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A: Toolbar icons unable to load when running Emacs through xhost from FreeBSD to Ubuntu

rockyMy guess is that you don't have the PNG's for those icons installed on your FreeBSD system. Specifically, the ones I have in my FreeBSD 10 system (which works fine with ssh -X) are: /usr/local/share/icons/gnome/24x24/actions/document-new.png /usr/local/share/icons/gnome/24x24/actions/document-o...

It runs fine on the FreeBSD system itself, but I'll look next chance I get.
The bounty will expire before I get a chance to look, but if you're right, I'll reinstate it then mark you as correct.
If it runs fine on the FreeBSD system itself, then I wonder if the problem is that the pngs arent around on the system you are ssh'ing from. I think the clearest indicator would be to compare truss output from the setup that works with the setup that doesn't.
I tried copying the entire theme from one system to the other, but I still have the same issue.
Post the output of running the grep command after gathering output with the truss command.
@AidanEdwards ok, it looks like emacs is finding the pngs that you just copied and presumably weren't there before. These files belong to the package gnome-icon-theme-3.6.2 so see if you have that installed (possibly the 3.6.3 is different), and if not install them.
I installed gnome-icon-theme from APT in Ubuntu and restarted, but nothing is different.
You need to install it on the FreeBSD system, not on Ubuntu.
It's a company computer, I'd have to talk to my boss. Where do I get the package, and how do I install it?
And how do I check to see if it's already installed? I don't know much about FreeBSD
I don't know that much about FreeBSD either, but I can google, and install a VM.
I just ran sudo pkg install gnome-icon-theme and that worked (and bumped the version to 3.12 from 3.6.2)
I ran pkg version and it does not seem to have gnome-icon-theme installed
So clearly that's the way to go. To be safe you might want to remove those files that you installed manually.
I don't know if pkg install will freak out.
(And probably you don't either)
I manually copied them from the FreeBSD system to the Ubuntu one, so I don't think any harm was done
No harm, but I suspect there's other stuff that is needed that is in gnome-icon-theme.
And using the pkg it will install other dependencies if that's needed.
Thank you! I'll see if this works.
"from the FreeBSD system to the Ubuntu one"? Not from Ubuntu to FreeBSD?
FreeBSD had a gnome icons folder
But it didn't have gnome-icon-theme? So now I wonder where it got that from?
I copied the gnome folder

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