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hi to all,

I have changed
--- local.xml file
--- database table core_config_data web/unsecure/base_url path value and web/secure/base_url path value
--- Removed /var/cache
--- Removed /var/session
--- Removed /var/tmp
--- No redirect code in .htaccess file.

but still I am getting redirect issue with my magento site. Please help me.
my magento site redirects to local from server.
5 hours later…
Any one having best tutorial for creating one step checkout?
2 hours later…
why not just use a free one page checkout extension? magentocommerce.com/magento-connect/…
@user9722 Let me check it once.
@user9722 I think the extension is buggy.. Once I installed logged out and logged in. Upon clicking its tab I am getting the error Fatal error: Call to a member function toOptionArray() on a non-object in D:\wamp\www\anto\magento\app\code\core\Mage\Adminhtml\Block\System\Config\Form.p‌​hp on line 463
@version.beta Did you flush cache & reindex?
7 hours later…
@SoniaSarangal Try removing your .htaccess entirely
There could also be a redirect in the apache configs
@version.beta There are a lot of one step extensions out there already. You can probably find the one right for you.
Rewriting the whole checkout process is a touch challenge
I'm a big fan of Awesome Checkout but it's not free.

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