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Word of the day: olecranon
9 hours later…
2 hours later…
Good Morning
2 hours later…
@Glorfindel I see you did some editing in MA.SE, do you practice an art?
@M.A.R. Hey you were saying how you have fixed your sleeping schedule. I did too. Jesus, when I was doing my paper, I was basically staying awake the whole night ... I basically went to bed at 4/5 am and woke up at 12pm to get started again ... that turned out to be so bad for my health ... thankfully that nightmare is over ... I go to bed on time like a baby now
Learnt a new word, one that is a mouthful: regurgitate If you regurgitate facts, you just repeat what you have heard without thinking about it
2 hours later…
I learned a new German word today "durchfahrt". It's pronunciation makes me laugh - my dirty secret is that I sometimes enjoy "fart" jokes even though my parents raised me better than that...
Everyone sometimes enjoys fart jokes even though theirs parents raised them better than that
@ColleenV Fahren is the verb "to drive"
It means "passage way" - we were twittering about the Fuggerei
The Fuggerei is the world's oldest social housing complex still in use. It is a walled enclave within the city of Augsburg, Bavaria. It takes its name from the Fugger family and was founded in 1516 by Jakob Fugger the Younger (known as "Jakob Fugger the Rich") as a place where the needy citizens of Augsburg could be housed. By 1523, 52 houses had been built, and in the coming years the area expanded with various streets, small squares and a church. The gates were locked at night, so the Fuggerei was, in its own right, very similar to a small independent medieval town. It is still inhabited today...
If you're interested in how "modern" doesn't always mean "better", @Wrathofgnon is a great follow on Twitter
Oh it wasn't the Fuggerei - we we twittering about having the blueprints for a lot of pre-modernization buildings and there was a plan that had the word "durchfahrt" on it...twitter.com/wrathofgnon/status/1275087348552749057
@AIQ nope. I do a lot of sports but no martial arts – too scared to break something. I've had torn ligaments in my knee three times, each surgery costs six months to recover.
@Glorfindel What sports are you into?
@AIQ in the current lockdown, mostly running, sometimes mountainbiking. Right now the mountainbike paths in the vicinity are very sandy and no fun. I'm training for a marathon but it doesn't look like they're going to organize one soon ...
I see. Were you into basketball ever?
Or soccer?
@AIQ Excellent guess. I'm member of a korfball team, but those matches have been suspended as well. Otherwise, I like about every sport with a ball.
I played chess when I was younger (you might've guessed from my network profile), but nowadays I don't have time for it anymore.
How about you? This page suggests boxing, but one never knows ...
Nice. Well, I had more injuries playing basketball compared to doing full contact martial arts
If you and your opponents know what they're doing, I assume it's perfectly safe ...
I played college level basketball, in fact, I was the captain of the team. During that time, I tore my meniscus, and partially tore my ACL
but never had any injury from sparring
It is the beginners in MA who are the most dangerous
They are unpredictable, and you never know what they will do
I play chess too
mostly on Lichess
@AIQ same here, that's why I opted for a lower team instead of the A selection.
@AIQ and lack of technique, but no lack of enthusiasm. That's a pitfall I want to avoid :)
I play chess with my little nephew (7yo, just learnt the game) or blindfold with a colleague during the Christmas party. That's about it...
@Glorfindel I remember I came second in my university tournament in Chess. But now I don't like it anymore. It used to be a game of strategies, now with all the engines and opening traps, I feel like the person who knows the most moves will always win. But for some reason I still play haha
Yeah, engines have made the game less attractive for me as well. Fifteen years ago, I could draw the strongest chess program on my laptop (Fritz) which was regularly beating grandmasters, I still consider that my greatest achievement.
@Glorfindel Wow that is quite something. See before this lockdown, I used to go to starbucks everyday to work on my paper and some regulars used to play chess. They will always come on Saturdays and Sundays and stay the whole day at starbucks playing chess. About 6 to 7 of them. So, I sat down and I played with one of them - 3 games. I won. But I realize that I won because I used opening gambits that I had memorized - and they didn't know the full lines for them ...
I won cause I had memorized moves, not because I was more intelligent than them.
This made the victories less meaningful ...
They must've deviated from the book first, and out of book you still managed to defeat them.
@ColleenV And in this part of the building people durchfahrt little boy snicker
I suck at chess.
Good to know people don't like the thing I suck at.
Makes me selfishly content.
Do you ever say something that is not interesting? I can see how you are easily the one guy who is the life of the party ...
I guess you're braver on the internet
IRL I'm a reserved person that doesn't talk unless talked to. But I do try to say something worth saying.
My English alter ego, mostly limited to the internet, has been way more extroverted
I am on the other end of the scale - boring and serious.
Wow @ColleenV is back!
@AIQ :) I used to beat my classmates at chess when I was in grade school. Not because I was a genius, but because I assigned number values to each of the pieces and would only trade pieces for equal or greater "value".
@ColleenV Anglophones can't get enough of the German "six"
It works well until you encounter people who actually know gambits
@EddieKal :)
@ColleenV Yeah, true. But I used to be proud of myself for winning games when I was younger ... there was this idea/belief that intelligent people play chess ... like how you always see the main protagonist or antagonist in movies play chess and say "checkmate" and bla bla bla
@AIQ Well chess is a certain kind of smart because it combines strategy and pattern recognition. I think every person is smart in some way. It just may not be an immediately apparent or particularly useful way lol
But then I started to realize intelligence has nothing to do with it ... It's all about memory ... who can remember the most moves in different situations, for example; what did Magnus Carlsen do when his opponent played this exact move in that tournament ...
yes pattern recognition ... I would rather watch kids play chess who only knows rules and applies them to get advantage ... that would be a show of intelligence
@AIQ Well at the level most people play that's true. The masters can look ahead so much further
I figured a lot of people have this problem, and many of them never actually talk about it. So for the sake of the greater good - I threw myself into the crocodile pond!
Q: Etiquette for sparring with women - How to find the balance and not do disservice?

