@EddieKal @ColleenV Have you noticed this? Before, I used to be able to see what other reviewers chose (close/leave open) after I voted and pressed the "go back" arrow. Now I can't see what others have done ...
let's say a question already has 3 close votes, I vote to close it now. I could press "go back" after my review and see who are the other 3 people who close voted it or voted on it
For further issues, bugs and feedback that have not been covered by existing answers here please feel free to ask a new question.
A few minutes ago, new Post Notices were launched across the Stack Exchange network. This includes all public sites, all meta sites, and all Basic and Business tier T...
@AIQ Actually looking at this now that I have more coffee, it just means that you are the first close voter other than the person who flagged it to put it in the queue...
I'm still seeing other votes when I hit the "back" button in the queue
@CowperKettle Because most people who are not doing surveys of research studies of milk refer to bovine milk by the specific type they're talking about if it is not cow's milk.