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5:00 AM
To answer or not to answer ... academia.stackexchange.com/questions/42648/…
I do feel it's a duplicate, but I wonder whether it'd make sense to add an answer with some screenshots and explainations about the salary calculator to the original question. Pro: It'd help people who don't speak german and find the original question. Contra: Websites change (although this one hasn't in the last 5 or so years). I'm also not sure whether this type of question wouldn't be better at expats.
5:59 AM
I'll be back in the evening to see whether anybody has an opinion on this.
7 hours later…
12:46 PM
@Sumyrda You seem to have two questions. The first is about TV-L E14. That is an answerable question and I think would be fine at Expats.SE (I am a mod there too). The lifestyle question seems to be asking for opinions and probably isn't a great fit as is. Rephrasing it in terms of cost of living might be better.
1:06 PM
@StrongBad those are not my questions, I was just wondering whether I should write an answer and if yes, where.

It seems, others have already answered.

But I might still write an answer explaining how to use that website, so the next person doesn't have to ask a new question and can just use the website.
1:28 PM
@Sumyrda Missed that you were not the OP, sorry about that. Explaining how to use the website would probably be helpful.
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2:18 PM
@Compass I don't get it.
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