> There is no need to apologise for this. This requires no more apology than the time you didn't use "the" in the right place. You are, as you said, a non-native speaker of English.
This is condescending and my biggest bloody pet peeve on this site.
What's worse, is the said (often) native speakers pose themselves as people sympathetic towards ESL.
"Should I apologize" is IPS.
I don't get the five downvotes, but I totally get that the voting system on ELL fails here, yet again.
@Lambie Perhaps your answer came off as a little too . . . prescriptivist for their taste.
What I see is mostly "d'awww, cute learner! You don't need to apologize to anyone, sweetheart!"
Why do they assume learners don't have enough social awareness and deduction skills to understand apologizing is overkill, unless they're from a very polite culture?
Well, I'm done with that post.