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Then again he might as well post a link to google
They're really nothing more than RTFM.
@Jamal requesting to move tags and related from 2nd monitor to here
@Jamal Requesting to keep original tags as well.
@Jamal Requesting a cold beer and a packet of crisps
I'll think about it. This all happened suddenly it seems, and I haven't even heard 200_success' take on it.
So... WTF happened? I read the transcript and still don't understand.
The 2nd monitor got out of hand and the mod stepped in to clean up
@Jamal hmm.. take your time to sort this out internally, and please get a CM into the boat if possible
Still looks like the same chat going on though so.. :/
@RubberDuck And we decided to create this room for the idle chatter that used to happen in The 2nd Monitor
@RubberDuck rolf shut down the 2nd monitor during a heated discussion about what is okay for the room and what's not
@EthanBierlein that's not true.
This room was already here
@Vogel612 Oh. What is it for then?
rolfl created this room for the out far off-topic stuff that you had in the 2nd monitor
Or we can see how the new mods will sort this out. Contacting the CMs would be the last resort.
It was decided that all random chat was moved here
CM's would be bas
@Jamal I have already informally contacted shog via the tavern
I think everybody involved is biased to a point where this will really hurt
and it's the CM's job to do exactly that
I also fear nhgrif might do something daft... he already retracted his nomination
Oh yikes.
Some people take the internet to seriously
This is NOT real
I feel like I've destroyed something, or I have caused something that will destroy something.
@EthanBierlein that remains to be seen
@Donald.McLean Stop talking about beer rating in 2nd monitor.. lol
and if you did, then me, nhgrif and rolf are responsible, too
@Vogel612 The room is the same still..?
@CodeX I was talking about a programming project to create a cider rating site. Beer would merely be a side effect - I hate beer.
@Donald.McLean Ah yes your a keen cider drinker.. I got big into the Magners in May
@Donald.McLean Did you ever get your hands on a bottle of Organic Aspall?
I'm glad I don't take the internet seriously in this chat room.
@Donald.McLean this or the other one?
Perhaps it has to do with all the election madness. I agree with monkey that we can have separate rooms, but this seems quite sudden now. When I first entered chat this morning, I saw all of that. There was nothing updated on Meta nor was I notified in the mod room. But, okay, if this does become a bit too much, then maybe a CM can chine in. I do wonder if Pops already knows about this room.
^ that
I don't take the internet seriously to the point where it effects my real world life.
@Jamal In principle I agree with why rolfl did it, but I sure don't like how he did it
@Vogel612 Anywhere, technically. But sometimes I really have to rein in my reflexive grammar checker.
i think if we give it a little time, 2nd monitor can go back to what it was before the excess chatter
I was under the impression that The 2nd Monitor was a chat room for Monkers..
@CodeX Part of why I need the site is so that I can keep track of what I've tried.
@Vogel612 That
@Donald.McLean It would be too simple to make..
@Mast you seem to be more collected and impartial than me. can I ask you to write up a meta post on this?
@Donald.McLean Any preference to systems? Are you gonna code it yourself? Im bored.. Need a project
@Vogel612 I think there should be a question to write up a meta post. Statements don't make for good posts on a Q&A in my opinion.
So, yea, I'd love to help out, but I have no idea how.
@Jamal @Shog9 showed up in there towards the end, and some other faces I haven't seen before
I know that I've tried at least three varieties of Woodchuck, regular Angry Orchard, Strongbow, McKenzie's Black Cherry Cider, and there's a couple varieties we picked up on the Outer Banks that I can't remember the names of off hand.
K is a strong cider, quite nice
I hate pointing fingers like this, but it seems to have started when Q became more active. It might have triggered something or perhaps it was just the final drop.
Merrydown cider is a cider from my youth.. comes in 2 variations
Scrumpy Cider will knock your socks off
@CodeX You obviously don't know me very well. Any web project I worked on would be Scala + Lift running in a JVM web server such as Tomcat, Jetty, etc.
there are a few new members that are excited about having a new playground, and they have been very chatty over the last month
@Vogel612 You know what? If you can help me form it into a question, I'll make it as much of an impartial Meta as possible.
@Donald.McLean All i know is your a man that likes cider.. Thats all i need to know
we have a general rule that when code stuff comes up, stop with the idle chatter so that people can get help with their code.
it was in an answer to one of the meta questions I posted from a year ago
@Donald.McLean Have you got an example of a Scala + Lift running? URL?
@CodeX LOL. I've never been shy about why I like Scala. "It has all the advantages of Java, and fewer of the disadvantages."
@Mast "What is the new topic of the 2nd monitor?" maybe?
maybe scratch the new even
@CodeX I'm pretty sure that FourSquare uses Scala and Lift.
@Vogel612 That hasn't changed, it's still about CR.
@Donald.McLean Being a HTML / PHP / CSS / Javascript Developer i didnt know that you could make sites with "other" code
A meta about the tags would probably bring the message, but might be too subtle.
soo.. a more general "How do we moderate chatrooms?"??
I would post the URL to the system I work on, except that it's for internal use only and blocked at the firewall.
Rolfl already made a meta about chat moderation
Q: The "Be Nice Policy" - and Chat

