"the process of releasing strong emotions through a particular activity or experience, such as writing or theatre, in a way that helps you to understand those emotions"
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, bad keyword with email in answer, email in answer, pattern-matching email in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (348): Can I pay my credit card? by kevlin Ericksson on ell.SE
@AIQ By the way, I forgot to ask, what major you were studying? I mean what program did you get graduated from?
@CowperKettle I used to work out very regularly before the pandemic. I recall that at the time when I just started training I got really tired, but I got better over time. My food intake also increased proportionately. Anyways, now after couple of months, I get really tried after a 6 mile biking. It feels like that I have a flue-like fatigue in my entire body. It's weird. It probably has something to do with my diet since I do not eat enough and in an orderly manner.
The Pulfrich effect is a psychophysical percept wherein lateral motion of an object in the field of view is interpreted by the visual cortex as having a depth component, due to a relative difference in signal timings between the two eyes.
== Overview ==
The effect is generally induced by placing a dark filter over one eye but can also occur spontaneously in several eye diseases such as cataract, optic neuritis, or multiple sclerosis. In such cases, symptoms such as difficulties judging the paths of oncoming cars have been reported. The phenomenon is named for German physicist Carl Pulfrich, who...
Recently, I found "2x4" as a weapon in a game I played.
I found that it's a common standard for lumber board.
I tried to pronounce it as "two multiplies four" but it feels really weird.
How should I pronounce this word?
how does such a question gain that momentum in the first place, I wonder. It's such a basic thing. Even if one doesn't know, they can find it by googling it. And if I had not seen this question, and someone told me about it, I would think it would get downvotes
Basically what's documented here:
What formula should be used to determine "hot" questions?
We have a few tweaks:
Successive questions from the same site are penalized by increasing amounts. So, the first question from SO in the list gets multiplied by 1.0, the second by 0.98, the third ...
> Questions less than eight hours or more than 30 days old are excluded.
So we have to get them closed in 8 hours and that rarely happens without moderator involvement.
And I don't think that particular question should be closed
It's perfectly within scope on ELL even if it did attract low quality answers
@DecapitatedSoul If everyone stuck to leaving them with one correct answer instead of chipping in their own 2 cents, they would be less likely to be "hot"
@ColleenV I understand, I am just a bit shocked to see the attention it got ... I will be fine ... I couldn't believe a half line answer saying something so simple and basic got +45, where as a few answers I saw the other day by FFingers and Jason got like 3 upvotes
Ideally, while there's an option for content rating, the community's best interests lie in the "I didn't consider it worthy of an upvote or downvote" region being negligibly small
I called home depot to reserve some wood. This was my exact requirement: 2" x 9/2" x 8ft.
I told them over the phone many times
"I am calling to make sure if you have four 2 inch times 9 inch divided by 2 inch times 8 feet board."
and yet they don't seem to understand and want me to go th...
@AIQ Welcome, to the magical place called Hot Network Questions! Here, our slightly clueless folks about language cast magical modannoy spells and enchant our verbose oneline answers
@ColleenV We can keep the gore out of the frame
@AIQ Jokes aside, why? Your question seems to me to be more about a "real problem" and looking for a real solution than two thirds of ELL's questions
@AIQ The point of a question on ELL is only partially for the author to get an answer. It's more important that the 4 kajillion people who have a similar question in the future will find answers when they search.
After digging for a long time, I finally discovered the name of this kind of capitalisation. It's called studly caps or sometimes sticky caps.
Studly caps:
Studly caps is a form of text notation in which the capitalization of letters varies by some pattern, or arbitrarily (usually also o...
@ColleenV True. But I guess I can't really add anything more than what all the other answers have addressed combined
@DecapitatedSoul That question was actually interesting - and your answer was original. If I self answer, it won't be original given all 3 has more or less covered every aspect
I've noticed this phenomenon / process in many words where a diphthong (or a long vowel as well?) reduces to a short vowel when it's inflected.
Consider the following examples:
Pronounce /prəˈnaʊns/ → pronunciation /prəˌnʌn.siˈeɪ.ʃən/
Wise /waɪz/ → wizard /ˈwɪz.əd/
Know /nəʊ/ → knowledge /ˈ...
@AIQ You are not very good at this HNQ thing if you think you have to add significant value over the other answers. Put a picture in our something... ;)
So writing has 251 questions and very few of them are focused on written English as opposed to spoken English. It's not a good tag, but changing the name to "written-english" would make it more obvious what the intended use of the tag is and mirror spoken-english. After looking at the questions i...
How can I mention a rank you are at on an exam. Can I use the work "rank" to define a success on a exam?
An example sentence would be
I was/ranked in top 100 out of 10 000 persons/people/applicants/test
takers on the exam.
@AIQ The city isn't that far away - it's not a big one lol
When I was going in to work, it was an easy 25 minute drive
I think you can have nice city living without living like ants though. My husband lived in NYC for a while and had nothing good to say about it
We moved to be closer to family, which is important, but if you're within a few hours drive, that should be good enough
It's hard for some people to make a big change like moving to a different city
but in the long run, it's really a good idea to see what else is out there when you're younger so you can choose wisely once you have had enough moving around
I mean, I could have baby goats if I can just trick my husband into saying yes.
I'm more likely to get a chicken coop though - they require less space and we would get fresh eggs instead of just cute baby goats in the spring
So writing has 251 questions and very few of them are focused on written English as opposed to spoken English. It's not a good tag, but changing the name to "written-english" would make it more obvious what the intended use of the tag is and mirror spoken-english. After looking at the questions i...
@EddieKal, 'I know. As the asker I suffer the same fate. I actually thought you answer made sense. I don't see why every post under this question including the question itself has been so much downvoted.'
It happens a lot on ELU
I UV'd your question though
I'm thoroughly annoyed by these unexplained and unfair downvotes
@DecapitatedSoul Appreciate it. I just think if people think a question should be improved they could try and be helpful by leaving a comment. I think ELL has definitely been better than ELU in that respect (with AIQ, Jason, FumbleFingers and some other active users giving askers pointers)
@EddieKal Exactly... The downvoters should at least leave a comment. I got 3 downvotes on my answer, I know my answer doesn't lack anything... :/ And the downvoters didn't even consider leaving a comment.