last day (153 days later) » 

Oh yes, earlier I mentioned my first D&D game. I was 14 or 15, and my friend had just gotten a set of 3.5 books for his birthday. He was extremely excited about it. Several of us were supposed to come, but I was the only person who showed up. Luckily, his mother had anticipated a small turnout and had been prepared to play if needed.
D'aw. :D
@Pixie: :D
She'd played some in high school, and she was totally up for it. Of course, it was a different edition, and none of us really knew the rules. We struggled for hours over character creation, eventually ending up with a half-elf rogue with purple hair (me :v) and a druid with a familiar named after the DM's cat Fibonacci (who, for his part, spent the evening whacking our paper minis).
We spend all this time getting our characters together. Great, we think! Time for ADVENTURE! ... his mom's druid died in the first battle.
This was not something he was prepared for. He thinks for a moment and, not wanting to undo all of hour hard work, has me come upon a fountain with a weird red liquid. Somehow I determine it will bring her back! ... undead. Within the space of one battle, we have an undead druid.
I wonder if the cat was named for the Fibonacci Number sequence
If so thats pretty sweet
@Sandwich Yes, he was.
@Pixie That's pretty sweet
So after that, we go on our merry way. A lead brings us to this tower, and we get to the top. We wind up locked in the room, and there's this giant portal to the unknown. We look at it and decide we really don't want any part of it. DM had not planned for that, either.
It's obvious we're going to be railroaded but that doesn't stop us from trying everything we can possibly think of, giggling all the way. We break through the floor into the room below, and he lets us. We even get some mundane loot! Woo! But it's locked too, of course, and we can't get out of it either. Now we're in this supply closet and have to figure out a way back up.
So you tie the ghosts to one another and use them as a rope to escape the tower, brilliant.
@Pixie You're a master of storytelling
Bravo sir
Our druid decides she will throw her familiar up and have him drop us a rope. Great plan, except by DM fiat, Fib just... keeps going. He flies into the portal. Imagine a cat in a tractor beam. We get out somehow, and of course we have to follow because our mascot is there. :P
@Pixie Haha! Oh no
That's a pretty good way to draw you through the portal XD
room topic changed to The Campfire: Well, bard, get barding. Regale us with tales of your old RP experiences. (no tags)
Let's see, it takes a mod to move posts, doesn't it? P:
I'll just link this so the first part of my story is accessible. xD
At any rate, I... can't really recall what happened in the portal! It was some kind of otherworldly steampunky realm full of big clockwork dudes. We did find Fib and get out, eventually. :P
So after this point, I start recruiting people. A couple of my friends had never played before, but they happened to be staying at my house on days I was going over to play, so they joined up too. The first one made... a vampire! Of course. I don't remember if she was statted as one, but she was fluff-wise a vampire.
So, you had an undead druid and a vampire... What alignment were you playing?
We are now up to: purple-haired half-elf rogue, an undead druid, and a vampire (or a demon or something like that). I don't remember our alignments, but I'm pretty sure I was chaotic-something. :P
I can't remember what my other friend played, only that she'd never done any kind of RP before ever but totally loved it. I think she played a reasonable character, which is why I can't remember too well. :P But the last addition to our party was my then-boyfriend, who played a dwarf who -- for some reason -- collected the teeth of his fallen opponents.
There was honestly no in-character justification for this band of misfits whatsoever.
That... Actually sounds like fun.
Oh, it was! It was great.
Oh, I forgot the +1 sword of smiley face.
I can't remember if we got that from boss one or boss two.
I want to say boss two.
Was it just a standard +! or did the smiley face give extra powers?
@Nyoze No extra powers, but it looked like a big smiley face.
Because this was 10 years ago, I'm not 100% on the sequence of events, so I'm trying to piece it together in a way that makes sense. Let's see...
When we had our whole crew together, we went back to town. We proceeded to buy a bunch of things. I bought a house! And a warhorse! I kept the warhorse in my bag of holding because nobody knew you couldn't actually do that. Everybody else got stuff too. Then, we started to look for intel. And where to you go for intel? A tavern, of course.
It carries the magical powers of reminding stabbees to turn that frown upside down.
