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I made it in here
safari in incognito mode does not play ball with SE chat
So yes the political situation in the US is.. uh interesting
I don't like Hillary because she flip flops and basically believes whatever the highest paying bidder tells her to which smells very much of corruption
but I would prefer her over the vitriol-spewing Trump...
I was low key rooting for Bernie
I was the same
but I didn't follow it very closely
Although in the long run, I don't see Bernie being a good candidate right now
But from what I've heard Hillary does seem problematic
If someone came along with his policies in.. 10 years
They'd steal the election
But where the US is right now it just won't work
I see your point
Which is a shame, because with the amount of jobs lost in the past month in the US just because firms are discovering automation is.. alarming
I'm also not convinced he's as qualified as he should be
I think he's plenty qualified; he's been doing politics longer than the other two leading candidates
And he has a history of voting for what he believes in instead of flip flopping like Shillary
I'm not really qualified to speak on the matter
I was just about to say
Given a choice between Hillary and Trump, I'd really prefer Obama...
he has a really good track record of being on the right side of history
@Zak @overactor I agree. It's a shame he can't be elected to a 3rd term
Yeah, I could go for another term of Obama too
but that's the way it is unfortunately ^^
That's Roosefeld's fault, right?
It's part of the original way the government of the US was designed
12 years is a hell of a long time to be president
@Zak, that's interesting
says more about the current candidates than Obama though I suppose
it's just amazing how of all of the candidates either side voted fr, most people don't want either of the candidates as president
Was it explicitly prohibitted before Roosefeld?
For the leading candidate to come in and immediately slam our new mayor of London for being muslim, that's impressive though
That's probably one of the biggest moves of political suicide I've ever seen
I haven't heard of this!
The mayor's name is Sadiq Khan
Just googling his name should show something up about Trump
Or Prime Minister, David Cameron, also described Donald Trump's remarks about muslim as "stupid", which Trump was.. not too keen to accept.
So now Trump has pissed off the large majority of the democratic voterbase, young people, Tumblr, and the UK.
It is not going well for him.
I'd still like to believe he doesn't actually want to be president
This is a man who thinks that climate change is a hoax invented by the Chinese and that Saudia Arabia, and other countries, should have more nukes
Yes, I'm hoping that it turns out to be a really long April Fools lol
On the other hand, he never had those votes anyway.
Polls between Hilllary and Trump are relatively close, no?
I'm not sure
Trump as president would be bad. Hillary as president would be bad as well. I don't know what happened, but I think the system broke.
@Mast Sanders and Trump showed that the two party system isn't infalliable and can be wounded.
I kind of think that in practice, Hillary wouldn't be all that bad
If nothing else good comes from this election, I think that that revelation is a good thing.
Because its shown just how broken the system is.
@DanPantry Wasn't that common knowledge already?
@overactor There's a difference between everyone knowing something and being able to actually provide evidence for it.
@DanPantry Thing is, I doubt the average American will have picked it up.
A lot of people would know that the Earth was round, but it wasn't conclusively proved until The Blue Marble photo was taken.
The US should really switch to STV
@Mast I think the average American is more astute than you think :P
@overactor So should the UK... holy crap, our voting system sucks and is almost exactly the same as the US atm
@DanPantry depends on what you qualify as "conclusive"
There's a lot of astute Americans, but the average of any country is usually quite low.
30% of the population voted for the Conservative party but they got 51% of the seats in parliament.
In the UK, parliament only requires a slight majority to pass laws.
@DanPantry does the UK use first past the post?
You can see how this is a problem.
Isn't New Zealand the only country using STV?
@overactor Yes.
Ah wait yes
I saw the CGP video about that election
that was a travesty
@Mast I feel like there are a few
Yes. No one is very happy about it.
I hate UKIP but they should have gotten more seats.
a proportional system would be okay too
@DanPantry except for the conservative party I assume
The Netherlands has over 10 parties, but some of them have none of next to none seats.
Belgium has a ton too
Compared to the US and UK, I think it works quite well. It has its own quirks though.
I'm honestly a bit worried about the EU referendum
Belgium can go without parliament for over a year without trouble :P
interestingly though the EU referendum has divided politicians even within party lines.
We have some conservatives campaigning against others
I hope the UK remains in the EU
Yeah, leaving the EU would be completely backwards
Obviously, the EU needs work
but a united Europe is definitely the way forward
In my opinion
I agree
I think both sides are being stupid, though
They're both using scare tactics in order to sway voters to their side
Instead of actually presenting logical for/against arguments
Though I suppose that's politics
Belgium has 13 parties with seats in the federal parliament O_O
Why do the right thing if the wrong thing works better?
The EU has been stupid for a while now though. They care so much about expansion they're possibly losing members over it.
@Mast The EU needing reform may be a valid point
But the UK leaving the EU would not be the correct way to go about it
The EU isn't taking the hint so far though.
Which is bad.
@overactor Nope, Just convention, and then roosevelt did 4 (5?) terms and everyone went, "yeeeeah, no."
@Zak it makes sense as a rule
Prevents people from staying 30 years in office.
Just look at the Middle East.
Although there are people who found a way around it.
Being the puppet master is way more fun than being the puppet
The President doesn't have ultimate power though.
One of the reasons programming is awesome. It makes us all puppet masters.
The darn puppet won't do what I want it to do though.
"I pull their strings, and then.. they fall apart because I didn't write unit tests"
Automated string pulling
Now that we've looped back to programming, we could goto the 2nd again.
2 hours later…
Coder: 1. Corrupt file: 0.
7 hours later…
My girlfriend says she needs time and distance. Is she calculating velocity?
@N3buchadnezzar Probably just speed; for velocity, she'd need a direction. (Unless "away from you" is the implied direction.)
we also don't know if the direction vector changes over time
@DanLyons Otherwise known as acceleration.
maybe she'll settle into low orbit (friend zone)
I'm just hoping that he was joking, otherwise, I'm being kind of a jerk.
lol the physics nitpicking :D
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1 message moved from The 2nd Monitor

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