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Word of the day: instauration (restoration after decay, lapse, or dilapidation)
Hi guys
Is it possible to use a verb without will in the result clause of conditional type 1?
For example: If I come home late, my parents become worried
Is this sentence gramatically right?
@FarhadRouhbakhsh Please post this as a question on the main site, so that everybody could benefit from reading it.
I got my answer from the other chat room. Thanks
3 hours later…
@FarhadRouhbakhsh You're welcome! Come again!
News of the day:
> Australia Doesn’t Exist And People Who Live There Are Actors Paid By NASA – Flat Earthers Claim
1 hour later…
Better: If I come home late, my parents get worried.
@snailboat But in Conditional 1, we're supposed to use will
1 hour later…
That’s silly.
Use will if you mean it, don’t if you don’t.
In this case the distinction is aspectual.
The distinction is whatchual?
> "If I come home late, my parents get worried." -- this is a "general fact", i.e. Conditional Zero
In Conditional 1, we have to use will
> So will I pray that thou mayst have thy 'Will,'
If thou turn back, and my loud crying still.
By the way, Merry Orthodox Christmas!
Church near my house
@Jasper Hello Jasper! I'm the one who's almost never gone to ELL chat before! I think maybe I ought to be here more often, but it'll usually be around 14:00-17:00 GMT
@FelipeOliveira You might consider The Sounds of Japanese (Vance 2008). It's a detailed book on Japanese phonetics (with some attention given to phonology) and comes with an audio CD, and it uses IPA, but it doesn't assume prior knowledge of linguistics or IPA. Vance teaches you what each symbol means as he introduces the sounds and describes them.
The focus is on articulatory phonetics. In other words, a description of how Japanese speakers physically produce the sounds they make. That's the most practical, useful knowledge you can get.
A lot of linguistics is more theoretical and may not be of use or interest to learners, but I think a little articulatory phonetics can do a lot to help fill in the gaps while you're learning with your ears.
As a more general introduction, I'd recommend the late Ladefoged's classic A Course in Phonetics, in the sixth edition and seventh editions now Ladefoged & Johnson.
A Course in Phonetics has a good deal of information about English phonetics, but it introduces the topic more generally as well.
@FumbleFingers Welcome to the chatroom~!
@CowperKettle Hi. It's not really that I've got anything to say right now, but it occurs to me I might be useful to some of the learners here if they want to explore aspects of English that aren't really suitable for asking formal Questions on the main site. So I might make a habit of logging in here during my (GMT) afternoons
2 hours later…
A: meaning of the word "consideration" in context

CowperKettleWe can reword "over and above" as "besides". The author says that exercise has two sets of benefits: 1. It increases performance in sports. 2. It returns your body to its proper condition. We can reword "considerations" as "thoughts of possible benefits". Thus, In addition to all the th...

It is really bad? I'll remove it.
5 hours later…
Latino of the day: Nihil Nisi Bonum
@CowperKettle How can you say that and get away with it in a chat with Snail?
@CowperKettle Well the whole situation is kinda weird. An SE answer should ideally be useful for future visitors, and yours isn't, despite being helpful to the OP, but the main issue is the question is framed in a way that's best answered if the answer is specifically helping the OP.
There's also the fact that in the spirit of language learning, and ELL, as a result, help deskish responses are prevalent (better serving the guy having a language question well by helping than serving potential future guys sub-optimally) and the repository-oriented SE philosophy grows thin.
Huh, for some reason that sentence took some effort. I think I'm out of my word quota for the day. I should get to sleep so I can dream about flower reproduction.
@FumbleFingers Welcome to chat! People tend to be busy with real life these days and there's usually not much daily conversing going on to merit a scheduled daily login but I do log in every two days for an epic monolog such as this one
I don't even get to read Mitch's puns anymore. ELU's chat is one more chat to log into/onto/unto/towards
@userr2684291 That's so FAQ-ish. I'm gonna star it so I forget to use it for later reference
@NewMetaQuestion Convertation, that freaked me out
@ColleenV Hah, I hate backups and backups hate me. If I restore one of them some day it'd probably break more than it would fix
Besides the resources mentioned in the canonical post, you can also converse in Stack Exchange site chats about your favorite topics. Depending on the site they have various levels of activity and it's almost always a moderated and pretty safe and friendly environment. ELL has one such 'main' chat and so does ELU, and other SE communities ranging from chemistry to cryptocurrency. Feel free to look around :) — M.A.R. ಠ_ಠ 21 secs ago
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