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@snailboat 140 words per minute is a lot
You must be also not looking on the keyboard while typing
So it must be no different from home row typing
1 hour later…
@CowperKettle I mean, it's touch typing. The important thing is that you shouldn't keep your fingers on the home rows, because that's inefficient and not very ergonomic.
I don't think the speed matters a whole lot, though. The important thing is just not injuring yourself. The split keyboards are good for people who learned with that style because it compensates for the flaw in technique, and then they don't injure themselves.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ What about the potassium? Are you at risk for hyperkalemia?
I'm the opposite. I tend to be subclinically hypokalemic, so adding a bit of potassium to my diet here and there can help.
By subclinical, I mean the value sometimes shows up out-of-range on blood tests, but it's not low enough that doctors are especially concerned with it.
@snailboat Before his translpant, he probably was
Without keeping my fingers on the home rows, I would find it hard to touch type, probably
I was hyperkalemic the whole summer, and could not understand why.
But the elevation was mild
I took about 6 tests over the summer, and all were hyper
1 hour later…
Word of the morn: Jacksonian march
> Increased flow of reported deviations.
Does not look like English.
I'm trying to translate an explanation why an approval given by the Manufacturing Department was provisional.
It was provisional because some deviations in the batch of drug substance were not dealt with yet.
And this was due to "increased flow (load?) of reported deviations"
In short, the employees dealing with deviations were overloaded because deviations started coming in at increased rate.
But how to put that in English officialese?
> Increased flow of reported deviations, increased overall workload on subdivisions (waiting for analysis results), allocation of priorities.
I feel that this is a poor translation.
The original meaning in Russian is: there was a high quantity of reported deviations, and this delayed the correction of these deviations.
Furthermore, there was an increased workload in subdivisions (the divisions of the company that perform analyses of drug substances), and this has contributed to the delay - the workers who were charged with addressing the deviations had to wait for analysis results.
In this situation, the management had to juggle the priorities - and thus it issued a provisional permit for further processing of the drug batch into the finished dosage form, hoping that the results of analyses will return okay.
I'm at a loss on how to translate this in English officialese to make it fit into a table cell.
> Increased flow of reported deviations, increased overall workload in subdivisions (affecting the test result waiting times), reallocation of priorities.
Maybe a bit better
@snailboat I was at risk of hyper-everything since dialysis machines are so incompetent
A 12.5 cm long piece of meat functions exponentially better than a 1.25 m long machine that boasts the pinnacle of human thinking
@CowperKettle Maybe it is the stuff you read, but all your words of the day are weird. =)
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Yes, but it is also more fragile.
@Jasper Understatement of the day
@Jasper Not entirely sure about that
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ I see, considering the machine is made by the fragile brain. =)
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ What is the machine?
@Jasper Not weird! My words of the day are variegated
@Jasper No really, it's so delicate
@CowperKettle Dialysis machine
The Shigir Sculpture, or Shigir Idol (Russian: Шигирский идол), is the oldest known wooden sculpture in the world, made during the Mesolithic period, shortly after the end of the last Ice Age. The wood it was carved from is approximately 11,500 years old. It is displayed in the Sverdlovsk Regional Museum of Local Lore in Yekaterinburg, Russia. == Discovery == The sculpture was discovered on January 24, 1894 at a depth of 4 m (13 ft) in the peat bog of Shigir, on the eastern slope of the Middle Urals, approximately 100 km (62 mi) from Yekaterinburg. Investigations in this area had begun 40 years...
2000+ parts
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Is a kidney so long, a whole 12.5 cm? Wow
@CowperKettle The one I got was
Normal kidney sizes range from 100 to 150 millimeters AFAIK.
My little kidneys are 52 and 63 millimeters long according to a CT Scan
> According to the team's analysis, the average flaccid, pendulous penis is 9.16 cm in length; the average erect penis is 13.12 cm long.
The kidney beats the penis.
Word of the noon: pendulous penis
A kidney smaller than 80 mm is said not to have enough parenchyma for its most basic functions.
@CowperKettle I see anatomists do have a minimum of humor
Yes, and they know Latin
Latin word of the day: Lingua latina non penis canina
@CowperKettle Latin is so 100 B.C.
Is the use of "have" with birthdays natural? Like: He has his birthday in September.
Or :
How does it feel to have your birthday in December
My birthday is in December.
Or should it be:
I have my birthday in December?
It looks okay to me
And : I have my birthday in December
@CowperKettle Does that look okay too?
I have my birthday in December
I'm not a native speaker, but it looks okay ))
@It'saboutEnglish 9 out of 10 times, I would say "My birthday is in December" but "I have my birthday in December" doesn't sound too odd, and "He has his birthday in September" is probably even more natural and recurring. (I'm not a native speaker of English either)
−19°С here. Time to go for a jog.
