Seems almost impossible to me. Whenever I ask my friends who pull that stuff off, they basically "never" study and then work so hard a couple of days before the exam.
I also regularly talked to a law student in Canada (Montreal), and I actually understood how she was able to do that. It's because the whole thing is based off of reading and retelling stuff, whether it's essays or whatever. You don't need to attend classes to do that.
yes, but we also had similar interests (basketball). We played together a few times, but I still couldn't become one of them
We had a (harmless) conversation like this once: "So you guys don't have any clubs and bars in your country? How do you then pick up women? What do you guys do for fun then?"
I said "Well, for fun, we go out to eat all the time, and we also play different sports"
oh, I was able to form connections when I joined a Martial arts gym here - It's very different ... I was able to connect deeply with people - its different because we are not exactly friends - but people understand each other's desires and pain without actually speaking about it that much
I felt at home
we were doing the same thing, striving for the same thing
I'm trying to understand, and maybe I do. Perhaps everyone there thinks of it as trying to get better at something, for their own sake (the whole spiritual aspect of martial arts), and perhaps by cheering you on, they are projecting what they want for themselves. (???) Haha.
I remember walking out of my house trying to get to the gym like hell with the weather - omg I ran back inside in a min - the wind was strong and my skin started burning from the snowy rain hitting it
I guess umbrellas are not popular that time of the year then?
I've had them for 5 years now. No signs of wear, really, except the usual stuff. My brother's got a new pair, so I'll tell you what the brand is when I get home because his are brand new. Heh.
Also, people here don't wear underpants. Am I "not man enough" or something, haha? The toughest these people here have is jeans. I find jeans wholly inadequate.
I forgot my key and he brought a replacement one in 20 mins. He brought me a new chair when mine broke (it was old). He replaced these ... shower door wheel thingies within a couple of days when I told him about it.
He lets me use the room over the summer for free, too.
Here rent isn't that high, but I think buying an apartment is nigh impossible.
I mean, buying a house, a flat, your own place.
It's not really comparable to N. America and such, but it is to the median salary here.
I wish you luck. I gotta go now, it's almost 3 a.m. so I don't wanna miss this opportunity to finish some of my projects.
Working on some kinda game for disabled kids at the moment. The hardest part so far has been finding cartoon pictures with the background adequately removed.
I've just learned that Sesame Street and The Muppet Show are two different shows.
By the way, the kid I'm doing this game for learned English by watching cartoons only, and probably before he learned his mother's tongue. (He can't speak, hence "probably".) Perhaps it happened simultaneously, but yeah, he communicates in both languages pretty much natively from what I've seen (he's like 10 now).
I say "mother's" because he lives with his mom, and her first language isn't English.
I should've just said "mom's" to obviate the need for clarification.
They figured this out first when they showed him a picture of an apple, and he kept choosing the letter A to represent it, instead of J (jabuka in Croatian), and B for ball, etc. He learned to read / spell because sometimes the shows he watched were subtitled, and he often watched those karaoke-like music videos or some such (they have those inside cartoons; there's a little ball that jumps from one syllable to another).
I know there are 4 aspects of a language (at least): Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening. What do you call it when a person is fully able to understand a language (Listening) and speak in it too with errors here and there (as expected from a non-native), but can't at all read or write in that language.