(* this reminder never makes things better)
@doppelgreener I think it might have had a smiley particle effect too.
A warhouse? That sounds sweet
We were talking to a waitress, and my DM's mom playing the undead druid proceeded to hit on her to get information. Successfully!
Well... Okay then!
This led us out of town, toward a new dungeon. Unfortunately, when we got to the top of the cliff, we turned around to discover that the entire town was quickly going up in flames. Fire. Everywhere. Remember, I had just bought a house.
(Keep in mind that this is a game between friends and none of us are being serious whatsoever, so this wasn't as utterly evil as it sounds. It was really funny even then.)
Luckily, my horse is fine because he's in my bag of holding and nobody realizes that means he should be suffocating.
Interesting sidenote: Opening a Bottle of air inside a Bag of holding prevents suffocation
@Sandwich I did not know this. :o
Bottle of Air is an item that continually spits out oxygen, its like a fantasy scuba tank
But please continue
and then the opening of your leathery bag of holding makes gentle farting noises whenever it's fastened shut :D
The town is, well, toast, so we have no choice but to continue to move on. When we get to the next dungeon, we find vampire flowers, Piranha plants, and at the end there's a lich (or something of that nature) who has the +1 sword of smiley face. This is the part I really wish I could remember more about because the DM had abandoned all airs of seriousness and we laughed the entire session.
(for fun)
@doppelgreener yessss
@Pixie scene comes to mind suddenly
> town of gingerbread houses
> set fire to all of them
> "Looks like his town..."
> pull out sunglasses, put them on
> "... is toast."
I guess you can say
puts on sunglasses
They got iced.
@doppelgreener [applause]
@Sandwich [further applause]
This is about the end of the story until I can remember more details or ask someone who was there. Oh yeah, and my friend made my then-boyfriend and I hold hands for the first time during a session. She literally picked our hands up and put them together. :P
So yes, who else had a story to tell? Was it @Codeacula?
Ah, they are not here anymore.
@Pixie d'awwwwwwww :D
@Pixie You can't ping someone not in the room
all of that was a great story.
Did I tell everyone the time I tied together a string of ghosts to escape a floating liches tower
@Sandwich this sounds fantastic and I don't believe you have
@Miniman Yeah. I thought they came in at some point but maybe I'm wrong.
@Sandwich Do it!
was it a very... transparent plan?
Well it certainly had its ups and downs
sounds like a tall tale
I had a ghost of a chance to succceed
You must have been in grave danger.
The trouble was palpable, compared to my wifes frigid demeanor
But most of my stories actually come from a single game that I've been playing on RPOL.NET for about six years
@Sandwich Oh yeah, obligatory ghost of a chance link.
Europa 512 AD ( Now Europa 513 AD )
Because we've literally been playing the game so long that a year has passed in game time
Oh, nice.
My character is a Werefox Rogue named Callidus that has traveled the countryside as a scout saving dwarves from evil duergar and teaching sylph women to love
So the story for the current campaign setting and the arc that just recently ended is thus:
A demon named Mastiphal has been spreading a curse throughout Europa that converts members of the good races to warped versions of themselves ( Elves become Drow, Dwarves become Duergar, Gnomes become Anti-Gnomes, etc. )
The dwarves are the race most affected by the demons evil machinations however. Normally their tight knit familial communities and their high saves against poisons would help them in situations such as this, but unfortunately this wasnt the case, the curse was of a magical nature and targeted the wrong saves, the dwarves were doomed
The elves were protected mostly by their resistance to magical effects and enchantments
@Sandwich are anti-gnomes very tall?
Tall and lithe, with brightly colored hair, and anything they touch breaks
Gnomes can fix anything, Anti-gnomes can break anything
One would almost think Gnomes convert to Sviefneble, but they aren't exactly evil like the rest of the Underdark races :(
Which arguably gave the gnomes something to do
@Sandwich You could get a pretty good repair scheme going on if you teamed a gnome and an anti-gnome up.
I assume if they touch the destruction is uncanny, though.
Its like the opposite of the Mending spell
And now I want to be an evil orc warlord who sets up two catapults on the opposite sides of a besieged city, and shoots gnomes and anti-gnomes from them, trying to collide them mid-air.