rolflThe revised "Be Nice Policy" states: Don't be a jerk. .... Inappropriate language or attention. Avoid vulgar terms and anything sexually suggestive. Also, this is so not a dating site. When a clarification about how this applies to Chat room on the Stack Exchange (Stack Overflow) sites, the...

@Donald.McLean Np i will look into this and see what i can find
not all of the site chatrooms are purely focused on discussion about the site itself. some of them are also about the topic more generally
@Mast true, but that's mainly about the "be nice", "no cussing" rules
not about the "idle-chatter"
"Also, this is so not a dating site" - haha
@bazola I don't think anybody seriously expects rooms to be about the site in it's whole
I have created a chatroom for talking about programming that I hope to keep clearly distinct from being anything "official" by any measure. It is called "Standards & Conventions". The room owners aren't set to a couple of teenagers who were among the first that rolfl voted off the island.

 Standards & Conventions

// TODO: Add room description
You guys getting fruity in chat..?
@Vogel612 Indeed, it never is.
@Vogel612 Now that might help.
A: Lounge C++ frozen by mod?

Shog9I haven't looked into the events that led to this room being frozen at all; I just woke up and it seems that Tim and the SO mods have handled it just fine. However, I do want to address the notion of double-standards regarding topicality that've been raised here... Rooms that are clearly off-top...

@Shog9 Welcome Shog
Q: The "Be Nice Policy" - and Chat

rolflThe revised "Be Nice Policy" states: Don't be a jerk. .... Inappropriate language or attention. Avoid vulgar terms and anything sexually suggestive. Also, this is so not a dating site. When a clarification about how this applies to Chat room on the Stack Exchange (Stack Overflow) sites, the...

I don't understand how this is related.
so... "How much idle chatter do we tolerate in the 2nd monitor?"
@Vogel612 Perfect!
When there's no business going on? All of it.
When there's business, the chatter stops.
This is nothing new.
@RubberDuck that, ducky, should become a meta-answer
@Vogel612 Is there a meta question?
what is this? a sentient VBA add-in? What an odd room...
mast is writing
@Vogel612 You can't have it both ways
@nhgrif those teenagers that were voted off the island are not the room owners
@Shog9 don't act like you wouldn't know it
I know they've been bugging you on twitter :D
@Shog9 Yes. It is. I'm a robotic rubberduck writing my own code. =;)-
1 hour ago, by Stack Exchange
@Shog9 personally I find the answer by Gordon much more interesting than yours, no offense :D
"Chummy discussion between chums" ;)
@Vogel612 Gordon wrote a good answer. This is what we expect from moderators - to do what's right even when unpopular, and to calmly explain why when asked.
@CodeX I'm not a web designer though. I can make it work, but somebody else would have to make it pretty.
@Donald.McLean Im more a guts guy but can adapt a theme / template
@Shog9 and mute members asking valid questions
@CodeX asserting that your questions (which were totally unrelated to more important business) are valid
y'all need to get your own meta post movin...
^ that
@Vogel612 Why do you keep getting involved.. Are you up for election?
@CodeX not right now.
@Shog9 like this one from last year, where @rolfl gave a good answer that still pretty much stands, and addresses the issue of consistency?
Q: What's on and off topic in The 2nd Monitor chat room?

