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Q: Ways to say 'get smaller', 'decrease in size' in one word

chumakoffWhat are the proper ways to say that something gets smaller (decreases in size) in one word? I am not asking about cases when what we discribe represents a measure of something (price, volume, weight, height). In those cases I know that it is correct to say, for example The price decreases Th...

Ways to say "Single-word requests make me wish I were dead" in one word.
4 hours later…
Hello, I need some in help in sentence formation
Try to frame a sentence
@RajatAudichya Hi! Don't ask to ask, just ask!
Yes I am trying to frame the question wait, It is quite complicated :P
@CowperKettle Dude, you're not supposed to take that stuff unless explicitly approved by the physician . . .
IIRC Tegretol was used to help MS patients
I just generally have a very negative outlook on drugs that have to do with brain.
All drugs suck, but some suck more than others.
Let me tell a scenario to explain my idea.

There is a celebrity who kept a certain standard look before he was famous(without beard) and then after
a while when he gets famous keeps a beard look. Now he is identified as a bearded guy.

Question:-how would PERSON 1 describe the celebrity to PERSON 2 in the future when PERSON 2 is finding it hard
to recollect as a lot of time as past by and the player is now history
and what would you call such type of scenario when you try to help someone recollect using a physical attribute in the future?
@RajatAudichya So basically person1 is trying to tell 2 that the guy didn't use to have a beard?
Why not just say that?
Then, there was silence . . .
Basically, the celebrity went beardless again and now I am describing a scenario poetically "that his standard look will be remembered as an identity to help recollect someone who has forgotten the celebrity in the future"
How would someone describe the quoted scenario poetically?
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ The silence continues. . .
I really wish there were more active users on this chat. . .
@RajatAudichya You just make it rhyme: There once was a guy who grew a beard, but realized that it looked quite weird, so took the plunge that we all feared, and with a blade his face he sheared.
I think poetical is not the word I was looking for :P
If I find a year-old, unanswered question, is it better for me to give an answer that I am pretty sure is correct but don't really want to research, a comment-answer, or no answer at all? A comment-answer isn't ideal, (ell.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/4903/…) but I feel might be the right choice. @M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ, seeing how you gave the answer, what do you think is better in this case?
I wonder if there is a shorter phrase of "accidental switching of samples" (when the wrong sample is chosen among the two for analysis)
негерметичность пробирок = non-leakproof-iness of test tubes
Is there a short phrase in English for non-leakproofiness of something?
@CowperKettle Do you mean something like spillable? That assumes you mean that the test tubes leak through the top when tilted. If not, how are the test tubes leaking in your example?
@JCover They are not leaking. The word негерметичность in Russian means that there is a lack of leaktightness in tubes. That theoretically, under some conditions, a tube may admit external air, or leak. This is a theoretic possibility due to a lack of full integrity in the tube.
The tube may even contain some non-spillable material, or even be empty.
Maybe it's one of those words in Russian that have no counterparts in English.
> Protein solution after keeping fails to conform to the limits
I need a word for keeping
Hm. What is meant here is that the solution, after its preparation, was "left to sit" for some time.
And there's a Russian word for this, but there's no English word for this.
Storage is too long-term.
> Protein solution, after having been left to sit, failed to conform to the limits.
Q: Is there a noun or a noun phrase describing the "let stand" part in "Prepare the solution, let stand for 10 min"?

CowperKettleI'm translating a table of deviations in a biotech manufacturing process. One of the sentences concerns an occurrence in which a solution was found not to conform to prescribed limits. Protein solution after выдержки failed to conform to the limits: the content of acidic forms exceeded 35%. ...