Very sunny.
@It'saboutEnglish No.
Only My birthday is in December works.
The only context in which I have a birthday tomorrow might work is if the person saying it were some kind of party organizer. They could use birthday to mean "birthday party".
@It'saboutEnglish (Also doesn't work.)
hunger trouble
the worst thing at home city is hunger trouble
particularly during Chinese new year
on usual days it has been difficult to find food with sufficient amount with fair price here
i think food makers must make money no matter how deplorable their food is
because everyone has hunger trouble whether he likes to eat or not
i really hate eateries letting me wait long for their food
so I almost don't go to eateries which let customers wait for food for long
yesterday night when I went to an eatery, I saw several young men also eating alone there.
not knowing why they don't have gathering meal at home
maybe they also have a miserly home host.
@userr2684291 So if you were a teacher,would you use: Who have their birthdays in January?
Q: Have your birthday in December,Birthday in December

It's about EnglishSomeone was conducting a survey on people who have December Birthdays. So he said: 1.What does it feel like to have you birthday in December? 2.What does it feel like to have a December birthday? 3.What does it feel like if your birthday is in December? What should be used:#1,#2 or #3?

Chinese new year is the season for boss and home host to treat.
Someone(not a native speaker too) answers it and said that it sounds natural.
nonnative English speakers always create their own English styles, and nobody knows who is correct.
I say down with the natives! Who needs their advice! We are more numerous anyway.
We understand each other and that's the main thing.
From my jog ))
but nobody would correct others' English as long as the communication can progress
the best thing is having others preparing housing for you no matter where you go.
the worst thing is being stranded at home city.
that home host leaves the house dilapidated for eons but doesn't think it's a big deal.
I think her brain must have not evloved into humans.
only humans take shower every day.
only humans clean house.
only humans do the laundry.
@It'saboutEnglish You need to distinguish between natural and grammatical. Natural is what people commonly say, and grammatical is what perceived rules of the languages most people agree on allow, or what is seen uttered by a reasonable number of native speakers under normal conditions. As a result, something might sound off to someone yet be perfectly grammatical, and something some people consider so off to be ungrammatical be natural in some dialects
only humans cook.
only humans read.
@It'saboutEnglish For example, they way you've asked this question of yours on the main site, if I had to choose between those options, I would never suggest someone to use 2, but that doesn't make 2 ungrammatical. You might even ask it in some contexts from a native speaker of English and not get raised eyebrows.
Now 1 is definitely ungrammatical, and 3 is the most common variant. And learners should learn to stick to the most common forms of saying things unless they want to adapt their writing/speech to some special context or setting, which they would do at their own risk.
And finally, @It'saboutEnglish, naturalness is a spectrum. While it might be easy to decide in some cases whether something is so close to either of the extremes to be reasonably labelled (un-)natural, it's not the case in others. So if you encounter a phrase or an expression that's very, very uncommon but is nonetheless spoken/written by some native speakers of English somewhere, does that make it an unnatural or natural thing to say? Who knows.
We'd have to decide on a case-by-case basis
actually native English speakers are of too many races, so there are also various ways of speaking English which they feel natural.
I live in a land where all people speak Chinese with uniform accent, so everyone can easily understand each other.
the best thing is having public shower rooms everywhere.
though it's not as cold as Russia here, it's still too cold to take cold shower in winter here.
and I think the home bathroom merits demolishng.
@CowperKettle “Increase in reported deviations and overall subdivision workload plus competing priorities.” That may not be exactly the right meaning, but it’s as concise as I can make it.
@ColleenV "Competing priorities" is great!
I thought of "juggling priorities" but that was not officialese ))
@CowperKettle I have all sorts of business jargon in my head after 3 decades working in offices lol
@It'saboutEnglish The first one has a typo. It should say your, not you.
i think there must not be hobos in Russia in winter given the weather there is so cold then.
Homeless persons, yes, they die in the winter, it's horrible.
we have hobos all seasons because even in winter there are days whose air temperature reaches over 30 C, like today.
You have hobos where, in a large Chinese city?
There are people who scavenge the large human-size garbage bins near our house now and then.
yea, next time I will upload a place where hobos gather. That picture is in mobile phone but I am in computer now.
And there are still brainless morons in the West who watch Putin's channel "Russia Today". The money that could have been spent on the poor are spent on Putin's propaganda, and left-leaning Westerners lap it up eagerly.
The RT news network.. ewww
we have a bookstore opened 24 hours and hobos gather there at night every day.
some night I went to that bookstore and I could smell the stink emitted from some of those hobos even I was far from them. Originally I wanted to stay there for while, but that stink drived me away. I think if the government builds public shower rooms everywhere, we don't have stinky hobos.
that's good for not only hobos but also people passing by hobos.
