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Hey everyone, the deadline (according to the project plan at least) for submitting edited content is today. We currently have 18 posts. Volunteers for any more? Slichot currently has 0.
I'm looking at s'lichot right now.
I hope some others will jump in too. I should probably spend some time today putting together a project pitch for crowd-funding.
@Scimonster Beli neder, I'll do some later (after your Sunday is gone)
As i understand it, Sunday isn't a hard and fast deadline. I might still do another one tomorrow.
22 questions now. I need to take a break.
@Scimonster the hard deadline is whenever @IsaacMoses says it is, since he's doing the assembly.
1 hour later…
I'd love input on the Jewcer project. Some textboxes I have (and what's currently in them):
Campaign title ("Great titles make people want to spend more time reading and learning about the campaign"): Publish "Days of Awe - Mi Yodeya?"
(21 characters left)
Campaign tagline ("Get your most important ideas across in this tagline. It will appear on the Jewcer site, Facebook shares, etc."): Questions and answers about the high holy days, curated and collected in a free book
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Campgin description ("ell your story! Your description should, in 150 words, make people see why your idea is so important and make them want to join in!"):
Mi Yodeya (mi.yodeya.com) is a crowd-sourced Q&A site about Jewish life and learning. That's great for people who find us online, but we want to share torah offline too. We're curating a collection about the Yamim Noraim, and our vision is to have stacks of them free for the taking in synagogues this Rosh Hashana.

We've produced three digital publications -- download them here: http://s.tk/miyodeya. This book will be similar to the haggadah supplement, with questions about the machzor organized by section, questions about halacha of the season, and questions about teshuva. Questions ran
Coming up (I haven't written these yet): Why is it Good for the Jewish People?, What will you do with the Money?, and there's a separate page where I'll fill out a profile about Mi Yodeya.
@Scimonster @MonicaCellio @DoubleAA @msh210 If you have an extra few minutes tonight, please look through the list, and any unused questions on the list that you don't have time to edit right now, but that (taking a brief but critical look at the Q&A) you'd be sad to not see it get in, and mark them with a *. We can then see how many are marked and a) see how much deadline-stretching may be indicated, and b) concentrate our last push of first-party editing.
... If you action a list item that has a *, delete the * when you strike out the list item.
@MonicaCellio Thanks for doing this!
@IsaacMoses I'm excited by the project, and they're very helpful with both documentation and answering questions (the latter based on a sample size of 1, but that's because the former is good).
I'm not all that experienced with marketing, though, so I welcome help on making our project pitch there look good.
Why is it Good for the Jewish People?:
Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur are the holidays on which the most Jews spend the most time in synagogues. The machzor is different from the rest of the year; it's intense, inspiring, and sometimes confusing. People have questions and are especially open to insight. By putting a print edition of "Days of Awe - Mi Yodeya?" in their hands we answer some of those questions, inspire them to seek answers to their own questions, and enable them to learn with people from all over the world through the pages of this book.
@MonicaCellio Maybe prepend "Help "?
@IsaacMoses good idea. Done.
@MonicaCellio We used the transliteration "Hagada" in the H-MY publication FWIW.
@MonicaCellio Typo: ranger
@IsaacMoses ah, right. Will fix.
@IsaacMoses fixed. (No help from spell-check on that one. :-) )
@MonicaCellio Maybe "volunteer distributors, who will bring copies to their congregations in several locations" to make it clear what we are doing, and what we're not (trying to sell through book stores)
@IsaacMoses good. Done.
@MonicaCellio Good stuff! May be worth stealing for the book's intro, when the time comes. :)
@IsaacMoses I figured there'd be some sharing, yes. :-) When I get to the profile page I'm planning to look at the intros for past books for text about what it is we do here.
@MonicaCellio creative commons (uncapitalized) FTW
@IsaacMoses :-)

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