@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ It was 10 years ago, and I had discussed the issue with my psychiatrist friend prior to trying it.
It's basically not a very harmful drug. You only need to be careful the first weeks, that is, to monitor your blood formula. It can sometimes cause some issues with white blood cells.
I don't think mental counselors are helpful people.
in the past, consulting mental counselors outside university were free, but now it takes money over 1000 dollars once. I don't think many people would really consult them when they have trouble.
I think paying to visit mental counselors and psychiatrists are wealthy people's privilege.
@CaptainBohemian 1000 USD for a single visit?
@CaptainBohemian I think that they could be helpful, but I'd use them in conjunction with endocrinologists and general practitioners.
Because somatic conditions can affect mental function.
@CowperKettle over 1000 NTD. I forget the accurate number, may be 1200 or 1300.
@CowperKettle my mental problem is all caused my trouble in dealing with some issues, particularly accademic issues.
visiting mental counselors in university remain free, but I guess you need to hold a position in that university to visit them. But I would prefer to visit professors than them.
@CaptainBohemian Ah! 1000 NTD = 2130 Russian rubles. A psychotherapist in Yekaterinburg (cognitive therapy) charges the same rate. That's why I never went to him.
Because a salary of 40000 rubles is considered good.
And a salary of 30000 rubles (450 USD) is considered average.
So paying 1/15 of your salary for an hour is exorbitantly expensive.
@CaptainBohemian Jim Reynolds @JimReynolds works in a scientific medical journal in Taiwan, he might know places where psychological help is cheaper.
@CowperKettle I wouldn't have interest in visiting psychiatrists for personal issues.
I was offered to get into a clinic for 35K rubles per months, for a month. I did not want to spend that much money, and lose earned money by not working a whole month.
@CowperKettle Indeed spending money in mental counselors aren't really worthy. They aren't strategists.
resolving problems in differnt fields requires different knowledge. It's impossible those counselors know knowledge of all fields.
if I have money to visit a psychistrist, I'd better use that money to get a decent housing and take a warm shower every day.
a housing near research university is very helpful.
also, living in the concrete jungle is suffocating.
moving to a suburb can make mind feel better.
I think trouble mainly occurs when one has no position. When one has a related position, it's easier to find helpful people.
Which is the best dictionary for seeing usages of phrases and stuff like No sooner ... than
@userr2684291 thanks. Yes, this is that good dictionary. I had trouble recalling its name.
@JCover An awful lot of answers come from folks who're pretty certain they're right and never double check, and a lot of those end up being correct, if sometimes inaccurate. Also it is an old question, so a comment wouldn't bump the post and people won't see you posted it, but an answer might get it off the unanswered list, get you rep, and get itself evaluated by other members. Answering seems like a far superior option to me.
@CowperKettle How much money does an affordable psychotherapist there charge for one session?
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Apparently out of the ~5k "unanswered" questions, only ~2k are without an official answer.
~3k questions have answers with a score ≤ 0.
@userr2684291 The percentage of questions without an upvoted answer on ELL is higher than other SEs because I imagine there are more of bad answers
The "no one has so let me take a stab at this" mentality I guess
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Damn, really? We're unique.
@userr2684291 Isn't it much easier for (sometimes self-proclaimed) experts on this site to disagree on something than, say, folks on electrical engineering?
Sometimes a high school kid that has read Wren and Martin's grammar [sic] book considers themselves as an expert on grammar
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Maybe.
And probably half of ELU's >50-vote questions are filled with comments from this Briton claiming it sounds natural to him and that . . . Americon saying it's wrong, burn it with fire
Your gravatar is now indigo with a white background. I love it until it changes
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ That's okay. They're all single-word requests anyway.
Somehow such beauty might change into some olive green that reminds you of undigested cow poop next time you log in. Or I log in. Never figured that one out
I've seen a couple of single-word requests here on ELL recently.
ELL is the new ELU.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Nature is beautiful.
What is a single word for when ELL is the new ELU?
@userr2684291 Only the parts that don't go through a digestive system
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Everything eventually goes through someone's digestive system.
I don't get to see everything in my lifetime
BBL studying
@Jasper I think 2000 rub/hour is an "affordable" one. Maybe there are cheaper prices, but that might be for crap pseudo-therapy like NLP.
Therapy prices will leave you hidebound
Welcome to chat, Green and Blue squares.
@Jasper In the U.S. it can be quite expensive, but some therapists have a sliding scale for patients who need it.
Word of the day: sliding scale
@CowperKettle The cheapest I can get is about 2500 rubles for 1 hour.
