doing it wrong this time
(Javascript does many wrong things, but PHP does more)
now I need to make the DatePicker start 18 years ago....
Try maxDate:'-18y'
in the .datepicker properties?
I have a max date that is supposedly working, but the popup still shows 2015
so I am going to set the defaultDate to the max date as well
Use minDate
So no one can select a date that's less than 18 years from today
this is for a search page, and I don't want users searching for someone under 18
Then use minDate: '-18y'
@IsmaelMiguel that didn't work either. it still shows the current month and year in the date picker
this is what I am using, but I also have a jquery mask in there as well --> jqueryui.com/datepicker
I've noticed that datepicker has gotten worst
the documentation says that it MUST work
File a bug?

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