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@Ericstucky I probably shouldn't fill the crpx room with irrelevant things, sorry. What do you think is a good challenge length? 1,2,3 months all seem pretty decent in my opinion.
Sorry for the length
Mom wanted to talk to me about things :P
I think 3 months is probably about right
Haha wait length is fine, I usually stress that people aren't interested for the first 3 min, but after that I guess they are afk
Ultra true story :P
Well yeah I think that 1 month could be good
Btw, how long a day do you think you work on tropical geometry on average?
it would never work for me
@EricStucky 1 month wouldn't?
your goals need to be really tight for 1 month
I don't have enough familiarity with my goal-seeking ability to make those for myself
Yeah true, I'll pretty much either fail or succeed based on the difficulty in a 1 month period, not my window of opportunity to push myself to succeed if it's too hard
I'd be wildly off in one direction or another
That's also true
Sensitive to asshole brain
but fwiw you always seemed pretty stable to me.
Haha, I was procrastinating for my final exam because I didn't have exercises the whole semester
^^ those feels
Exercises are my main exam study method, but we only had assignments that weren't relevant to the exam the whole semester
Yeah I haven't done any TG study for CRPx yet.
I would say I probably spend about 2 hours on the days I work on it
I mean I do work for the project
but it's not been studying TG yet
since people are still working through TM
During CRP main I was probably averaging 3 hours on the days that I did work on it
I got to 171 on the first day of study, but I have to be honest, I haven't done much since then, maybe a few hours
But I am pretty good at getting shit done when I have a plan xD
Haha I imagine
I almost have a plan now, I have resources for every class next semester
anyway we should move this back
if we're not talking about the new challenges

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