That would be great
and I can also take a warm shower often.
how nice it is!
We have some bathroom houses, but they take money from visitors.
A banya or banja (Russian: баня [ˈbanʲʌ]) is originally a Slavic steam bath with a stove and has old Slavic roots. The small room or building designed as a place to experience dry or wet heat sessions or an establishment with one or more of these facilities always played an important role in the countries culture. The steam and high heat make the bathers perspire. In the Russian language, the word banya may also refer to a public bathhouse, most historically famous being the Sanduny (Sandunovskie bani). == History == A mention of the banya is found in the Radzivill Chronicle in the story ...
A Banya is like a sauna, only it's not dry-air but instead there's a lot of steam.
And there are public baths, one of my friend works as a masseur in a public bath
The girl whose photos I made while we rode on horses this fall.
And she does metal tray painting
Жо́стовская ро́спись — русский народный художественный промысел росписи кованых металлических (жестяных) подносов, существующий с 1825 года в деревне Жостово Мытищинского района Московской области. Основной мотив жостовской росписи — цветочный букет. == История росписи == История Жостово и жостовского промысла восходит к началу 19-го века, когда в ряде подмосковных сел и деревень бывшей Троицкой волости (ныне Мытищинский район Московской области) — Жостово, Осташково, Хлебникове, Троицком и других — возникли мастерские по изготовлению расписных лакированных изделий из папье-маше. Традиции этой...
It's a traditional Russian craft
> Zhostovo painting (Жостовская роспись in Russian) is an old Russian folk handicraft of painting on metal trays, which still exists in a village of Zhostovo in the Moscow Oblast. It appeared in the early 19th century mainly under the influence of the Ural handicraft of flower painting on metal.
looks neat
this is the view of Underground Street during Chinese new year's eve, when everyone is supposed to depart.
all shops in Underground Street were closed. So obviously those people were not there for shopping.
There should be free-of-charge bunkhouses for homeless people
last night there has been some shops there open and people started to appear then, but it was far from the prosperosity on usual days.
the biggest problem of lacking housing is lack of warm shower facility.
food is not as expensive as renting a house, but public shower rooms are only in some remote mountains or universities.
usually only graduates of a university know if that university has public shower rooms and where they are in the campus.
remote mountain is too cold to stay in winter at night
@CaptainBohemian Same for native speakers.
@CowperKettle Is she your girlfriend now? =)
@CaptainBohemian I used to watch Taiwanese dramas. Can be 500 episodes long.
@CowperKettle In the public baths there today, are men and women separated?
@Jasper Unfortunately, no.
@Jasper Unfortunately, no.
@Jasper I meant to say "Unfortunately, yes"
@It'saboutEnglish I don't know. I shouldn't have said anything, lol.
If there's a Biosubstances Site inside a company, what do I call the folks who work there?
Biosubstances Site employees?
Biosubstances Site workers? (Seems odd - they are chemical engineers, not wokrers)
@CowperKettle You already said the words yourself. Just call them the chemical engineers working at thw biosubstances site of the company.
@userr2684291 and @It'saboutEnglish I would say 'my birthday is in December'. Saying 'I have my birthday in December' sounds extremely weird and I would not say it this way, though technically I would not call it wrong.
@CaptainBohemian When I was 13 or so, I wanted to move to a mountain and grow vegetables and live all by myself away from society, but that was a long time ago.
@Jasper That would be too long for a table cell. I need a word after BSS.
With BSS as an adjective
> BSS personnel
I just went to night market to eat stinky tofu and taro yolk.
it has become so cold outside.
it's only 17.4 C now while in daytime it reaches 31 C as the highest at 13: 40.
food is such important; only after it can we work efficiently.
but hunting for food is so boring.
so I only want to hunt at the end of a day.
@CowperKettle I think in this case, employees and workers and personnel will all do.
the best gift for me is a heated room now.
@Jasper Thank you!
cold shower chills me.
lawnmower kills me.
> cold shower chills me
lawnmower kills me
my hind leg reminds a stick
who am I, reply me quick
@CowperKettle you could try “workforce” one company I worked for called us “workforce members” in all policies
@CaptainBohemian I hope you can find a place with proper food and proper heating, because I think these two things seem to be affecting you a lot...
@ColleenV Thank you!
@ColleenV An alternative could be "riot control"
@Jasper Thanks.
@userr2684291 Any problems with your Macbook Pro keyboard so far?
I haven't really tried it yet.
LOL, seems like you don't wanna use it.
I already have a laptop and a desktop at home.
Have you used macOS before?
I have a Mac at home as well.
Oh that explains it.
I guess there's nothing new for you to try then.
Haha, kind of, but it's not that.
I just don't... really need it.
I have never used macOS before, which is why I am so eager to try it.
