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Q: Do native speakers distinguish well the pronunciations of "L" and "R"?

Makoto KatoSometimes I have a problem in distinguishing "L" and "R" in spoken English. I wonder if native speakers distinguish well the pronunciations of "L" and "R". For example, how about "leave" and "reave" or "elect" and "erect"?

@Void If you know of a good duplicate target for this question we can duplicate it.
I am not very happy about the answers under that question. But I am glad the quality of pronunciation answers on the site has been elevated, thanks to you.
6 hours later…
@Eddie: Didn't find a dupe.... I'll see if I can answer it.. but it's opinion-based.
@Void If you can do a detailed write-up by all means.
The issue I have with some of the answers in this post--and I had the exact same issue with another similarly old and well-received post on Japanese SE--is that there is no good answers giving an accurate description of the pronunciation details in accurate terms
A lot of those answers just spread popular misconceptions about pronunciation and languages
I know they mean no harm or disrespect
But some of the views are still highly problematic
4 hours later…
@EddieKal np
Welcome back @snailplane
Oct 8 '20 at 3:04, by skullpatrol
Oct 2 at 9:22, by skillpatrol
user image
I hope you didn't mind me hitching a ride.
I had some mail to deliver.
3 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer (94): What does “short change” mean? by SheltonHilpert on ell.SE
4 hours later…
I need your help with this question
Q: Emotion or Expression words meaning Dictionary

PROBERTWhen I watch TV with my closed captioned on, and sometimes there are words that I want to know what it means. My question is Are there some good sites that will help me what the Emotion or Expression words means ? What are the term for that? I am hearing impaired and sometimes there are a few wo...

I seem to recall you mentioning that you are specialized in this or a related field?
This question is of course off topic on ELL, but I'd like your input on how we can better help this person
I have worked with a lot of visually and/or audibly challenged/impaired people and I always feel deeply for them.
That's not an easy question. Sign language translation is what would work best but you can't simply hire a sign language interpreter to translate a film for you...
And sign language avatars for automatic translations ... Well, there was one under development for a long time by VCom3D, but they appeared to have abandoned that.
What we would need is something like the sign language equivalent of fansubs. I have no idea if that has ever been tried (I'm not optimistic about this).
@Tsundoku Is there an SE site where this question would be on topic and likely to receive helpful answers?
@EddieKal With some good will it can be interpreted as a language learning question. (When interpreting it as a request for a language learning resource.) But I doubt anyone at Language Learning SE who could provide an answer.
But I could draw attention to it from the accessibility community.
@Tsundoku Okay, so let's do this. I won't mod hammer the question, just someone here has helpful information. Let's wait for the community to take its course which is expected to happen in a day or two. And I will migrate it to LL
You're welcome :-)
This really calls up some old memories.
This is the reason I came to SE in the first place
I came to ELL at a time when I was volunteering at a facility that helps visually impaired people
Oh, really?
And I was helping them with film audio description
And then I found out there were words I couldn't make out
So I started posting on ELL questions like "what's this word in this line" with a link to an audio file
What a coincidence. I'm creating a MOOC on accessibility and I've been writing an introduction to audio description...
Wow. That's amazing!
I maintain a site, or rather a link dump, about digital accessibility at cstrobbe.github.io/AccessibilityResources
(I used to use bookmarks for that, but after switching between operating systems so many times in the last few years, I decided to put it all in HTML files.)
@Tsundoku This is pretty cool. I remember reading a similar page you shared in the Reading Room.
It's one of the sites I maintain on GitHub Pages. I suppose I shared one of the other sites, presumably the one about language learning.
@user85795 Thanks :-)
@user85795 That's a pretty fancy shell.
@CowperKettle I'm okay!
Hope everyone's been well.

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