@snailboat Reminds me of vernier callipers and micrometer screw gauge for measuring 0.1mm and 0.01mm.
@CowperKettle I do think sit is the usual term, often in let sit. I suppose it's a bit awkward in your sentence.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ ELL questions have been of a higher quality than ELU questions for a long time.
@userr2684291 Yeah, it's a bit weird because it seems like that's not precisely what unanswered means, but it does make sense since we really want good answers. We don't care if questions have bad answers. Unfortunately, voting isn't always a really good proxy for quality.
@CowperKettle This must be a definition of be safe I'm unfamiliar with.
@CowperKettle I have been feeling very bad, so I will see the doc for meds in about 2 weeks time. I will think about therapy later on, which is different from meds.
@JCover Just spend a few minutes, do some simple research, and then post an answer.
@JCover It depends. Comment-answers hurt the site. They show up at the top above real answers, can't be downvoted if they're wrong, and so on. People sometimes avoid posting real answers when they see a question is already answered in the comments, so they can actively prevent the site from working. So, is it worth the trade-off to you to do that sort of harm, while you're helping the OP?
You can help someone by answering in the comments section. You might be hurting them more than helping, though, if you prevent a real answer from being posted.
Of course, as a moderator I would prefer you not do it, but the site is the sum of the behaviors of the people who participate in it.
Also keep in mind that comments like that may be deleted at any time.
@snailboat Live and learn!
@snailboat By "to be safe" I meant "in case my symptoms were caused by some epileptic activity"
Word of the eve: ex juvantibus
Because doctors are horrible at diagnosis. When I started to have keratoconus, I was repeatedly told that my symptoms were non-existent. Intil it developed to the stage where I could hardly see.
mental distrubation leads to physical disturbation
I would say disturbance
ok, whatever you like.
@snailboat Eh, true, but do you really think most of them aren't satisfactory (assuming a satisfactory answer deserves an upvote)?
Maybe we hold answers to different standards, but I upvote helpful stuff even if the terminology used is somewhat objectionable.
> Following suit on this belief, Cage's music has nearly from its inception been an art of disturbation, aimed at the breakdown of traditional musical John Cage's Approach to the Global.
If the question is about terminology, however, which isn't infrequently the case, I do downvote dubious answers.
@Jasper I hope the doc helps you
migrating has amazing effect.
if doctors can help with traveling funding, they would really be helpful.
if you don't feel fine in a place, migrate to other places.
@userr2684291 I don't know. I haven't looked at most of them. ELL has too many questions for me to see all of them.
I do try to upvote even when I disagree with something, as long as the answer as a whole isn't horribly wrong or misleading.
I would use very few upvotes if I held answers to the "Can I find anything to nitpick here?" standard.
My profile page says I have 8,836 upvotes and 2,076 downvotes. So I definitely downvote a lot, but not as much as I upvote.
Yes, I looked it up, haha.
@CaptainBohemian It works both ways. Take care of yourself physically and you'll feel better mentally.
But I can't find that many things to downvote. I rarely downvote questions, I think.
I tend not to downvote questions. My philosophy is that although we want high quality questions, it's really not nearly as important as getting high quality answers.
I downvote questions here and there, though.
I'm at 4.5k up, 600 down.
@snailboat There is a saying in Russian, v zdorovom tele - zdorovyi dukh (in healthy body - healthy spirit)
> V zdorovom tele - zdorovyi dukh
Na samom dele - odno iz dvukh
Some wits in the 1960s came up with a second line, Na samom dele - odno iz dvukh (In reality, it's either this or that)
Mens sana in corpore sano. (:
"A healthy mind in a healthy body", says Wikipedia.
@userr2684291 I have 6428 upvotes and 175 downvotes.
I'm not downvote-happy
I'm downvote-uphappy
I looked up Damkerng's statistics and he also downvoted seldom.
16,667 up, 102 down, in fact.
I think it's good to concentrate on upvotes, but downvotes do serve an important purpose.
A lot of the answers posted on ELL are flat-out wrong. Like, completely wrong. Some aren't even wrong.
@CowperKettle Ah, I see.
some are even not answers to the questions I asked.
@CowperKettle Disturbation sounds strange. I checked the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA), and it didn't show up in the list of the top 60,000 most common words.
In fact, it's rare enough that I found zero instances when I searched the corpus directly.
I found it on google books
In books about culture, it's some kind of technique
A year ago I translated a text about industrial land rehabilitation, and there was the word bioturbation
Bioturbation is defined as the reworking of soils and sediments by animals or plants. These include burrowing, ingestion and defecation of sediment grains. Bioturbating activities have a profound effect on the environment and are thought to be a primary driver of biodiversity. The formal study of bioturbation began in the 1800s by Charles Darwin experimenting in his garden. The disruption of aquatic sediments and terrestrial soils through bioturbating activities provides significant ecosystem services. These include the alteration of nutrients in aquatic sediment and overlying water, shelter...
