Haha, why would that piss me off? I'm very well aware of that. But after my hands have become, essentially, contaminated by touching the wallet in which I keep both money and my bus card, I don't have to look for further sources of filth. It's Cheeto fingers/hands from that moment onwards.
This is a general observation - I have noticed that when an answerer (omg this annoying red line under it) has a lower reputation (esp. by a lot) than the asker, the asker sometimes doesn't accept or upvote the answer (even if the answer is quite good). My guess is that its because the asker is expecting better answers or that they don't have confidence in the answerer.
Is there a certain presumption that answers from users with low-reputation are not up to the mark/level of the asker, say, X percent of the time? And is that a reason why an asker may be reluctant to accept or upvote answers from users with low rep? I have seen plenty of advanced native speakers leaving helpful comments on the questions, but relatively very few leave comments on answers to help the answerer improve or learn.
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