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Asking Op for accepting the answer and an upvote. The answer does not look very reliable either. ell.stackexchange.com/questions/228930/which-one-is-more-polite
8 hours later…
Darn, my quasi-serial verb construction tag got removed.
@snailcar T’wasn’t me. Did it have a description of what it was for?
Oh, it probably got removed a long time ago.
I remember there were a couple people a few years back who didn't like technical-sounding tags.
The QSV construction is stuff like this:
> Go get some milk.
Serial verbs are a thing in a lot of languages, where you basically just put verbs one after another.
English has a much more limited construction in which the first verb must be a verb of motion, typically come or go (but this varies by dialect), and both of which must be in their plain form.
It can be compared to hendiadys:
> Go and get some milk.
So people sometimes suggest that it's a reduced version of that in which the and is ellipted, but that doesn't seem like the most likely explanation historically, and it's not really that parsimonious as an explanation since it doesn't explain the special constraints on the ellipsis (e.g. I went and got some milk is fine, but not *I went got some milk).
Anyway, I liked that tag because it's a little hard to search for questions about it.
It's sometimes referred to as the go get construction.
That name might be a little easier for people in a tag name, I suppose.
@snailcar interesting, when you explain it I see the issue, but in typical native speaker fashion I hadn’t noticed it before
I do think we need tags for concepts which are difficult to explain in a few words with non-technical language
There are quite a few which are common sources of confusion, but are hard to search for
Like the one where “lion” can refer to the species or an individual example of a lion... we have a couple of questions around that but I can never find them because I never have the issue summed up in my head with the correct search terms.
But yeah, point taken.
@snailcar I mean, I’m ok with the technical language
In cases where we really need it to avoid a paragraph
Re-reading, I think my sentence was ambiguous
Maybe a glossary of useful tags that laypeople might not understand without an example
In the contributors guide
6 hours later…
@M.A.R. u alive?
@amanuel2 by most definitions, yes
Do you think this is a runon sentence? " In order to solve this the Trump administrators should stop worrying about placing policies which separate parents from children and start to raise money to increase the amount of camps to help with the immense amount of immigrants coming every day"
Wasn't a run-on sentence supposed to be wrong or something?
This one isn't
It's just so comic
Oh im sorry if your a trump supporter, just have to write my essay :P
and thanks
Meh, I'm too far to support Trump or pull the rug he's standing on
Everyone is just much better off leaning against the wall
Damn, I have a feeling you could be a really good poet
that first line was real good
Why, do poets lean against the wall?
@Cowp do you lean against the wall
Or are there no walls in Russia, the buildings do a lot of push-ups
Harharhar the number of stereotypes I pull on Russia makes my eyes water
Which is a good thing
BTW I came in to link to something funny but forgot
Thanks, Obama
That looks like a DNA replicating, but YMMV.
Either that, or a nematode
Dont have a clue what your talking about lol, english is so above my level
@amanuel2 so, uh, you're speaking in German right now?
How is it above your level?
Off the top of my head, your English is at least upper B2
I meant to say your english*
my bad
also im native, so yeah
Hopefully get an A in this essay :)
@amanuel2 M.A.R.'s actually a freestyle rapper, if you were wondering.
@amanuel2 Maybe put a comma after this and before and? I'd also change start to raise to start raising, to make it parallel with stop worrying. This might be some kinda personal preference, though. It's not a run-on sentence. It is kinda lengthy and repetitive to... to... to..., (you could perhaps write ...the amount of camps, which would help with the large influx... to slow it down a little) but it's still relatively easy to understand.
@userr2684291 thanks!
Np. I hope you get an A, too.
@M.A.R. gg wp
@M.A.R. Also, that's not how you write an uppercase g? Wth. I'll accept the weird American version over that.
They do the same with their uppercase a's, though.
There’s more than one cursive script, and not everyone learned the same one, back when kids used to still learn cursive.
I think it’s mostly obsolete knowledge these days.
@snailcar who writes anymore, amirite. It's just Alexa these days.
@amanuel2 He's being such a @userr. I'm not a freestyle rapper
My style is very expensive
Wait, is it the free free meaning or the free software meaning
@userr2684291 Cursive English is on my list of definitely-do-it-but-meh-too-lazy
I'm pretty awesome in Persian though, you should see me write.
After taking a few classes on Persian.
I just . . . write G.
@snailcar I know, I know! You've told me! But to my mind, there's this... scoliotic version of the uppercase G that's representative of American handwriting. I refer to that as the American version.
So it might look like Gal Gadot or Gargoyle or Gargamel depending on my mood
@M.A.R. Gee.
No u
@amanuel2 Oh then it's A1, ugh. Unless you don't use txtspk.
Actually, makes me wonder. What range would native speakers fit in?
Stoney is C3
> Your English is so good others need to understand it.
Tf is A1
@M.A.R. Snail's C4 (she da bomb).
Damn yall have codes for english, intrestin
Tf? Tiffany?
@amanuel2 no it's just a learner thing
Only learners worry whether their English is good enough, so we come up with ranks.
@userr make me a sandwich
No Tf is a slang for "The f-word" lol
@M.A.R. There's probably a special category, native, or something like that.
@userr2684291 That joke is just
@amanuel2 Oh. We also have a code for that
@M.A.R. I know, right.
i shouldnt be using texting slangs in chatroom lol mb
my bad*
@amanuel2 Lol wth bbq.
txtspk ftw noob
@M.A.R. I feel embarrassed for you.
Thank you. Much appreciated.
Still waiting for that sandwich
I had lentil stew for dinner and now I feel unacceptably healthy.
