@snailboat Thank you for the recommendation. On p.18 they say: "Context would help you determine whether those words should be interpreted as a noun and verb (i.e., 'The desert trains boys to be men') or an adjective and a noun (i.e., 'The desert trains are hot and dusty')." What a shame... It could've been a great article.
But seriously, wow. The conclusions, the part about skimming, etc., were all kinda expected (especially after you'd read most of the article), but I really liked it how they gradually built the big picture while spoon-feeding me the terminology. What a great piece. I'd like to read more such comprehensive articles made for the general public.
The Dursleys goggled at him for a few seconds, then Aunt Petunia said, ‘You're a nasty little liar. What are all those—’ she, too, lowered her voice so that Harry had to lip-read the next word, ‘—owls doing if they're not bringing you news?’
‘Aha!’ said Uncle Vernon in a triumphant whispe...
@Jasper You should always have a backed-up copy of your entire system disk (C: usually) for use in such situations.
I usually make a back-up copy of a clean system, a back-up copy of "clean system + all the necessary working software", and a third copy, updated each month, of the current state of the system. All on a separate USB harddrive
So when something bad happens, you spend 30 minutes on getting your system back. Saves a lot of nerves.
Ha! A thought has occurred to me.
Get out of that one! must mean "Now, try and get out of this particular situation! (It will give me pleasure to see you struggle doing that)"
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ I can't emphasise it too much. Hunger is the biggest hidrance to all works and functions, brainwork the most; I can't exercise much of my brain when hunger comes to intervene. Unfortunately hunger seldom spare me every several hours. It seems to never keep away from me if my last meal has been 12 hours away from me--even when I am sleeping, I would be waked by hunger.
so the best technology is automatic-meal-delivery every 6 to 12 hours.
because I seldom have extra time to hunt for food, particularly so frequently, and also it's so boring.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ hunger seldom spare me for an abnormally long amount of time.
If I haven't had a meal for 24 hours, I have started to feel weak.
and I feel going out just for eating is such a boring concept. I prefer to go out to do something I really have interest in and eat by the way. But in this concrete jungle, nothing interests me. I can't see a lake, creak, river, waterfall or a wood jungle or a starry sky here.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ I have heard some people from web who say they wouldn't feel hungry or weak without a meal for 4 to 5 days or even longer. They have to force themselves to eat in the unhungary situation.
I think this kind of person has some advantage--they can do things more efficiently. For example, if there is an important event in the morning, they can be engaged with it without needing to forage first after getting up. They can eat after they finish all important things or interesting things.
they can also travel for a long time in an area where food isn't available, like desert.
that's the biggest merit that a camel has while a usual human doesn't.
@CaptainBohemian 1) Very few people are at the extremes of the normal distribution. 2) It's undeniable that if you don't consume food for an arbitrary amount of time, your performance will be affected. So that lower performance isn't regarded as "weak" by those people. Doesn't mean they're at the peak of their performance
We're anxious to try it Three banquets a day Our favorite diet Just picture a great big steak Fried, roasted, or stewed Oh food! magical food! wonderful food! marvelous food!
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ so food is power. I used to tell others I use up unhunggry time when hunger hinders my studying science which I start to do after a meal, and they were surprised by my expression. But I just feel that way: the time I can use is only when I am unhungry, and it's not that long--several hours after a meal, I need another meal to get unhungry time agian.
@CowperKettle In this case, I thought using the Windows 10 reset PC function will always solve the problem, turns out it is not the case. I am not sure if a system recovery point would be different. It might.
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@Jasper Nothing short of a good backup is reliable. My husband had an incident where a piece of software he installed months before interacted badly with a Windows update and made all programs that used DX11 fail. Windows 10 seems like it can not ( or will not) completely restore the system state to a previous one.
^ on farewells (from 1982, but still relevant). There are a few transcription errors in the article, and the expressions aren't italicized, so you have to guess where they begin/end, but it's a fun read nevertheless.