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Q: How to use a CAS in teaching calculus

Mike ShulmanI want to introduce calculus students to computer algebra systems (CAS) like Sage, Geogebra, and Wolfram Alpha in college Calculus 1 and 2. While I believe in the value of learning to do calculus by hand to a certain extent, I also don't want to pretend that we don't live in the 21st century. H...

6 hours later…
academia.stackexchange.com/q/56618/1033 Is this question depicting a weird situation or are we all biased toward “well-behaved” universities in western/developed countries?
@gerrit: yes, we are. Bear in mind that here we are a very small representative of the universities around the world, and for the nature itself of this site, we are people who grew up receiving good examples and try to set good examples. But there are examples of really bad, and common, behaviours too out there (regardless of Eastern/Western/Northern/Southern), and I think we should not be too surprised (because of human nature, of course).
It seems more understandable after the edits.
Sorry, guys. I don't believe any of this question. I am not exactly from West per se. I don't think I am that much biased. Too much stuff in this question that don't make sense, even in my Eastern mind.
I believe it. Apparently, the situation is in South Asia.
2 hours later…
Seriously, I am wondering why this question academia.stackexchange.com/questions/56543/… and other similar get so many upvotes...
@Mehdi Have you heard of Hot Network Questions?
yes and?
Well, this question was/is one and has almost 5 k views and views beget votes. Also, the question is actually not that bad. You should not vote on the poster but the question after all.
Yes but the question is : should he feel guilty or not, isn't that psychology?
@Mehdi That’s not the question according to my understand. The question is primarily one of ethics and punishability. Both of this is clearly on-topic and answerable.
okay, Obsolete content though...
so next time I use my lab's printer to print 1 or 2 pages of something for personal use and then feel guilty about it, I come to stackoverflow and ask a question instead of talking directly with the lab's responsible about the printer's usage policy?
I have the feeling that this website sometimes encourages people to not use their brain
Well, even if you use your brain, there are always things you may not have thought of. In particular for questions of general interest, there is nothing wrong with having a general repository of answers.
On the other hand, there are of course incredibly stupid questions from time to time, but this is not one (in my opinion). Also, if the only thing that we can answer to a question is “ask your supervisor/university/…“, we have a close reason for that.
The problem with Hot Questions is that questions that end up there are not always the best questions, they are the bikeshedding questions.
1 hour later…
Q: Job Descriptions for VAPs/postdocs

Elizabeth VidaurreIf a job description on math jobs for a VAP or a postdoc, doesn't explicitly say anything along the lines of "complement existing strengths" or "state faculty you would be interested in working with", should I do it anyway?

8 hours later…
@Mehdi You're not alone. I occasionally find myself wondering how certain questioners 'survive in the wild' as it were.

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