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"This Person Does Not Exist Dot Com": Every time you load the page on the site, an algorithm generates a new human face from scratch. It uses NVIDIA's generative adversarial network, StyleGAN, to create a face that has not existed before. The network generates "a new facial image from scratch from a 512 dimensional vector every time you hit the refresh button in your browser."
1 hour later…
@CowperKettle Who knows? Maybe some of those people really do exist.
@Jasper There was a novel by Viktor Pelevin in the 1990s, in which Russia does not have a real President. The president seen on TV is generated using a super-computer provided by the USA.
Pelevin's novels are very witty, but I'm afraid poorly translatable because they are so entrenched in specific Russian events and particularities of the recent past.
@CaptainBohemian I apologize for any bad feelings I might have caused by my comment.
4 hours later…
Word of the day: moonmoon
A subsatellite is a natural satellite (or an artificial satellite) that orbits a natural satellite, i.e. a "moon of a moon", also known as a moonmoon, submoon, or grandmoon.It is inferred from the empirical study of natural satellites in the Solar System that subsatellites may be elements of planetary systems. In the Solar System, the giant planets have large collections of natural satellites. The majority of detected exoplanets are giant planets; at least one, Kepler-1625b, may have a very large exomoon, named Kepler-1625b I. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that subsatellites may exist in...
1 hour later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Email in answer (75): Article or no article. The word "Stage" by ops on ell.SE
@CowperKettle It seems that she doesn't want to come here anymore, but I told her this is a nice room.
2 hours later…
@Jasper I'm sorry.
For some reason I thought Cap was a guy.
Me too.
But that's an okay assumption to make anyway. 99% of the people I've met online were male.
Well, now that I think of it, maybe there were cases like this one.
Let's make that 90%.
@userr2684291 The thing is you don't know if a person is male or female. For example, I don't know about you!
99%? That number is crazy high. I think even if you made it a point to frequent only websites heavily dominated by male users, it’d still be a tad unlikely.
I don't usually use hyperbole like that, but I did there because I couldn't decide between like 95% and some such percentage. 1 in 10 seems kinda too frequent on the other hand.
@Jasper Seriously? Haha.
doesn't like revealing his gender
@Jasper Tell her that I'm very sorry for being inconsiderate at a time when she is in troule.
Hm... I haven't eaten for two days (here's me replacing them).
I had some pretzel sticks yesterday and some crackers.
I'm not hungry, though.
I think it's probably closer to 50% for me. I find myself in online spaces that are male-dominated, spaces that are female-dominated, and spaces that are neither.
> It began about a decade ago at Syracuse University, with a set of equations scrawled on a blackboard.
I think the male-to-female ratio here (ELL) is around 9 to 1.
Why not "at the Siracuse University"? It kills me.
@CowperKettle I think it is better if you tell her yourself, if you want to. Otherwise, there is no point in doing it.
@snailboat In mathematics, there is a dominated convergence theorem for integration.
@Jasper Why would there be no point in doing it otherwise?
> In measure theory, Lebesgue's dominated convergence theorem provides sufficient conditions under which almost everywhere convergence of a sequence of functions implies convergence in the L1 norm.
@userr2684291 If X wants to say sorry to Y, it is always best for X to say it to Y himself or herself. End of story.
@CowperKettle Lebesgue theory is not too difficult, but in many places it is done only in graduate courses, not undergraduate courses.
For some it's not difficult, but for 90% of ordinary folk it's like a brick wall.
You just need to spend a lot of time thinking about it.
A lot of Sitzfleisch.
@userr2684291 I see. I need to kill somebody, and get 20 years in jail, in order to have free time and not die of hunger.
That's definitely one approach.
Word of the day: Sitzfleisch
People in Russia love to grumble about the conditions that Anders Breivik got in jail by killing dozens of people. Better than probably 50% of Russians have by working hard.
Yeah, lol.
There was a user on ELU long ago called Tragicomic.
Word of the eve: Laplace transform - brain cells use it to encode time (a fact discovered in 2018).
I think it is good to mix some comedy with tragedy.
That way we get through pain more easily.
> In masks outrageous and austere, The years go by in single file; But none has merited my fear, And none has quite escaped my smile. (Elinor Wylie)
@userr2684291 It’s definitely higher than you’d expect for a language site.
But that's presumably because of SE's ties to Stack Overflow.
@snailboat Ah, yes. I was wondering as to why given that assumption.
I can't edit the message properly on my phone, but I meant it to point to the second reply.
Hi @snailboat would you explain why you prefer LPD to CEPD and RDP/ODP? Thank you!
@CowperKettle Many other transforms, like Fourier transform, Mellin transform.
@Jasper Yes, it will take a few minutes so I'm not doing it yet.
@snailboat Oh OK, I see. I thought you had accidentally clicked the ignore button on me. =)
I don't know if the OALD uses the ODP, but I found a couple of incorrect pronunciations (mostly oversights, by my lights) over the years I'd been using it.
@userr2684291 In case you didn't catch it in the transcript, ODP has become RDP because of the change in publisher.
I see.
I'm kinda hopeless when it comes to pronunciation, so I've given up on it. I recognize all the IPA symbols used in English and know what they generally sound like, but I don't normally rely on IPA transcriptions except perhaps in conjunction with audio examples.
I've given up on trying to perfectly imitate native speakers' speech, that is, not in general. I haven't started tapping in Morse code yet.

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