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ell.stackexchange.com/q/245475/3395 The way that was written is definitely understandable, but I can't find any similar examples online. If they really had to shorten it that much, since it's understandable, anything goes when it comes to headlines, but I still feel this is unnecessary and as the asker suspects, the he would be included.
All I was able to find were non-native sources. (And sometimes US/UK-based news portals just copy a story from such a source, so I have to check, only to find out it was Reuters who reported it, and then when I hunt down the original, I find a non-native speaker of English as its editor.)
Well, not really an important issue anyway.
@Colleen I found this true mystery story a couple of nights ago. Maybe you'll enjoy it.
I mean, I did, haha.
The syntax I used is [tag:guten].
@userr2684291 I did - thank you!
Etymology of the day: eclampsia (from Greek eklampsis ‘sudden development’, from eklampein ‘shine out’.)
6 hours later…
@M.A.R. I found a new avatar for you
Nice, my old avatar died deep in that Na'vi jungle.
Very fitting
Iranian scientists say that saffron helps in ADHD
Lucky for Iranians, I guess saffron is cheaper there.
Expensive enough not to be part of your daily diet
But we do color our rice yellow in reunions and call it saffron
The best way to deal with dementia is getting your mind to work
It comes at a cheaper price too
Sadly, mind-work does not always work in psychiatry
2 hours later…
@userr2684291 (I have yet to create a tag, so I wasn't familiar with the syntax)
As it's my next badge I am sorely trying to find a good tag, but for me to ask a question in ELL is unheard of, since I can find the information myself.
Not badge hungry mind you, just aware of what's offered next.. ..I learned we can not add tags to questions when we edit them..
2 hours later…
Q: "You or singular noun" should be followed by 3rd person singular or 2nd person?

Costa If you or a team member needs / need any help during my vacation, please do not hesitate to contact me on my mobile phone. Should I write need or needs?

@GWarner What?
How else would you add tags?
@M.A.R. I think I didn't have enough reputation points at the time. Or at least on that forum. IDK.
1 hour later…
@GWarner You need 300 reps to create tags, so addition of a new tag would require that

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