I flagged this comment in Japanese because the comment is written in Japanese, but no moderators deleted so far.
Isn't this against the answers to this question?
Or is it because the writer is a mod of Japanese SE?
@Chocolate Please do post only in English. Even if the author of a post could understand what you’ve written, the rest of the community may not be able to, which makes it difficult for them to know if a comment is OK or something that should be flagged.
@kauray I wouldn’t use “of” with “comprising”. One way you can get an idea of what words commonly are written after another is to use an asterisk after the word in the Google NGram viewer:
I am confused between usage of 'comprise' and 'comprise of':
This is what I know:
X comprises of A,B, and C. (Shows elements)
A, B, C comprise X. (Shows item)
But then, Cambridge Dictionary says:
The course comprises a class book, a practice book, and a CD.
The acc...