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> How heavy do I journey on the way,
When what I seek, my weary travel's end,
Doth teach that ease and that repose to say,
'Thus far the miles are measured from thy friend!'
I don't understand line 3.
Even after reading the explanation at shakespeare-sonnets
2 hours later…
Interesting etymology
2 hours later…
I've never seen that word before.
Q: it ~ to vs it ~ ing

JnnWhen I first learned English, I was taught to use only "it ~ to" form as opposed to "it ~ ing" form, so I always thought the latter one is not grammatical. But I heard a lot of native speakers actually using the second form, so I wondered if it's grammatical or it's ungrammatical but allowed in d...

4 hours later…
@snailplane I came across it in Churchill's A History of the English-speaking Peoples
Hello every one!!
@snailplane what dose this expression mean the floor rushing underneath my feet youtu.be/yMHUlDuCxjo?t=3m2s
2 hours later…
We've just had a beautiful short intense rainstorm
> Как неожиданно и ярко,
На влажной неба синеве,
Воздушная воздвиглась арка
В своем минутном торжестве!
(The beginning of a poem by Fyodor Tyutchev)
> What a surprise of brightful blessing -
Upon a sky fresh-washed with rain
An airy arch was coalescing
To triumph and disperse again!
(my translation)
> See how it springs from yonder bower
See how it's lost that cloud yonside
And rests exhausted in its power
Upon this sparkling dome astride
Second stanza..
Word of the Day: yonside
2 hours later…
> In this parade of dreamy colors
What tender bliss to tired eyes!
Be quick to look: one soon discovers
'Tis but an evanescent prize.
Look - even now its tints are dimming,
A minute's wait, and naught to see.
Thus go all tints one's life is brimming,
By same avoidless decree.
Can I avoid the use of with: "Thus go all tints one's life is brimming with"?
I have no power left in me to remodel this translation further.
Good evening, @V.V. Nice big apple!
You know that they call New York "Big Apple"? (0:

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