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Can anyone answer TheBridge's question? It's way out of my league and it would be a shame to let the bounty expire unclaimed.
Q: How to show that this weak scheme is a cubature scheme

TheBridgeHi Does anyone common with Cubature on Wiener Spaces could explain why (i.e. with a detailed proof or a reference) some weak schemes such as those of Ninomiya-Victoir or Ninomiya-Ninomiya can be seen as a Cubature scheme over Wiener Spaces ? Those weak schemes are typicaly used for discretizat...

3 hours later…
@chrisaycock It is even more out of my league.
9 hours later…
Wow, I'm off to a slow start this week. stackexchange.com/leagues/91/week/quant/2011-02-13
4 hours later…
@Shane slacker
@JoshuaUlrich Thanks for the mention in your blog post; very kind.
Can I be a pain and ask for my name to be removed or modified? :) I try to avoid being "googleable" for the most part.
(Not to mention that I don't deserve to be mentioned along with those other masters of the universe...)
Which would you prefer, removed or modified?
Totally up to you. I just don't want someone to type my name into google and then end up on here and my blog, etc.
Maybe it would be easiest to just remove my name? I can't think of another great solution...
Sorry about this...
And I appreciate your flexibility.
@Shane How about changing it to just "Shane"?
That would be totally fine, although I was just thinking that it might look a little strange.
shrugs whatever
I look a little strange.
@Shane You are now invisible to the Google.
Nicely done, sir.
@Shane Thanks. I'll keep that in mind if/when I mention you in the future.
Thanks. Just refer to me as ChrisAycock.
@Shane Nice
Looks like we have unfinished business on the retail vs institutional question.
Q: Are retail trading questions in scope?

chrisaycockI've noticed a few questions about Interactive Brokers, plus a couple mentions of MetaTrader and NinjaTrader. These are all retail-level topics; I can't imagine a professional quant would be concerned about these. Having said that, perhaps retail traders are interested in what institutional trad...

I thought my analogy of systems administrators vs administrative assistants both using computers for a living would have clinched it, but no love.
I thought that it was good analogy too.
I made a smart-ass remark on another question that Ninja Trader is for day traders who want to pretend to be quants. I escaped with only one anonymous down vote on that one.
It's a tough question though. I prefer to distinguish between experts and amateurs, rather than institutional vs. retail. It's hard to draw a line on a specific platform; I tend to think that the content of the question may be more relevant.
That being said, I agree completely that certain platforms are more indicative of expert users.
@Shane I concur.
I can think of a couple "experts" who use IB.
IB is a little more borderline.
It gets used on both sides, I think.
Yes, it's not NinjaTrader.
Certainly tools and AUM seem like arbitrary cut offs.
So perhaps techniques is a better distinction.
@chrisaycock 100% agree.
Trouble is, which techniques? I trade cash equities (high-frequency), so my math is nowhere near what an exotics trader would need. On the flip side, my comp sci skillz are way beyond most people who work at Google.
Yes, I think that it's better to avoid some of these decisions and just let it happen organically. If we say that it should be expert-focused, then "we will know it when we see it".
On a semi-related note, anyone hear about IBM Watson, the computer that's going to play Jeopardy tonight?
Yes. Awesome stuff.
(Speaking of Google)
"Artificial intelligence turned out to be more like cancer research than a moon shot."
I think that sums it up.

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