@M.A.R. if you consider Canada a US-state ... No, I am in Canada now ... but I still have my country that I love very much
no one cares about tiger skin anymore, now they want bones and teeth ... they have these wine bottles with tiger bones in them ... so when you finish your wine, you buy some and refill that bottle with the bone in it ... and then you can be a giant in the bedroom
@EddieKal Just to make my point crystal clear, a moderator who makes an inflammatory comment about the American police force, should accept that their answer is going to attract criticism. If your answer had limited itself on etymology, citations and references, it would have been exemplary.
As it is, I find it disturbing that any moderator who deletes answers and comments which criticise, civilly, with their standpoint. (I am aware that two of my comments have been deleted.) Philip's answer said right at the beginning: "Yes, cops can be a derogatory term, but among fewer people now than before."
@Mari-LouA As I've said to AIQ, I don't mind criticism. I learn from it. I include things I see necessary for clarification/background information purposes.
Philip's answer was an answer, it was not supported but maybe Philip is an American citizen, so from a social linguistic point of view, his answer was just as valid.
@Mari-LouA On the contrary I find Philip's answer really disturbing
So a user who has been around for a while with several posts under their belt across the network doesn't know commentary shouldn't go into an answer? I doubt it
So that is a statement that says to me: "I don't care about the rules. I want to tell you I disagree."
That is a non-answer. I wouldn't have deleted it if they had only said what you copied and pasted here: "Yes, cops can be a derogatory term, but among fewer people now than before."
The very first answer was deleted because it simply provided a link ... this one just copy-pasted and said those commentators are correct ... not much difference
@EddieKal I find the attention the post is attracting worrying. It should be taken off the Hot Network Questions list. The post is likely to attract more comments, strong opinions, and maybe gratuitous offences. The question should be closed as P.O.B as I stated earlier in the comment which you swiftly deleted.
Unfortunately, I have to go. I will be back around midday my time.
@Mari-LouA I appreciate you being helpful and making that suggestion. Whether that question is opinion based should be left to the community to decide. I haven't seen a close vote yet. Also if you are really interested, I humbly ask that you lend me your patience for a few days. I will discuss some issues including "commenting, on-topic-ness" on Meta.
@EddieKal I apologize. I think part of the negative attention that your answer got was because I initially edited out "Karen-ed" from my question. Which might have removed the sociopolitical aspect from it. I thought that term was distracting the viewers, which is true but I should have realized that before writing the question. I later edited that back in so that your answer did not look like saying something I did not ask for - perhaps it was a bit late. I will keep this in mind next time.
@AIQ Don't worry about it. I didn't notice you took it out. But several other members also mentioned Karen. One Karen comment has been upvoted 24 times.
Wow that Philip user seems to be quite a character
They are now accusing me of hiding their answer in fear of competition.
specifically because they are not a regular member of ELL, they think that you could have deleted that answer in fear of competition ... because they don't know you or anyone here ... there is no trust ...
So similar things could be more easily said of their own "answer": That answer appears to be copied & pasted information from other people's comments and semi-long off-topic commentary." It's just baffling how they don't see that.
I was going to post a comment under the answer stating what I just said here in the chat about copy-pasting comments - nothing original .. just plainly disagreeing that's it
@EddieKal Just back. In time to cast my vote to close the question as P.O.B, it probably won't get closed for three reasons: 1. No one is "manning" the Close review queues, except for two or three users at the most. 2. Any mod can cast their vote, which is binding, to keep it open. 3. It's one of the better questions that I have seen for some time. Perhaps better suited to EL&U.
@Mari-LouA 2. I assure you no mod is going to do that. I was able to learn how mod-reviewing works thanks to you! 3. I agree.
Off to bed I go
@Mari-LouA Oh btw, I wanted to say I hear your concerns. And I did some cleanup work of the comments, trying to keep as much informative stuff as possible from both sides.
I removed tangential discussions so that we can hopefully reduce the topic's sensitiveness level
Glorfindel probably wants me to remove more. But I really try to keep all my criticism intact. Speaking of which, @Mari-LouA didn't you find it odd that that Philip user never seemed interested in upvoting other people's comments if they agreed with those comments so much.
Two pilots and a stewardess are stranded on an island after a crash. After a month, Captain says: "Down with this debauchery!" and kills the stewardess. A month later he says, "Down with this debauchery!" and buries the stewardess. A month later he says: "Down with this debauchery!" and digs up the stewardess.
@Daniil Glad you noticed. I initially wanted to turn it into a comment to preserve the content. So I marked it "OK" and went to the entire post, and decided against preserving it. There wasn't much worth preserving IMO. What do you think?
@EddieKal I think the A and C are correct could have been preserved imo
@EddieKal Well, I am not into being politically correct ... I speak my mind. I try to not say anything because my words might hurt or offend other people.
oh I made some comments to Micah but they are removed
> Either all the comments are moved or none at all.
that doesn't make the slightest sense to me. What is the logic behind remove or none? Comments that are not needed should be removed, those that are useful should be kept
Anyways, I have seen some people act all bossy because they think being native speakers make them superior - English is just a language ... just because I asked a question in ELL does not mean I am a 3 year old who does not understand people's attitude and remarks ...
"Native speaker" does not mean anything to me. I honestly don't care about just any native speaker - I don't trust them blindly like others do. I trust anyone who has been here in the community for a while - who has read thousands of questions by non-native speakers, answered hundreds of these questions (which have been peer reviewed by equally reputable users) - I trust them ... I trust them more than I would trust a dictionary or grammar book