Need to make up for it.
@amanuel2 Slangs? Are you a native speaker of English? I've never seen slangs used as a count noun.
Yeah im a native speaker
born from Ethiopia precicely
also im finna drive catch yall later, and thanks for the help!
^ This looks like a grey hand in my computer
So Batman.
Happy Halloween!
Thanks. I don't... celebrate? that. It's not a big deal here.
Well me neither
It's a markedly American thing. Sometimes there's costumed parties and stuff, however, for the occasion.
I don't need an excuse to go binge-eating chocolate
What should normal FBS levels look like?
Because mine doesn't seem inclined to climb down 100. It's medication side effects but it also means sugar is literally figuratively poison
We have this, which I think takes place in Feb., where kids (which I once was) masquerade and stuff.
They were researching a while ago whether sugar consumption affect the immune system, they found some correlations but I don't remember if there has been a follow up
Well we don't have those
I've never measured my blood sugar levels.
You're too sweet hon
Unless you're made of mostly fructose
That's a deal breaker
Actually, I did go to the hospital and let them draw some blood (I don't know the medical term), so maybe they measured it regardless.
Like, when I was sick and such.
Oh, the Red Cross guys were at my uni recently, and my professor stopped me in the hall as they were leaving, and said "The vampires are leaving. They took all the blood, till the last drop.", lol.
@userr2684291 Did they do it before breakfast?
Hm... I don't think so.
Probably not then unless they were having fun
It's called Fast Blood Sugar for a reason
It has Vin Diesel
The Red Cross periodically comes over and takes students' blood as part of the... ugh, I don't know the term again. Blood gifting?
Right. That sounds better.
What if someone needs blood?
They have needles for that?
Like, our class is 60 students but I bet 10 at least have anemia for one reason or another
Also for no reason, probably.
I'm quite anemic on those days myself, tbf.
Did one of them look like this
Yeah, some old lady did resemble that figure.
Well OK, that's settled.
They lure you with juice and cookies.
If you have further questions, forward them to my email.
My roommate's gf donated her blood.
And then
It turned out Dracula is in probation?
I remember that evening vividly... I came to my apartment and I was about to study, and then...
Frankenstein came to save her?
OMG the suspense
You found out you're in a Scorsese movie and everywhere is painted in blood?
Trump got elected?
She started recounting the entire affair first to her family, then friends, then some other people she probably didn't even know. I was upset because she asked me at the beginning if it's okay if she talked on the phone in the middle of the house and I said it's fine.
How many questions do I get?
She kept talking on her phone for about 3 hours. No kiddin.
Oh, that's worse than all the above combined
I couldn't've known, could I have.
I get you bro
@userr2684291 yes you could
She's unusually talkative.
Most people begin to irk me at some point.
Lol, reminds me of one of my donors that was passing out after they took a blood sample
I was the dialysis patient and I was carrying him to lie on a bed
Good times . . . slightly.
I hope you donated some blood to help him out...
The ninth donor ended up matching.
@userr2684291 Well I think if my blood drips on the ground it will dissolve it
It had so much poison, dracula would've called it junk food
That's a good joke.
Like most of my other jokes of course
This was your first one here though, right?
Oh, that reminds me
I haven't seen it.
Any ... Joker movie.
I'm not entirely convinced Philips can come up with a unique story
@userr2684291 well there's just one I guess
I thought there were multiple.
The rest are propaganda to make Batman look good
Unless, WTH are you saying, that you . . . no, can't be . . . that you HAVEN'T watched The Dark Knight?
Yeah, I don't know. I'm probably mistaken.
I've seen it.
31 mins ago, by M.A.R.
Oh. Phew.
Few Phew.
I think it was an okay movie. Don't remember much of it.
I haven't seen it either obviously, three months later it will be available for download.
My friends have probably all already seen it.
Well they say it sucks as social commentary but is an obvious Oscar contender for Phoenix
And I'd say the guy is pretty underrated, more power to him
I really disliked the Phoenix movie.
The X-Men one, right?
But the best of the best movies stand on their own, their message is so resonant and deep that even a mediocre performance by an uninterested actor couldn't ruin it, now couple that with the best actors doing their best sending these messages.
Is that what you're talking about?
Those are movies I'd like at the top of IMDB
Do you mind, I'm giving a speech here
@userr2684291 Ugh, not that piece of crap.
Joaquin Rafael Phoenix (; né Bottom; born October 28, 1974) is a Puerto Rican-born American actor, as well as a producer, and an activist, who has received several accolades, including a Grammy Award, a Golden Globe Award, and nominations for three Academy Awards. Phoenix started acting in television series with his brother River Phoenix and sister Summer Phoenix. His first major film role was in SpaceCamp (1986). During this period, he was credited as Leaf Phoenix, his self-given name. He later went back to his birth name, Joaquin, and received positive reviews for his supporting work in several...
Oh... Reminded me of that guy who plays Chuck Finley in Burn Notice.
At first...
Hmm, yeah, his role in You Were Never Really Here looks more so
He's the spoiled brat from Gladiator
The protagonist from Her
His performances are usually uniquely poetic on their own
He's also the only real actor in Shyamalan's Signs
Anyway, 3 a.m.
I've only seen Gladiator, and I don't really remember it.
Thanks for nothing, entertainingly yellow internet avatar. G'night
No worries. Get some rest, good night.
Currently reading another mystery novel (as you might suspect, 'tis the (exam) season).
I figure it's better than playing games and curb stomping noobs.
@userr2684291 ouh what games do u play :}

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