New Campaign Idea: Merchant gets sick of paying the gnomes for repairs, so seeks out the source of everything breaking.
In any case, Callidus started in a city named Mons Lucia, a dwarven city affected by the curse of Mastiphal
@Magician Yes. Just... Yes.
@pixie Nice story!
The city was more recently one of the ones affected by the "Duergar plague", and some of their citizens were changing into creatures unknown to the dwarves
These creatures had yellowed teeth, scraggly unkempt beards, and were anti-social and argumentative to the point of starting fights with one another over the smallest issues
( IE Duergar )
Callidus entered the city as an Ambassador from the town of Burgundy, which was adjacent to Pallet town. ( but not really )
He was accompanied by his long time friend and recently ordained Lord Hiras and his wife Lady Vocaphil
They arrived and began speaking to the dwarves, Callidus, having traveled for long times knew that the best way to butter up a dwarf was to compliment their arms, so he did. This began a long story about the dwarfs ancestors and how his grandpa's grandpa used the same axe and it being passed down his family line, each generation adding its own small details to the weapon.
( On a side note, Dwarf arms are very burly and generally quite hairy )
( Not to be confused with Dwarf arms, which are very shiny, sharp, and well maintained )
In any case, during the meeting two priests with scraggly unkempt beards wearing black armor burst into the room, axes gleaming in the firelight of the inn the talk was taking place at
They accused the Dwarf lord Jovin of abusing his power and everyone got up from their seats, brandishing various weapons.
So a fight happened
Dun dun duuuuuun
jazz hands
@Sandwich Yeah I definitely read this and imagined... "Sir, if I may say so, those are some SWEET GUNS." "... I work out."
Good comedy writes itself
I have my first time as a player, or my first time GMing a Shadowrun campaign. One is a tale of mysticism, and the other is a tale of of the accidental mundane.
Anyway during the combat one of the evil priests pulled a small bag off of their waist and was fumbling to get it open, at the same time Callidus did a backflip off of a table over the dwarf and used a dagger to cut the strings of the pouch, catching it in his hand
The priest spun on Callidus and the Dwarf lord Jovin's axe caught the priest in the back, dropping him, while his ally priest was cut down by the other duergar
@Codeacula Sweet! Sandwich is working on a story about a floating lich tower right now but you should tell one or both after. :D
(Thanks I wasn't sure if it had ended sorry @Sandwich I'm not a jerk :( )
(I end a lot of things at work with jazz hands, so...)
> Hey, sweet guns!
"Thanks, I'm pretty proud of my collection."
Uh, I mean, good muscles!
"Thanks, I fished them outta the ocean just this morning."
What I mean is, good arms.
"Yeap, the family crest, I like to keep those polished."
No, I mean nice biceps!
@Codeacula Oh no, not at all! Jazz hands is a pretty good ending note after all. xD I just knew the floating lich tower had not come up yet, so I had better context.
Well it turns out
That the bag had a beating imp heart inside
And was cursed
( Evil artifact and whatnot )
So he had to take the evil beating imp heart to an elven priest so she could purify and disintegrate it, scattering its ashes in holy water
And that was the end of act one
Okay someone elses turn
I have six years with Callidus I'm sure Doppel has some good stories
I... Don't yet :(
One day I will lol
@Nyoze Yes, definitely one day. :3
I think @Codeacula had something to tell.
I'm scared now
Ok, first, sorry @Sandwich and thank you for that!
It's all good
I'll throw you into a spike pit later when you aren't looking
The Gem encrusted spikes pit
I'll give a pick. My first time as a player ever or my first as a Shadowrun GM.
The first is recalling from...14 years ago
And the other is a lot more recent
@Sandwich get to pick which one will offer the best spike trap surprise
@Sandwich the blessed spike pit of healing
@Codeacula Heh, I know that feeling. I remember enough from my first game to know I'm forgetting things. C'est la vie.
I remember my first game. It never happened, cause everyone bailed on me :(
I don't know the crowd, so I don't know which one would be best. I'll go with first time GM.
Bless the spike pit of Healing
@Nyoze My first game was a TPK in our first fight. It wasn't even meant to be a challenge.