I still have my translation somewhere on the SSD.
Back to back with this text, I translated a text about reindeer population management, and there was the word electroejaculation.
These two words kind of became ingrained in my mind.
in Eslite bookstore, I found a lot of books translated from English to Chinese. I wonder who have that much time to translate those books. Maybe they are people like @CowperKettle.
@CaptainBohemian A tear rolled down my face.
@CowperKettle Hm, that's an interesting mental connection you've made there. I don't blame you, there's mass turbation usage above.
It was interesting that there are such projects in Russia to save rare reindeer.
It was really an interesting piece of work.
Translation can sometimes force you to investigate things that you would barely glance over in passing while reading.
> "My colleagues and I recently found a way to make gel containing live corneal cells self-assemble into the correct pattern, like a piece of paper that folds itself into an origami design."
Sounds uplifting.
I've been under a lot of stress since Friday because my vision suddenly deteriorated. I probably over-jogged in cold weather. It has only today gotten more or less well, but still it's hard to concentrate upon letters.
The curvature of the cornea must have changed.
It would be great to have corneas grown in a lab from your own cells.
People like me would be able to get a 100% vision and zero risk of rejection.
I hope my eye will recover.
I was thinking of re-learning programming. So, I could learn it, and after a single cold I can lose the ability to program.
At least knowing language I can try teaching language or interpreting.
When my keratoconus was progressing, I saw Matrix, in which you can connect directly to a PC, and thought "It must be a miracle". Not to see blurry images and have headaches from bad vision, but just plug in and have crisp-clear images directly in the brain.
> More recently, researchers around the world have matured kidney organoids by implanting them into animals where they can connect to the host's vasculature in vivo. "For the first time, our study demonstrates that by exposing growing organoids to fluid flow, a mechanical cue known to play an important role for tissue development in the body, we can greatly enhance their vascularization and maturation in vitro," said Morizane.
@userr2684291 On my newer accounts in the past, I made it a point never to cast any downvote.
A Yekaterinburg guy blew soap bubbles at -30°C and made photos
Quite cute
@CowperKettle If they can do that to mine, I might not need a newer kidney after all after n years
what I need is a warm shower facility.
not showering for several days really makes me upset.
@CaptainBohemian You need to try to find proper food, proper housing, and a proper position. Good luck.
@CaptainBohemian Do you talk to your relatives often or communicate? Maybe you should tell them that you're in distress.
you know there are position seekers on web but it's not easy to commnicate with people on web.
SE also has position seekers.
physics forum also has one.
@CowperKettle my home has a home head but she is miser who prefers not to shower.
actually friends are more useful than relatives or families.
if I have a friend nearby, they must let me go their house to shower. I mean real friends.
not the rabble on street.
@Jasper People do want to feel good about their contributions, and they want to be nice and for other people to feel good, too. And in a way, that's admirable. The goal, though, is to help people find good answers to their questions, and helping people feel good about their contributions doesn't always help questions get answered properly.
Unfortunately, people conflate being nice with upvoting, the same way they conflate being mean with downvoting.
@snailboat Yes, I know that, but because there are way too many downvotes on SE, I try to neutralise their effect. However, note that when I delete my account, all my votes are gone too!
And of course, people empathize with each other, so they do think about the emotional impact a vote will have on the other person.
I will make a perhaps erroneous observation here.
@Jasper If you do neutralize their effect, though, you're also getting rid of any helpful effects they might have had.
I notice that the users on SE who cast many, many downvotes usually don't know much about the subject, but think they do. =)
I see unjustified downvotes, but I don't see a lot of them. It depends on which site, though.
On EL&U, for example, there are a lot more unjustified downvotes, I would say.
ELL is a nice place though, not many downvotes.
TeX is also a nice place.
I don't feel any positive or negative emotions when I cast a vote.
I don't vote on people, I vote on posts.
I can't be mean or nice to a post.
@snailboat You are way too professional for me!
I do get emotional with votes at times. Sometimes I cast some revenge downvotes, but only once in a BLUE moon.
I also upvoted some users in the past very often when I look at their posts, but I stopped doing that long ago. =)
@snailboat Would that be considered a comma splice there? Would a semicolon be better?
@Jasper Nope, a comma's fine.
@snailboat And what would the sentence structure there be?
A semicolon would work fine too, but semicolons are a tad unusual in informal chat rooms like this.
When you join two closely related independent clauses which are short and similar in form, particularly when the two are in contrast with one another, a comma is fine.
@Jasper They're two independent clauses in asyndetic coordination.

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