JaDoggExactly what is considered strictly off-topic there? Anyone can assume the obvious: NSFW (Not Safe for Work) are off topic, and should be flagged. Anything else?

@Vogel612 I'll vote for you
but even if I decided to not run... because I care
we are still talking about that right?
I keep jumping between work and here, trying to stay current
@Vogel612 What is "important business" in a chat room of people bunking from work?
muted, thanks
@Vogel612 Go back to reality
I need more coffee. and a cool CR Mug
@Malachi yup. If there's any confusion about that, then a secondary meta discussion should address it... Which I understand is underway.
@Vogel612 Muted.. Mature
@Malachi graduation swag :)
Incidentally, I kick without warning if someone's being childish in the middle of a serious conversation. Just thought you should know.
@Shog9 I like the thought of a mute slap....
the mods on a game would joke with
@Shog9 I would love to read it when it is posted!
@Shog9 How was i being childish?
9 mins ago, by Mast
@CodeX Please stop. Yes, idle chatter is here right now, but we have actual business going on here at the moment.
So, no idle chatter here for the time being either.
anyone with concerns over the earlier events in the 2nd Monitor who can't keep it civil when discussing them here would do well to wait for @Mast's post & chime in there, where they'll be able to review and edit their words at length before and after posting them.
@Shog9 can we get a pin? for a little while?
@RubberDuck lol
do it.
thank you
@RubberDuck Oh, sorry.. "actual business" lol
ChatSEy is not being nice to me
@Shog9 Got 5mins?
@Jamal if that was anyone else but you that had edited my question I would have rolled it JK
@Vogel612 The disadvantage of working in a less commonly used language - nobody reads your answers.
@Donald.McLean let me take care of that
Thank you, Santa.
Companion objects sound very interesting
Is that anything similar to friend classes in C++?
@Vogel612 I think that they were created because Scala doesn't have the static construct that Java has. I think the language designers felt that the static parts it was too easy to overlook staticness. By putting it somewhere else altogether, it's pretty much impossible to miss.
@QPaysTaxes Why don't you post it in The 2nd?
@Mast No. Completely unrelated.
@QPaysTaxes I disagree.
@Donald.McLean I'll put Scala on my list with 'languages to learn when I find the time'
@QPaysTaxes Yes, I'm a full-time paid Scala developer.
@QPaysTaxes We use so many different technologies that it's sick.
Python is used by some people. C++, Java, Lisp. We used Fortran up until fairly recently.
@Donald.McLean I think I'd love to work at your place.
Or, at least the only Fortran I knew of was retired.
just for the challenge. then again I doubt I have the necessary qualifications yet.
@Donald.McLean Erlang?
@Vogel612 My boss has been trying to hire younger, junior developers to train up.
@Mast Not that I know of.
@Donald.McLean I had an assignment at the digital engineering department of an astronomy institution once. Part of the scripts there were in Erlang.
What kind of space?
Notice I didn't say "no". It's hard to definitively rule out anything.
That kind of space.
I like that kind of space.
@QPaysTaxes Memory space. Blank space.
I'm actually considering going into a space-related career if I don't do programming.
Of course, programming is my first choice.
@EthanBierlein Whitespace
Aaaaand I'm out of stars.
@EthanBierlein If you worked where I do, you wouldn't have to choose. :-)
@QPaysTaxes Yes
Ooh! I just gained trusted user tools!
@EthanBierlein Some things never change.
@QPaysTaxes When you gain those tools, the entire SE network will collapse into a singularity. :D
@EthanBierlein There's that.
@QPaysTaxes TS
I have no idea what the trusted user tools do. I see nothing different.
@EthanBierlein Your edits won't be put through the queue for one.
They are always accepted.
@Mast that happens earlier
1k / 2k
anyways TTQW
Yea, in beta at 1k I think.
Answer this one question please
What is Code Review business?
So. Many. Pings.
Trusted users are allowed to perform trusted actions, including:

Voting to delete answers with score of -1 or lower
Voting to undelete answers except those deleted by a moderator
Voting to delete questions with a score of -3 or lower immediately after they are closed
Editing tag wikis without needing approval
My take on it.
A: How much idle chatter do we tolerate in The 2nd Monitor?

