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So, ... why are reputation points not reversed when questions are closed as off-topic?
If certain questions are not allowed as per the help center rules, then why do some answerers get to keep the reputation gained from answering such questions?
Because some answers to bad questions are good.
And not all closed questions are bad.
Closure already makes some feel like they went bankrupt. To literally make that happen gives undue power to closure: There's not much gained in quality control, but much lost in enjoyment of participating
Instead, the happy learner cuddling sentiment needs to be eradicated, and closure needs to be as fast as possible.
The state of having close votes but not being closed is uncertain and unfortunate. If people stopped considering it "harsh" to the learners, and VTC'd immediately until either it was resolved or thrown into the abyss of oblivion, you wouldn't be asking this
I guess I am a bit biased. It is really frustrating sometimes to see someone post a dictionary definition and get +3 upvotes. And at the same time, I see the question that asked for the meaning of a word has only 2 closevotes (it should have more)
I am guilty too. I have answered a few basic questions too. I try now not to do that. But occasionally I feel I am really doing nothing here other than being a police, and then I answer some silly questions
@M.A.R. Remember about the comment thing? I did add a comment in the manner you suggested. They seem to not care and continue answering low-q questions. What do you think is a wise thing to do now?
2 hours later…
@AIQ Some things you can’t change. Remember the site is built on volunteers doing stuff in their free time.
How they spend their time is up to them, so if you can’t convince them that what they’re doing is bad for the site in the long term, then you should let it go.
I don’t think you should stop expressing your opinion, just don’t escalate
Your comments may not change that one person’s behavior, but a lot more people will read them
and I know for a fact that seeing how active members interact with the site affects how some new members approach things
@AIQ And the only reason that is valid for reversing someone’s vote on something is if there is fraud or serial voting. A vote is an opinion and it’s not wrong just because some people disagree with it.
4 hours later…
@AIQ Most won't. The few that do make all the difference. Be the man of the long journey ;)
Unlike certain people draws hood of shame
In my defenseless, every single thing I'm chatting is procrastinating from what I'm supposed to be reading/studying/eating
@M.A.R. *defense, although it exactly shows how distracted I am
3 hours later…
Also, regarding our previous topic
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 6 mins ago, by Magisch
referring to 1-2 FPs a year as risky is kind of a misnomer considering normal human good flaggers have a 1-5% decline rate

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