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A: What does/can 'on the ground' mean?

Jack O'FlahertyI think that use is an error. It should have said "on the grounds", with an "s". That would mean the same as "on the premises". In this example, that would mean there were insurgents within the hospital or on the land where the hospital is situated. The phrase "on the ground" is used also, bu...

This answer seems wrong. The plural "grounds" isn't used like that - "insurgents on the ground" is fine. I don't understand it ... Every time I have heard this usage, it has been "ground" and not "grounds".
@AIQ on the ground is an idiom
on the ground In or at a location where the real work or action is happening, as opposed to observing or directing something from a distance.ColleenV 39 secs ago
I know that ...
On the grounds would be for a campus
yes, the plural does not fit the context
No smoking allowed on school grounds
anything military is almost always "troops/yadayada on the ground"
But I felt the need to link the idiom definition because “they came in from the air” is a terrible take
I did not want to leave a comment and stir things up seeing how they did not agree with the other comment
yes I have no idea where that came from either
They could mean grounds based on further context
> and the attack lasted no longer than 10 minutes, with a total of nine shells hitting the hospital and its grounds.
seems like the author really likes to use the word "ground/s"
I think it was a translation
Does anyone else find it frustrating when their answer is downvoted but no comment is left to indicate what's wrong with it?
I do sometimes
but not much
(sigh) Just seems a bit like wring-and-run. The anonymity of the net striking again.
that anonymity is good though
Oh? what'd you have in mind?
what do you mean?
In what sense were you referring to anonymity as good?
In the sense that voting should be anonymous - otherwise there would be a number of problems ... for one, there would be retaliation; second, some people would be discouraged from voting at all in fear of retaliation
when I got downvotes on some of my answers, my first reaction is to ask where did I go wrong ...
I have realized that most of my downvoted answers were justified. No comments were left, and so I asked here in chat what was wrong with my answer, I also asked in meta what was wrong with them ...
Well, making voting anonymous just moves the retaliation to the voting. I'm wondering if they shouldn't BE discouraged from voting if they're not willing to say why.
Perhaps you'd be willing to look at my answer and tell me if you see something wrong wtih it?
I will give it a try, link em here
A: Which of these three sentences is correct?

rcookAll three are correct. In "B", there is a small redundancy, in that "or not" is already implied by "whether". It is in wide use, however, and not regarded afaik as a grammatical mistake. Small spelling correction: the word is spelled "whether", though "wether" is a good representation of how it...