RoundHouse How do I find the balance between being a jerk (i.e., one who is hitting too hard) and being someone who is doing a disservice to female sparring partners (i.e., one who avoids hitting and mostly just defends and evades)? What is an acceptable level of intensity when sparring with female partner...

@AIQ I think quite the opposite. From what I know of your chat you have an explosive personality
omg whatever that means, I will take that as a complement
Salam @Hadi!
Hi everybody im glad im here how are you guys
@HADIMOSAVI Hi! Doing fine, thanks! You?
@M.A.R. im a friend of @Cardinal do you know him
Sure we do
As much as knowing online personalities goes
I'm also Iranian
@M.A.R. im glad to hear that im Iranian too what about other guys where are they from?
@HADIMOSAVI I don't know. They can share it if they like
@Eddie sounds more British with every chat message, but all people older than me do
@M.A.R. ahahahah what makes you think I am older than you?
I . . . think you mentioned it somewhere
So I took you for being Stoney's age, or similar
If Stoney told me he was the first Ent Fangorn I'd believe him. Except Fangorn didn't have so versatile a vocabulary.
I needed to consult a dictionary for his every single chat message.
@M.A.R. Wow. I am glad my words resemble those of such a wise man
I thought snail was really old
@EddieKal eeeeeeeee you didn't just say that
I meant that in the best possible way. snail doesn't talk much and always puts a scholarly touch on everything
Sort of like StoneyB
They're really different, the way they talk though. Stoney hasn't even edited his Monica message in months sad
I guess after 25 or something, age doesn't matter much. Wise folks will just talk wisely forever after that
So how much are you older than me, if you don't mind me asking?
I am in my 20s...
I will certainly not use this information to find out whether I can be condescending to you.
Well that's vague enough.
I'm 21.
Ok I am older
@M.A.R. No way!
@M.A.R. So you have been around since you were 15/16?
I'm 15
For real? @M.A.R.
@EddieKal Sounds about right
@M.A.R. No 21 year old has your wisdom ... I have seen your Meta posts ...
Are you kidding me? You certainly haven't seen 1. enough meta posts and 2. enough 21-year-olds
If this will invoke you to go check my earliest posts, I duly regret it already
@AIQ There are a lot of young people around. @Daniil for one
I have seen plenty of 21 year olds .. they are all around me ...
@EddieKal Young people around sure, but not with the wisdom that @M.A.R. has ... I am not only talking about his level of English language proficiency - which to me is top class ...
Aww pfft blushes
looks away
looks back
blushes again
I am super glad there's a lot of young people around who are actively involved in community building.
One place you shouldn't get looked down upon
snaps out of it what was that last thing you said
his meta discussions are exemplary ... There are three authors whose meta posts are rocking that kind of wisdom - MAR, JR, and ColleenV
Community building, what's that?
SE site for ... creativity?
@M.A.R. Isn't that what you do?
Community building to me is voting, caring, and saying hello to new users
Not really, I just slack off and chat all day
There's a lot more ofc
I have these far far away plans to make a comeback and contribute some when things are settled.
They really seem to hate being settled at the moment
I answered very few questions and asked even fewer. Need to change that, mostly. I figured without a ton of rep or a badge to go with it people don't listen to you on meta.
@M.A.R. That is exactly the problem I see with the SE system. stratification by rep
With that out of my conscience I now need to sleep. I really need to be studying for the exams that are drawing near. Gute Nacht
buenas noches
@M.A.R. Good luck!
Sleep more
So now with M.A.R. gone to bed we can now badmouth them. Who wants to go first?
I will go first. The white background on his profile pic really irritates me.
@AIQ Hahaha. Transparent to your taste better?
maybe or just sth dark
@HADIMOSAVI Welcome to the chat room.
@M.A.R. :))
@M.A.R. Good luck lad on the coming exam! You would nail it!
@Cardinal Hello! Welcome back
@Cardinal thanks I hope i can improve my english here, guys here all look nice

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