This was my first time GMing a game I didn't make. When I was in high school I was all about making the games because for some reason I didn't like D&D but I wanted the setting.
I got my closest friends together to give it a try. I had always loved Shadowrun since I played the SNES version and really wanted to finally give the tabletop game a try.
I, of course, did the new GM thing, and spent a week planning the details of what would be their first run, coming up with an excellent intro run, giving them the chance to learn all of the elements they need
There's a SNES version of ShadowRun? I have to try that one day.
(It's vurry fun)
The run was simple: Force a college professor to change the list of students accepted into their program to include a high-level corp's kid.
I set it up so that each path to research would trigger a runner to come after them in return, as part of the introduction into combat. There were in all four NPCs I spent half a day each making.
Coming up with a little backstory, generating them from the book, all the fun stuff.
I made a super huge mistake, though, and decided I'm going to "play fair"
You know, that phrase most players use to try and banish their GM's
I give my players the backstory, tell them how they had gotten together, they did their meeting with Mr. Johnson, and everything went well
When they got done with the meeting, they looked at each other to figure out what to do next. I would drop hints, but I wanted to see if they would pick it up on their own.
So, they decided to go sleep. While their characters were sleeping, they discussed their strategy, how they would handle the next day. So they had their technomancer do a search. Fortunately for them, I notoriously roll bad dice.
(It helps for D&D campaigns, since it's usually bad enough for fun but not so bad I die)
I'm going through my list of runners to send after them, excited that I'll be able to start alluding to the fact they're being chased, but the technomancer scrapes data from the school's host without leaving any trace at all, as far as dice rolls are concerned.
Elevate keyboard!
I try to push them into investigating the people their target knows with subtle hints, but either they're too subtle or they don't care and decide to just go over to the professor's house and "see what we can make happen"
So, their plan is to have the technomancer (who is a vagrant) go over to the professor's house and try to hack the comm link. I find some security goons I drew up, assuming his sneaking rolls fail.
Of course, they don't. He manages to sneak into the professor's front yard, and proceeds to lie down and to begin hacking.
They rest of the party stayed away, so all that's there is a hobo in the grass apparently asleep, but this whole time he's breaking into the professor's commlink.
Of course, every single roll I do just makes it easier for him, and he manages to steal a video of the professor doing some unsavory stuff with people other than his spouse. The technomancer comes back too, walks away, and nothing was triggered.
At this point I'm a bit upset, because I spent all this time doing my planning and my stupid dice rolls are messing it up. I don't want to be the GM who is going to inflict pain and agony just because they players are rolling too well.
They send a message to the teacher with a copy of the video basically demanding he put the student on or else that gets out. Then they go to sleep
@Codeacula Now there's a feeling I know all too well.
They next day was when they were supposed to get attacked, but instead I have nothing, because I'm following my rules.
I'm being a "fair" and "just" GM
They go to collect the pay from the Mr. Johnson, and I make them have to do it at a slammin' elf night club. The main street sam of the group has the uncouth quality, so I make it a point to throw him in every single terrible situation I can justify
They all know sending him in is a bad idea, but they're going to try it anyway
Outside of inflicting pain and agony, I would think that the Professor would attempt to retaliate to get the video back before just submitting to their demands, and being a player I'd expect something to go wrong at that point, otherwise there's absolutely no point there being anyone else except the Technomancer in the party. :(
(The professor tried that, but they just called his bluff)
(I left that out because I REALLY AM BAD AT DICE ROLLING)
Heh. That happens sometimes.
I make him roll no less than four or five times to see if he manages to get in a fight. Should be easy, I think.
Stays calm, cool, and collected while they look for the Johnson.
We close the session with "That wasn't as hard as I thought it would be."
Moral of the story: Being a good GM is a terrible idea. At least in Shadowrun.
(Or roll better dice)
That session now set two constants in our games
1) If you nap or sleep, things will get solved for you
2) The GM rolls like shit, so combat is actually easier than other methods
Luckily they're good people and enjoy the RP
@Codeacula My life would be so much easier if this applied IRL. :v
@Pixie It actually works in mine :3
Well, that worked well.