btw, there are drive-by downvotes too - someone just having a bad day
Another argument for removing the anonymity, as far as I'm concerned...
But it isn't a big deal, just an annoyance.
and then there is the "punishment" downvote (that is my term) - for answering a low quality question that is probably off-topic - it is an indirect way of the community telling to not to answer low quality questions
I have had a fairly solid case that someone disagreeing with me on something went and looked for an answer I had given for the express purpose of downvoting it.
Yeah -- I don't think that last one is a legit reason to downvote anyone.
And yet another reason to remove the anonymity.
well, that happens, and you are not alone in this ...
hmm ... I don't think these reasons outweigh the advantages of having anonymity
On one of the programming stack exchange sites I go to frequently, there's a seeming animosity to questions from people new to the language.
Well, I can see both sides of it. I'd still come down on my current side.
Any observations about this answer of mine?
I'm fairly new to ELL as a community
I am having a look, but if you feel that your answer was unjustly downvoted, you can always ask in meta - but phrase it nicely
You mean, I can't cuss?
"Some stupid unwashed misanthropic hunk of garbage downvoted my perfectly acceptable answer -- can any of you yokels tell me WHY?"
There -- no cussing.
you can but then your post may not receive positive feedback from the community
Oh, well...
The view of your icon in your profile looks cool; I wish I could see a larger version of it.
I don't see anything particularly wrong with your answer - but I am not a grammar expert or enthusiast
thanks ...
I would say wait for a bit before the some of the other regular folks here come online in the chat
or you can @ a mod here too
Wait for a bit before what?
Are you saying there will be more folks here later on?
And thanks for looking. If it is still on my mind tomorrow I may try Meta, as you suggested.
Is that photo of a particular city, that you know of?
just in general ... wait as in wait to hear from experts, I am not one ... yeah there are usually a few more people here who have a better understanding of grammar
nope I just googled it
thanks for asking here ...
So where (in general) are you?
I mean city, I'm not trying to locate you individually...
Northern ... Alberta?
(just kidding)
Some place nice in north america
I'm glad it's nice. Not everywhere is.
I know
Although I guess most places are...
Depending on what you want.
I'm in NC -- 4 seasons, beaches and mountains (of a sort) within easy reach
good for you!
Everything from hog farms to Universities.
An occasional hurricane, but no earthquakes!
At least, not within memory...
yeh well one of the best cities in the world
Yours, you mean?
nope yours ...
btw, the question you answered is off-topic, and had I come across this question on my own I would have downvoted and closevoted it
The word choice question?
the one where you got the downvote
the one you linked here
Sorry -- word choice was a different one. What makes it off-topic?
the OP is basically giving us a multiple choice question, and asking us which is correct - without any "research effort" ... that is one of the reasons for a close vote .. It's like asking a question without telling us what they have done to try and find the answer to their question
On the programming site where I spend most of my time, I'm familiar with that 'rule' and agree with it. For people trying to learn a language, it would be harder for people to trot out their guesses and (lack of) reasoning because it is more personal. I guess there are ways around that.
yeah ... but all of that is in the help center ... anyways, it was nice talking to you and knowing that you are in a beautiful city
Thanks. And thanks for the info, about time for me to turn in.
I gotta go now, ... hope you come here from time to time
and thanks for that too. I may do that.
1 hour later…
Word of the day: pleading the belly
4 hours later…
> Nobody is here to answer my question??? – Rony Mar 1 at 12:05
> No. Nobody here is being paid. You have already answered your question. "No error". Great. Just posting a homework question and complaining when other people don't do your homework for you isn't respectful. – James K Mar 1 at 13:32
@EddieKal @ColleenV I am considering asking a Q in meta about users persisting in answering low quality questions. I want to do this without really pointing at anyone or calling anyone out. I feel I should do this because it encourages bad behavior. I know this is already there (Do not feed the bears) but I want to know what our actions should be -> do we downvote the answers? leave comments for the answerers that they stop doing this? add the link to the "bear" meta post in the answers?
I see both new users (who just joined ELL and started rapidly answering every question that came their way) and old, established users who keep answering these low quality questions ... Honestly, I don't think downvoting their answers will do much in keeping them from continuing this behavior ... And so the low quality questions will persist unabated ...
To be honest, I think people will be pissed if I alone comment on their post all the time ... but if at least a few other people take on this role (after seeing the new meta post) then I think we can reduce the number of people answering these low quality questions ...
I understand you two might not think this is a good idea ... in which case I will stop and go get a coffee
@AIQ why don't you copy the comment's link?
@AIQ I dunno how to go about stopping people from doing that, but I'm not optimistic about that meta post achieving it.
You can't be specific because it'd be impolite, and you can't be vague because it wouldn't work
@AIQ The timestamp of the comment is a link that you can copy
It would automatically onebox in chat
@M.A.R. I agree with you ... I really don't know what to do or how to help ... I wouldn't bother but recently there seems to be more users rushing to answer these LQQ questions ...
Q: Either our or their

Kshitij SinghEither our or their which one of the two is correct in the following sentence? Our people must work hard with a view to improving our/their national economy. Is anyone of them wrong?