RubberDuckHow much idle chatter do we tolerate in the 2nd Monitor? Nearly all of it. Unless there is site business or a programming discussion occurring. Then there is absolutely no idle chatter is tolerated. None. Anything not relevant to the conversation needs to go unsaid, or be said elsewhere. Is t...

@RubberDuck Good answer.
@CodeX discussion about scope and off topic questions mostly.
But we consider conversations about programming to be site business as well.
And guys, please correct me if you disagree with the 2nd part of that.
Did you delete my comment?
@CodeX A moderator probably did.
@Mast Sickening
@QPaysTaxes ?
A moderator deleted my comment
How much idle chatter do we tolerate in The 2nd Monitor? - all of it because thats what happens in a chat room, the question is redundent
The question should be what type of idle chatter
What type of idle chatter should be tolerated
@CodeX Ask one yourself ^^
Go to 2nd monitor scroll through, its all idle
The question is still redundent
@hichris123 Welcome
your asking how long is a piece of string
Hello @Hosch250
Ok, your allowed 200 letters for idle chat
And that "your" counts as 6, not 4.
@CodeX Your answer got deleted.
You have to use correct spelling = "you're"
My mistake - five letters and the asterisk. I miscounted.
@Mast Because my answer was the solution, these people just want to milk this situation to make them feel more important imo
If this is how much drama they make over a chat room can you imagine their REAL life situations..
@CodeX FYI, I flagged this comment as offensive.
@Mast You were offended?
@CodeX: If you don't like the question, then downvote it.
@Jamal Its not that, i just don't like how people talk down to you on here
You post a comment it gets deleted.. for what?
Please quit flagging CodeX. Those posts were not offensive or spam in anyway.
What's up with all the flagging?
It's just a comment, a second-class citizen.
in The 2nd Monitor, 6 mins ago, by RubberDuck
I'm going to get a haircut & hot shave....
I could see how some of them were somewhat offensive, but that last one definitely wasn't.
Its my opinion which when i last checked was allowed in this virtual world
The flagging is just proving my point
Don't flag a message unless it's purely offensive, just like you would on the main site.
@Jamal Calling the removal of comments 'Sickening' isn't offensive?
Now that, is offensive..
Now what's up with that flag?
If all idle chatter does is make flags...
That was directed at me..
This is what im talking about
sounds like someone is going to lose their flagging privileges soon
@Jamal Got a minute?
I think I'm getting onto a definition of what things we want in the 2nd monitor...
Not sure if it's enough to actually post an answer
@CodeX Yes
But it's got to do with people either looking for help, or being around to help others, if you're not up for either of those, then I see no reason to be in the room
@skiwi Post it and see how it's received I'd say.
@QPaysTaxes Yes
@Mast I need to have a more organized writeup before I can post it
@Jamal I do consider insulting everybody imterested in the site offensive.. do you not?
Fuuu what did I miss??
@QPaysTaxes I'm pretty sure we opted to not clutter the 2nd with this discussion
@skiwi That.
@Vogel612 Right. If it escalates, I may have to freeze the room for a bit.
@QPaysTaxes Also, I don't see a place for all-caps here
Fwiw I'm glad I habe the privilege to not have to deal with that right now
Serious idle chatter
I am just a ping away
Long post ends up getting long
A: How much idle chatter do we tolerate in The 2nd Monitor?

skiwiI'd say that the following could be an non-exhaustive list about what's on-topic and off-topic for the CR chat, which also includes the idle chatter we should tolerate and which we should not tolerate. The good things Being in the room as a new user to ask a question about CodeReview, or to di...

I feel inclined to post it in The 2nd Monitor, but I don't want to stir up a discussion there
It belongs in the second monitor as it is on topic
@skiwi already done
the Fan is still going, just don't throw poo
@Malachi There are 3 very efficient simple solutions to that one problem
turn off the fan, don't throw poo, and ......
@Malachi Well, at least I didn't post it then :P
turn off the fan and don't throw poo
@QPaysTaxes Congrats
Grats @QPaysTaxes!
I can't help but feel bad for all of this.
I created this room, thinking that it'd be a little joke, and everyone would forget about it and move on.
@EthanBierlein You made the-nth-monitor?
@CodeX Yeah, but I don't have ownership rights to it anymore.
@EthanBierlein what is nth?
Anyways, now I feel like I've started a huge meta debate, and changed things for the worse. I just feel really awful about all this.

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