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That is one big rectangle!
1 hour later…
@snailboat I was attempting a dull humorless answer )))
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ It was quite resourceful of them to be able to make a post while under suspension.
Hello @Lawrence.
@snailboat A year after the Old Old Year began.
Hi @Jasper! Happy new year.
@snailboat Don't worry, it worked. :)
6 hours later…
@manooooh Regarding your last question, it refers to the device. All in all, your answers look copied and pasted for the most part (I haven't checked them really...), while those parts you wrote yourself merely connect them, and some of them sound off.
@userr2684291 You changed pants again? Your gravatar is green now o.O
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ It changes automatically whenever I log in / out, which is often.
But yes. Green is the new black.
@userr2684291 Weird, I thought it sticks to email like glue
Nah, it's got to do with my IP.
Why would it stick to IP?
But I think it takes it only when I first log in (i.e. at the beginning of the session).
...because they programmed it to be that way.
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 1 min ago, by forest
It comes from salted MD5 of the email.
@Man's Gravatar has remained the same for four years, for example
Maybe they salt it each time I log in, lol.
Stop being so salty
Like, they re-store the email for some reason?
I dunno, maybe you're just special then
I'm not jealous
Let me see... I'll log out again.
I need to do some studying. BBL
It hasn't changed.
It's not that.
I just switched to another network and nothing happened. Well, that's still not enough proof that it doesn't depend on it, but there are probably other factors involved.
1 hour later…
@snailboat - I don't understand this.. "To adjust the time on one's mechanical watch using this guy's haircut"?
I had been googling to ascertain my understanding of this idiom:
Q: Set the watch by us

NrcI have heard in an audio book: We go there so often that the chefs and waiters began to set their watches by us. I am not sure If I write it well. I could not find the expression "set the watch by us" in the dictionary. What does it mean? is it a common expression? (I am learning English...

1 hour later…
@CowperKettle I think it’s referring to the precision of the cut. The hair makes a nice straight, unmessy line.
“Set your watch to” implies consistency and precision. The age of the speaker is probably a factor here. A short crew cut was associated with the military and discipline and long hair with hippies and drugs so it’s a little old school bigotry.
@ColleenV Thank you! I get it now.
I'm a bit slow.
I mean, a bit dense.
@CowperKettle I don’t think so! Not only is that an idiom, it’s old fashioned.
2 hours later…
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ hehe. I will whisper the secret in your ears. :D
By the way how is your health? And how is your study going?
@manooooh Re your answer #1, the "biofuel cells" don't extract sweat (from the body) - they extract/generate energy (from the sweat). Apparently by oxidising the lactic acid present in sweat, but I don't know enough chemistry or electronics to understand exactly how that works. All I know is you can light a torch bulb by connecting it between one copper nail and one zinc nail both stuck into a lemon (which crucially contains citric acid).
Poor lemon. Is UN in on this?
@Man_From_India Thanks, 12/10
1 hour later…
my home city is void.
@ColleenV Is buzz cut a common term there? Is it the same as crew cut or different?
@CowperKettle I went to the Dell store today and looked at the various models. I am thinking of getting the Inspiron 3576, since the fan issues can probably be fixed if I follow their recent fan troubleshooting guide, and since there are still a number of problems with my Acer Swift. What I like about the 3576 is that it has all the ports I need, and has a simple black plastic design.
@Jasper I would interpret it as the same thing. It’s a close-cropped haircut done with electric clippers instead of scissors .
Maybe a crew cut is a type of buzz cut though gq.com/gallery/buzzcut-guide-summer-haircut
In my dreamland now is a group outing typically held in school.
I didn't know one should say at University of xxx rather than in University of xxx until just several days ago.
I have written in University of xxx in academic setting many times.
@Jasper Yeah, I think it's a relatively common term. I think it comes from the buzzing sound electric clippers made at the time. I associate it with the military, but it's used in any context where you have very short hairstyles like that.
I mean, they still make buzzing sounds, but I don't know what the sound was like at the time the term was coined.
Word of the day: vitamer
A vitamer of a particular vitamin is any of a number of chemical compounds, generally having a similar molecular structure, each of which shows vitamin activity in a vitamin-deficient biological system
@Jasper Yay!
My sister had an Acer laptop
The monitor panel was half-unhinged, the keyboard was cracked, and still it worked and worked. It traveled to India and back to Russia with her a couple of times.
I also didn't know I should say "in Department of XXX at University of xxx" until several days ago. I always wrote "at Department of XXX in University of xxx" until several days ago because I had the impression that high school English teacher said we should write "at XXX (small place) in xxx (big place)".
Q: Was the wheel invented before the wall?

AJFaradaySo, this extraordinary claim has been getting a lot of publicity lately: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQKrfGCd7I8 They say a wall is medieval, well so is a wheel. A wheel is older than a wall. And I looked, and every car out there, even the really expensive ones the secret service use. An...

Trump of the day: a wheel is older than a wall
The Ljubljana Marshes Wheel is a wooden wheel that was found in the Ljubljana Marshes some 20 kilometres (12 mi) south of Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, in 2002. Radiocarbon dating, performed in the VERA laboratory (Vienna Environmental Research Accelerator) in Vienna, showed that it is approximately 5,150 years old, which makes it the oldest wooden wheel yet discovered. It was discovered by a team of Slovene archeologists from the Ljubljana Institute of Archaeology, a part of the Research Center at the Slovene Academy of Arts and Sciences, under the guidance of Anton Velušček. == Th...
3 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive body detected (44): Verb Endings. When to add 's' to a verb by Boyep on ell.SE

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