If only because I think of programming solutions either in the shower or in my dreams
@Codeacula I don't know what you're doing, but my life that just makes things worse.
@Codeacula Niiice. My dreams are just... ridiculous.
(For added context, I'm narcoleptic and have an extremely erratic pattern at night, so naps all the time.)
I code,'s either super easy or super hard, and the super hard stuff is usually either solved by going to the bathroom, taking a shower, or going to sleep
Aww :(
I tried to host a D&D Game for a group in high school
I got my 3.0 MM and PHB confiscated along with all my dice because they accused me of "Gambling"
I never got my books back
@Sandwich This will either be an amazing story or very short.
@Sandwich D:
Wow. Strict :\
Well if its dice it must be gambling
Those books are expensive, too... so uncool.
Thats the only thing it could be
I dont understand why public schools can just keep your shit that they take from you
I was thinking "witchcraft"
It doesnt make any sense
We had an Anime & RPG Club at school but... uh. It didn't go well.
I had one of my games confiscated because it was "Like D&D and D&D promotes gangs and the occult"
@Sandwich Congratulations. That is officially the first time anyone has made me glad to go to a private school. They even set aside a room for us for D&D/Warhammer... :\
Have you ever seen that movie "Mazes and Monsters"? The Dungeons and Dragons Propaganda movie?
No :(
Funny stuff
Someone made lava at work
Nobody cared about us having RPGs in my club's case. We just had two main issues. First, our sponsor wouldn't come to our meetings. They just signed on as our sponsor because someone asked them to. Eventually we weren't allowed to have meetings at school without our sponsor, and that didn't happen.
It was because they took the game that we started using the term "Fighting the Zombie"
Second, some of the people in the group had no inclination whatsoever to behave, so in school or out, it was just a disaster.
If anyone has seen the D&D Chick Tracks
@Pixie Party Poopers :(
We tried to play Shadowrun one time... key word tried. The behavior was so exceedingly bad that day (even in a club member's home) that the president decided to end things, and me and the like... two other serious people agreed wholeheartedly. xD
Ummm, warning on that link
There's some insane stuff in there
I've seen those.
Okay okay
Time for memes
Has anyone ever successfully implemented "More Dakka" in a game
My fiance beckons me from my lair. I must be away. I hope you all have a good one :) Thanks for letting me share a terrible story.
If I were doing WH40K Fate I'd be sorely tempted to do that.
@Codeacula It was a fine story!
Hey, that sounds like my old MtG decks... Now I want to do that with Pathfinder...
I use it every time I need to convince GM's to be evil
@Codeacula It was a good story :)
Thanks :D
I'm off to fight the Zombie. Good night!
On the subject of bad rolls, I will always remember Veyfiel the Shinymancer. This was a party of like 5 sleep-deprived teenage girls at a sleepover who decided, hey, let's play some D&D! Right now! Veyfiel was actually a sorcerer, but something or other led to him being designated Shinymancer.
> More Dakka. You can use Create Advantage to place a free invoke on your gun, plus one more for each time you've used this stunt with that gun before now. After you do this, roll Overcome vs the number of free invokes on that gun to prevent it exploding and dealing that much damage to you and everyone near you.
@doppelgreener ... I could actually use this for one of my boyfriend's characters. xD
@Pixie He flubbed a glitterdust spell
@Sandwich Heh. He flubbed everything else, so why not. :v
The setup our GM devised was a tower with a bunch of doors, and there were really weird things behind each one, some very dangerous. Pretty early on we realized that just opening doors was not smart. We were scouting ahead with familiars as well as stopping to listen at each door before entering.
Unfortunately, neither Veyfiel nor his bat familiar could succeed at listen checks.
Sounds like the perfect opportunity to use Clairaudience/Clairvoyance
His bat got a critfail and flew into a door. :P
Quick, roll a spot check! "...1" You miss the door in front of you and run straight into it.
You would think an echolocative creature would have an amazing listen check
@Nyoze Basically, but with listen. xD
Since they have blindsight and all
@Sandwich Oh, you'd think.
Veyfiel had a listen bonus from the bat too and he still could not into listening.
