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17 hours later…
Kaz vs. Mast: 332 diff. Year: -215. Quarter: -46. Month: -46. Week: -15. Day: 0.
Vogel612 vs. syb0rg: 1843 diff. Year: +790. Quarter: +57. Month: +57. Week: +1. Day: +1.
@Hosch250 I'd have failed that lmao
I pulled it off with only one A-.
College or High School?
And that one was because the professor kept testing us like 4 modules ahead and gave us 15 minutes to answer 60 questions, about a quarter to a half of which were essay.
I never finished my BSCE, and I bombed one of my courses.
3 A- in HS, but those classes were harder than anything I studied in college, so I don't feel bad: Calculus, Advanced Chemistry, and Advanced Physics.
Good news is I got a 31ACT combined (with the stupid writing test).
And I had a 36 on the Math and Science portions.
The Biology, Chemistry, and Physics I did in HS were harder than what I did in college :rolls-eyes:
@EBrown Nice.
That's better than I did.
I think I got on the high 20s with the writing test. Don't remember off hand.
@Hosch250 The writing test or the reading one? Because there are two - the writing is a 1-12 grade, I got a 7.

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