I kind of dislike it.
But I realise that one day of trying it and I may find that there's nothing really special.
I used Linux and nothing else for more than 5 years before returning to Windows.
I used Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, Fedora, CentOS, openSUSE, Scientific, and Mageia.
I used GNOME, KDE, Xfce, LXDE, Unity, CInnamon, and MATE desktops.
I use Microsoft and Windows and 10.
This is what I have to say about Linux. It works fine, but it is not as fantastic as I would like it to be.
I like Linux the most.
But Windows is what I grew up on, so...
So how do you compare Linux, Windows, and macOS with an inequality <?
I am thinking maybe macOS > Windows > Linux, maybe.
I can't compare them like that.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Did you try previous Windows versions?
They have different uses, in my opinion.
@Jasper Sure. You're not an X-gen Iranian unless you've been frustrated about Internet Explorer on Win XP
OK. I usually don't say in my opinion, because everything I say is my opinion.
And Win 7 is still a pretty popular choice here
Because they don't have different uses in theory. They are all supposed to be able to do the same.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ I only used XP and Vista and 10. I have a feeling that 7 is the best version, because 10 is not really that good.
They ought to provide the same services.
@Jasper 10 is really that good; what you probably mean is it doesn't offer as much improvement as you'd expect from an OS that was released years later. Esp. considering the amount of new effort gone into sophisticated spyware
Like a bloody symbiote, integrated into every part of the OS
Hmm, symbyote? Sim-by-oat? Ahh there's one spelling the checker doesn't yell at
By the way, Dell sells computers with Ubuntu preinstalled.
And lots of their hardware is Ubuntu certified.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ I don't know. I didn't like Windows 10 when it came out.
I think Windows 10 is still full of bloat.
I remember the annoying notification in the lower right corner telling me to upgrade from my ... Windows 8 or 8.1 to 10.
Why do they give you so many different things to do the same thing?
@userr2684291 Well I don't like it either
Windows 8/8.1 (I don't know which one I have installed on my laptop) works just fine, even though apparently a lot of people hate it, lol.
I have to change some things in Control Panel, some in Settings, for example.
It has Android's "thou shalt not touch anything" feeling to it
Why can't they just give you one thing to change everything?
@userr2684291 Updates to Win 8 effed up my laptop reeeal good
Oh, I haven't updated Windows forever, lol.
I don't see why I should.
But my current laptop is the first fast computer I have ever used. Previously I used very slow ones.
IIRC it decided to update itself then
It was long ago during my dark medieval times so
My current specs is i5-8250U processor with 256 GB PCIe SSD and 8 GB memory.
All that plus Office 2019 for less than the price of the cheapest Apple laptop, LOL.
I think my laptop's processor is an i5 as well, with 8 GB of RAM. I bought it ... hm, 6 years ago?
Well Apples are rich in vitamin C and they're ripping you off for it
There are new processors every few months.
What matters is the clock speed and number of cores etc.
Yep, and I really don't know that.
But then again what really matters is the real life usage, not articial benchmarks.
And that laptop still does its job very well.
There is a 2017 Macbook Air worth 999 USD. Everyone thought Apple would make a 2018 Macbook Air with the same price. Turns out it is 1199 USD.
I would never buy that thing. What has Apple been selling the last 4 years anyway?
11.53 mm thickness?
They made it really thin, which is why the keyboard now has problems.
I would prefer something thicker but that actually works.
When they're focussing on that you know they're out of ideas.
Actually, you just need to update the internal components. They are introducing too many unneeded changes that make things worse.
Almost all the laptops they sell only have USB-C ports, so you need dongles dongles dongles.
First you need to pay for the dongles.
That's all they want, really.
And then dongles make the table look really messy.
I don't know why people compared the Dell XPS to the Macbook Pro.
Sure the Dell XPS has very powerful specs, but other computers have equally powerful specs and also look very good for a lower price.
I guess one thing is that Dell XPS comes with a 4K screen option.
But I think most eyes would see no difference between FHD and 4K resolution on a small laptop...
Of course not.
Also, I think FHD uses less power so longer battery life.
That's very likely.
I am going to sleep.
Good night.
I tried using Ubuntu 10 years ago and discovered I was too dumb for it.
I could not make it work properly
Surprisingly, it installed all drivers properly though.
But you can use it just like you would Windows.
I found its commands to be arcane
They're very intuitive as well.
I mean some weird text commands you use to install some package (I don't remember)
Yeah, I know what you mean.
KLMC -d -t -1
Somethings like this ^_^
sudo apt-get install tmux <- @M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ This is how you become The Cool Kid that chicks dig.
Also learn to use vim and grow a massive beard.
4 hours later…
And learn a Jacksonian march
Word of the day: all-points bulletin (APB)

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