Bat uses Listen, misses the echolocation and doesn't realise there is anything ahead.
I'm not sure its possible for a bat to not use its sonar properly
Now I want to make a dungeon of weird angles and magical darkness to watch pc's bump into walls they don't know are there... You guys give me good ideas :)
@Nyoze Do what I did, make an MC Escher dungeon
Stairs going up the ceiling
Doors that open into brick walls
At some point the DM told Veyfiel, who'd rolled like a 2 again, something about what the door felt like, and I think he wound up thanking it and calling it a nice door. The DM then decided that Veyfiel spoke door. She told me to write it under my languages. For the rest of the session, doors spoke to Veyfiel. Mostly, doors are not very smart.
Stairs down that take you one floor higher than you were, but on a door in a wall on the same room
That just hurts my head trying to think about it...
Ooh, neat dungeon. If very confusing.
The best way to conceptualize it is to create the craziest house that you can think of with absolutely no logic with objective directional gravity.
Pretty much "down" is whatever way you want it to be
So you can walk completely upside down in an MC Escher dungeon as long as you're following the right path
That path just might lead to a door which takes you into the door you just opened
Oh, he's that optical illusion guy, I get where you are going now. Leave a trail of breadcrumbs as you walk up the stairs and then run into your own trail without going downwards.
Or you might open a door half the size of a normal door and enter a room where the furnishings are half your size and the ceiling is three feet tall
I think we had some Escheresque rooms in the tower we were exploring in that game, actually. Then one room was a sea of molten lava, one was an actual sea complete with serpent (I think we just had a nice chat with him), etc.
And just for shits and giggles have 10-15 fine sized gold pieces on the miniature table
Oh yes, and there was one point where I think everyone else could hear perfectly well what was going on. Poor, sweet Veyfiel failed his listen check again and proudly announced, "This door sounds like a door!"
Then inside the room have a Tiny sized door that leads to a room where the table and chairs is instead on the ceiling
Which is where the PCs walk out onto
And the door to the next room is directly below(above) the table
I may work one of these into whatever I GM next. I like weird, glitchy environments.
Wizards towers make the best Escher dungeons
Because Wizards never want people to know the right way through their tower
They're also the most eccentric people in any D&D game
I mean just look at the Harpels
If I GM anything it'll probably either be Fate or Roll For Shoes, so even more options. It'd work nicely if I ever get a Digimon game together, actually.
Wait. Roll for Shoes?
A very light game where your first skill is Do Anything, and things you roll successfully become increasingly better but also increasingly specific skills.
That... Sounds amazing. I wish I had a table to try it with, but I'm limited to online PBP forums, where I don't think it would work very well :(
It'd work fine in a chat room, but PBP would probably be too slow, yeah.
That game sounds awesome
Now it feels like we should make a RFS room to play with... Have you guys got a bit of time? Work is quiet as at the moment, and none of my PBP's are replying. And I don't have any funny stories to tell, so making some sounds like a plan :D
I've got some free time
My friend isnt responding to inquiries concerning Dungeon Defenders 2
Looks like Pixie took off though... I'd be happy to try anything at the moment lol.
@Nyoze Pixie comes and goes. It's a non-committal chat room, we all do that whether it looks like it or not.
Yeah, Everyone comes and goes. :P
Also, Roll for Shoes is fantastic.
I will provide a story on this in a couple of hours.
I shall stay tuned for a few hours... I think I'm going to keep lurking here, I can always use a smile during work :)
20 messages moved from RPG General Chat
Just ask a mod to unfreeze it.
Thanks BESW. Time to get this going again, if someone doesn't mind? We could get some great one-shots going I bet :)
We've done it a couple times before, to great success. The trick is getting folks with dedicated free time simultaneously.
People in these chats are in multiple zones and most are usually at work when they're chatting.
Yeah, well... I'm in that category. But I'm happy to give it a go. In... An hour, after I get back from my meetings :\
At which point I'm going to be making dinner.
@Nyoze I have a bad habit of sneaking in and out. >_> I'd love to play something sometime though.
Maybe not tonight as it's already after 2:30 AM and I have work tomorrow (albeit at 1 PM). But sometime.

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