2 hours later…
Police were called to the daycare center. A three-year-old was resisting a rest.
@arcy I think your answer was fine. When a specific point of concern we require that askers highlight is inferable, like in that question, the question isn't really a proofreading one. I believe, but can't be sure, that someone downvoted your answer because they thought it was answering a low quality, proofreading question.
I agree that anonymous voting (both up- and down-) is bad for a site of this caliber. It works on SO where you can in 99% of the cases just copy the code and see if it works. You can't do that on any site that talks about facts whose veracity isn't easily verifiable. Votes play a vital role in determining an answer's quality and factuality, but if we don't know why a voter voted a certain way, can we really trust that, especially when every answer here receives, like, a single vote on average?
But you can say, okay, so, we just need more votes, or more people, but I'd say this approach works 80% of the time. Namely, you can see the votes before you vote, and that influences your own voting (aside from the answerer's reputation, and some other facts). I bet 90% of the people arriving here after seeing a question pop up in the HNQ will vote after reading, like, the first sentence, or the bolded part of the top-voted answer (even if everything else is wrong).
Anyhow, the question you answered probably already has an answer here, (it's 2 questions, really, if vs. whether, and whether vs. whether or not) so that might also be the reason why someone downvoted it without looking for a good duplicate target.
@CowperKettle I dunno what punnists would have done if English didn't have articles
@userr2684291 But what about whether vs. if or not
What I find funny are these stupid LEGO identification questions that always reach the HNQ presumably because of the title (≈"What is this part called?"). Most of the titles aren't descriptive enough for the questions to ever be useful to anyone. That entire site should just be a little tutorial on how to search the LEGO catalogue sites...
Well, I guess ELL never replaces a proper course either, but no one's calling it useless
What's a proper course, really?
An imaginary childhood friend
The point still stands
No, it does not?
It does. ELL doesn't replace improper English courses either
Mainly because being able to post on ELL doesn't entail previous effort
I'm using the LEGO site as an example of something that's only useful to the question asker, making the entire site essentially useless. That's not the case with ELL, I don't think.
Practically, it might be nowadays, but yeah, it shouldn't be
ID questions are also always almost exclusively useful to the asker
Unless I read ID questions to find a book or movie or whatever I wanna do next
And then they'd be having some serious spoilers
Homework questions too. Someone asks about how some specific series converges and the answer just mashes some numbers there.
I'm only saying these LEGO HNQ questions are particularly silly.
> Can I use "had had"? It sounds weird!
Hint: No, it doesn't sound weird
+100 accept bounty OMG Pulitzer Nobel best most awesome answer prize
> Movie about the life of Pi
> I think you're looking for Terminator 2
And I bet someone will actually google this and it'll help them, haha.
The had had thing.
Someone will definitely google it
Have you SEEN what people google
Well, I don't wanna brag, but I google stuff every day.
OK, that was disappointing. Maybe I should add the site to my blacklist
@userr2684291 whoa sir tell me your secret
I wanna grow up to be a searcher
OK "can I eat my" was disturbing
I think Google adds some of these funny ones on purpose. Or they edited the picture somehow. Let's see...
Well, the comic sans one is all around the internet, so maybe not
Well, this was more profound and challenging than I expected
Ditto that E grades question
Might have been a meme, or a self-fulfilling prophecy sorta thing.
No one would google that thing on their own.
The law of large numbers
OK, I just looked at some of the other questions on the LEGO site, and it's not really about identification all the time. Those questions give the site a bad rep.
Okay, I guess I'll leggo.
Where's Cowp when you need him
The reopening of the LEGO store was a big deal. People were lined up for blocks.
Wait, isn't that the joke Kettle posted here yesterday or something? Haha.
didn't know, sorry.
Guess I should have figured I wouldn't be the first.
It's okay.
@arcy Check with department of jokes before posting (@Cowp)
Hmm, maybe I should add that to room description, but I'd have to charge him some for publicity
@M.A.R. I hope you receive some punitive damages, too.
@userr2684291 You've always been kind to me
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in answer, repeating characters in answer (168): I cannot say anything definite/definitely about it by axxa on ell.SE
Do you have any source for this?
Oh, this is meant as a joke, sorry.
A poor joke, to my mind -- too many people are going to believe it.
@M.A.R. Ikr.
2 hours later…
@arcy Welcome to our room BTW!
There's usually secret handshakes and stuff but all cults have been temporarily closed due to social distancing
1 hour later…
@AIQ As M.A.R. is saying, there is no chance we could get the issue fixed overnight. But keep pointing them to past discussions on meta is a good practice. We don't see many comments under questions pointing to this Meta post any more. ell.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/439/…
I used to consider these pointers less than useful, but now I have to admit they are about the only thing we could give people to show them what the problem is and where solutions can be found. The rest is up to them.
I understand you feel passionate about this @AIQ and I agree with you. I would comment under those answers with links to past meta discussions like the one you mentioned "Don't feed the bears"
Q: Is there a limit to how many questions one is allowed politely to answer?

Prime MoverI answered a fair number of questions this morning, and built up a fair bit of rep. Then I went away to do something else. Then I came back to look in, and it seems that a significant number of my answers had been voted down, without any indication as to why. The most plausible reason I can thi...

2 hours later…
@M.A.R. Are we that? A cult? What is my mission then? Lure in virgins?
I left a comment for the answerer of a low quality question (at least to me). Is this impolite?
This is a low quality question. This can be easily answered (by the OP himself) by searching similar questions in ELL and by googling too. If we answer these questions, we only encourage bad behavior. There is a lot of discussion on this in meta: DO NOT FEED THE BEARS, Stop answering close-worthy questions!AIQ 3 mins ago
I think that comment would be a good start, except I do think a certain amount of explanation is helpful in that particular case.
The OP is apparently not clear on the difference between proper nouns and regular nouns
Okay so let me delete that
but isn't that something that has been covered in ELL
Yeah, but we also can't expect everybody to master a high-level of Google-fu. If a person has never heard of the concept of proper noun and is wondering why it is "pizza" in "We had Papa John's pizza." but it's "Pizza" in "Domino's Pizza", it is hard for them to find out about proper noun themself.
If we want to get or give the whole picture, several discussions on ELU and ELL may all be relevant in this case, and I don't think we should penalize askers who didn't find their way to those discussions
@EddieKal I see. Okay got it ... by the way over in Martial Arts we say "Google Kung Fu"
hahaha I think that makes more sense than Google-fu.
Google-fu is not even a good wordplay

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