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@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ I like it how diligently you're carrying out your self-assigned, bounden duty.
9 hours later…
@userr2684291 Moving messages to trash is the second best thing you can do at 4:22 a.m.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ What, um, if it's appropriate, is the best thing you can do at that hour?
@userr2684291 sleep of course. Wait a sec, you were thinking about the third best thing, weren't you?
Actually I was trying to come up with something else.
I usually do my best coding at around that time.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Sleep? Wait, what? How do I do that?
I've only got 42 minutes left until 4:22 a.m. Hopefully I can figure it out before then.
@snailboat Can I ask a friend?
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ You can take 50–50 first.
@userr BTW, I watched No Country for Old Men. Pretty deep stuff.
Pretty violent and blood-dripping too.
I watched... Superman: The Animated Series, the two consecutive episodes where Batman shows up. Not very deep.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to read every novel of Cormac McCarthy
@userr2684291 Dunno, Batman's cloak looks like a very deep black hole in the animated series
How does he walk like that?
The more you stare at it, the more it looks like it's gonna drag you in
A black hole is featured in one of the episodes of that show I mentioned.
I'm a natural
Looked cooler than that foggy thing they captured not a while ago.
Next deep movie to watch: Prisoners
@userr2684291 Reminds me of MaulikV's frustration.
Native speakers of English sometimes overestimate their ability
Sure, you can speak it well, but can you judge it well as well?
Also, that reminds me.
Is "I have nothing to give them" grammatical? @Userr @Snail
Yeah, why?
@userr2684291 Hmm, so it "I have nothing to give to them" grammatical too?
Just asking, they don't need to be mutually exclusive, I know
Yeah, they're both fine.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Yes, M.A.R.?
You can't insert it into As you might be aware of, we're moving to South Africa. There was no it there in the first place to be ellipted, and it can't really refer forward to we're moving to South Africa. That doesn't mean the example with it is ungrammatical, but it's not equivalent to the original sentence and I'm having trouble inventing a context where it'd be natural to say it.
The bank robbery was committed using a gun, as it is usual these days doesn't seem like a possible equivalent to the original either.
@userr2684291 I tried watching that series when I was younger, but I found it very boring. But then, I don't usually like anything with Superman in it.
@snailboat Did you watch the animated Batman series?
Or Batman animated series.
Yeah, that one's actually good.
I mean, some of it is, at least.
I don't like most other Batman stuff, but I enjoyed BTAS.
It is kinda borish, and I like the Batman one as well, but I actually watched those two episodes because Batman appeared in them, lol. (The episodes also featured Joker and Harley.)
But I don't mind Superman, and that's mostly because I watched it when I was a child, so ya, happy memories.
@snailboat I made those sentences (patterned them on the CGEL ones) so as to try to avoid these possible-but-unlikely contexts. Idk why people sometimes say things like "No, the that isn't ungrammatical. E.g., if there were two That Seventies Shows then you could make it more clear which one you're talking about by saying the That ..." – I mean, come on now.
But what this user is claiming is different. And when I posted my first reply I was kinda hoping they wouldn't see it because they might sow confusion.
I've seen them disagreeing with (implicitly or otherwise) other native speakers on this very issue.
So maybe it's idiosyncratic or, given that they're in Canada, they might be used to hearing it from non-native speakers... I don't know.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Batman's cape once got stuck in some sort of... large printer or whatever machine, and he simply slipped it off of his head (and revealed his identity to miss Lane).
So I don't think that's accurate, but I'm not too interested in the whole matter to investigate it further, haha.
@snailboat What do you eat down there when it's hot (or just the usual temperature I guess)?
I'll take that as "we don't", lol. 'Cause it's kinda hot here and I'm thinking of chicken.
@userr2684291 Yeah, the key there is to be able to say it's ungrammatical in the intended meaning. Usually just ungrammatical is enough to convey that idea, but . . .
@userr2684291 I can't explain it. I just personally think they're wrong.
@userr2684291 If I'm too warm, I might have more ice water than usual. I can't really speak for other people.
I like spicy chicken no matter how hot it gets out.
Q: iPhone 5s has 5+ Gb of free memory space but refuses to take photos saying "Storage is full"; reboot works for a while

CopperKettleI have an iPhone 5s (16 Gb). It currently has 5.6 Gb of free memory space, but refuses to take photos, saying "Storage is full". When I reboot it, it does take photos for a while, but then again this "Storage is full" menu starts popping up. I've deleted all I could, there's now a truckload of fr...

3 hours later…
@snailboat but I thought u turned into a veggie 🙄
2 hours later…
@Man_From_India hey hey, healthy != vegetarian
I guess most of the vegetarianism spectrum is a subset of healthy, but in that you need to do them right to get results, they're not much different from normal diets.
@Man_From_India I just changed the 'a' there into an 'e' for you. Hope you don't mind.
And no, I haven't been a vegetarian for quite a while. It was the opposite, I stopped being a vegetarian.
@snailboat I actually went on a fish eating contest last month. A figurative fish eating contest
How does one win a figurative fish eating contest?
By eating fish for all the 30 days of last month
It's actually an over-application of doctor's advice
Tacrolimus is toxic, and fish oil is said to help alleviate the bad side effects
1 hour later…
3 hours later…
The article does make it sound a bit like AmE started out just like BrE, but changed over time. And that's true, but BrE changed too, and it changed more. Neither is like their common ancestor today, but AmE is closer.

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